Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dad 128: Winter Weather and Sports

(The sun did show itself for a little bit this afternoon, but it was after Dad had written his entry. And it was so nice while it lasted. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From the very damp Northeast. Had some snow a couple days ago. About 3 to 4 inches. However, a serious rain yesterday that will end shortly has taken our snow cover away. I guess I didn't have to plow after all.

Just read in the daily newspaper that we received about 3.5 inches of rain yesterday. This beat the old record for the date. The previous record was 1.75 inches and happened over 100 years ago. I checked my cellar to see water was covering the earth. Not enough for the pump to come on, however. Supposed to get one nice day this week. Thursday will be sunny with weather turning back to damp and wet for the remainder of the week. And winter isn't even here yet! Good grief!!

Had a bad football weekend. Patriots were beaten. Score could've been a lot worse if the opposition had taken advantage of all the mistakes. Indiana family had no better "Luck" as the Colts lost also. Hope things improve this weekend. Don't we?

My favorite basketball team, the Boston Celtics, are in my mind a team that will lose as many games as they win. They are now 12 - 12 after three losses in a row. Will they make the playoffs? Only time will tell.

I see a "study" on Benghazi states a systematic failure at the State Department. I guess this is not too serious as all employees are still employed. I'm sure under previous administrations there would be cries to get rid of those involved in the failure. Enough said!

Just looked out the window. It is snowing again. No accumulation – won't last!

Should probably mention the horrible event that took place in Newtown, Connecticut this past Friday. Such a senseless, cowardly act. I don't believe there is a simple solution. Seeing innocent 6- to 7-year-olds wiped out is a sad, sad occurrence.

Within a week we will be celebrating the birth of Christ. Looking forward to Christmas Eve candlelight service. Remember the reason. A Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy the family!

The snow has stopped. The sun is not shining. Hopefully tomorrow! Please!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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