Monday, August 29, 2016


I like having what is referred to as a "routine." But the older I get, the more I realize that my idea of a "routine" is not often attained.

Take this summer for instance . . . .

We spent June and July gearing up for the trip to Illinois for Kelsey's wedding. The wedding was similar to the year 0; we referenced all other dates by saying, "before the wedding" or "after the wedding."

Most of August (that is, "after the wedding") has subsequently flown by.  I had three days back at work before my boss was off on her own two-week vacation. (She just got back today.) So work was not quite routine for me.

This past Friday I had some dental work done: a soft tissue graft. (I have mentioned that before on this blog, haven't I?) So my weekend was very low key. I did manage to get to work today and put in 5 1/2 hours. I am still cranky from the dental work. I will be for some time — or at least until I get back into a good routine.

And as I look around my house, I see two rooms that can only be described as "chaotic." My tidying up project has a L-O-N-G way to go. But once that's done, I'll be able to settle into a routine.

Routine.... Yeah, right.


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