Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Apple Cider Vinegar

(I conked out early last night and never posted on the blog. My dental procedure went fine, but it sure made me tired! I'm glad Lew wrote today. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

A miracle drug: apple cider vinegar.

At breakfast last Tuesday I mentioned my on-going struggle with acid reflux. I am all about a minimalist approach to dealing with it, so I try to stay away from the stronger drugs and use Tums when I need relief.

One of my breakfast buddies said that he knew of someone who had success with apple cider vinegar. I had not heard of that “treatment” so I did some Internet research to check it out.

Not only is it helpful for stomach acid control, apple cider vinegar is useful in dealing with skin conditions, cholesterol control, sore throat, hiccups, stuffy nose, weight loss, leg cramps, and the list goes on. Do a Google search because I’m pretty sure it will be helpful for whatever ails you.

I am drinking a tablespoon of Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in 6 ounces of water twice a day. No results to report because I’ve only been taking it for 2 days. However, I did notice that I didn’t have any zits this morning.

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