Sunday, December 30, 2012


I went to a movie with my friend Julie today. Loved it, loved it, loved it!

We ate at IHOP afterward. Yummy! (I always want to type "iHop" for some reason....)

I leave my readers with two questions:

1) What movie did Julie and I see?

2) Why do I want to type "iHop"?

If nobody responds with the correct answers, I will add a comment to this post tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Wendy says Hobbit

Tracy said...

That was a good guess, Wendy, but the movie I saw was "Les Miserables" -- 24601 (the title of my post) is Jean Valjean's prisoner number! (Jean Valjean is the main character in the movie.)

iPhone, iPod, iPad -- But NOT iHop. I have to catch myself every time!