Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Motivation

(I think I will add "writing Saturday's blog post" to Lew's list of new routines. Enjoy this post by Lew!  ~  Tracy)

The only routine that I have adopted since retiring is going to breakfast on Tuesdays with my buddy Dick. For the last few weeks, Dick’s brother Bud has been joining us. Both of these gentlemen retired earlier in 2015.

Last week we sat down at the table and I asked the following question: “What is my motivation for shaving and showering?” Both of them laughed because they had just been talking about that subject. One of the brothers had been running a little late and realized there really wasn’t any good reason to shave and shower just to meet us for breakfast.

I’m counting on Tracy to give me a heads-up if things get out of hand.

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