Monday, October 19, 2020

"Safe Reunions" Webinar

I left work early this afternoon so I could watch a webinar regarding "updated guidance on visitation for families with loved ones in long-term care facilities." Dad watched it, too. And although the webinar was specific to the State of Maine, Kim watched it out in Illinois.

Limited indoor visitation is going to be allowed as long as the county is in the right designation, which is based on the number of Covid-19 cases per 10,000 people in your county. Even so, the visits will be under the same constraints as the outdoor visits have been (scheduled, supervised, masks, social distance) with the addition of plexiglass between you and your loved one. So basically it's just like being in prison.

One of the presenters was an epidemiologist, and he stated, "Covid's not going away." He indicated there is a greater concern going into the winter, as well as a greater concern regarding the flu.

My takeaway from the webinar: There is no end to this in sight.

Let's pray for a miraculous disappearance of Covid-19. (I've been doing this from the start, but please join me!)

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