Friday, July 24, 2015

Tooth Update, Etc.

Dad had his root canal this morning. The local anesthetic has since worn off so his face is back to normal. (If I wanted to be funny, I would add, "Well, as normal as it can be." But that would be unkind, wouldn't it?)

He still has to have some further work done on the tooth. (Apparently the dental professionals "divide and conquer" these days, which probably also results in larger fees for all. Imagine that.) So, additional updates to come. Perhaps Dad will share more in one of his future posts.

Mom had occupational therapy and physical therapy appointments today. I went and sat in on both sessions. There are a couple arm exercises that someone needs to help her with. ("Someone" = yours truly and/or Derf.) The O.T. said that she will probably experience some pain during these exercises. I am wondering if I should invest in a good pair of earplugs.


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