Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Vacation Day #6

I stayed up too late last night to finish reading a book, so I got up a little later than I'd planned. Lew left the house at 7:30am to go eat breakfast and play golf with his BFF. I barely remember him leaving.
While eating breakfast I decided to see what movies were available on HBO On Demand. I started watching Gone Girl to see what it was like and ended up watching the whole thing. Although I will never get back that 149 minutes, I did learn something from the movie: I prefer a satisfying ending to a story. (I imagine I am not alone in this.) If I'm going to spend two and a half hours watching a creepy movie, at least let it end well. I read a few things online about the book, wondering if the movie strayed from the plot. Apparently it was pretty close. I probably won't be reading the book.
Lew told me he stunk at golf.

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