Tuesday, August 30, 2016

End of August Potpourri

My sister Kim's birthday was yesterday, the 29th... not her 29th, but as in the day of the month. Before I get myself in any trouble with her by mentioning her age, I do wish Kim a belated Happy Birthday!

Did you watch any of the Olympics? Lew and I saw most of what was on during the prime-time coverage. We really enjoyed the swimming and the track & field events. The athletes that we were most amazed by: Michael Phelps (of course), Katie Ledecky, and Usain Bolt (a major "of course").

As the Olympics were winding down, the Little League World Series was starting up. We love watching this Series every year. It was so nice to see the U.S. Champion win the World Championship game.

Another thing about the LLWS:  I would love to actually go to Williamsport some year for this event. This year the Maine champion was from Scarborough! If they had won the New England championship, it would have been agony for me not to go to Williamsport this year. Some good friends had a son on the team, as did the president of my workplace. But Rhode Island was the the New England winner, so I didn't have to agonize.

Did I mention that I had a soft tissue graft done last Friday? I will get the stitches out of the roof of my mouth Thursday morning. I am not quite counting the minutes yet, but I can hardly wait. I'll be much more comfortable after that.

Aunt Debbie heads back to Florida at 3:00am — yes, 3:00 in the morning. She will be going to Florida by way of Indianapolis. (Not the most direct route, huh?) She'll be visiting with my cousins Kathy and Wendy, and I think my sister Kim might make it there, too.

Derf writes tomorrow, so my next post will be in September. Summer, where have you gone?

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