Friday, July 17, 2015

My Sous Chef

I made a vegetable beef stew in the slow cooker today.  Mom, Dad, Lew, and I ate it for dinner.  The leftovers are in Mom and Dad's freezer for future lunch fare.

The stew recipe I use is really easy.  The only time-consuming task is cutting up the stew beef into smaller pieces - and even that doesn't take too long.

Unless you have a sous chef like I do.

My sous chef is small and furry.

I must have taken Marilyn off of the counter over a dozen times while I was cutting the meat.  (And then I had to wash my hands, of course.)  It took me several minutes to get all of the meat in the cooker.

The next time I make stew I may have to put my sous chef in another room.  But she sure does like to "help" in the kitchen.

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