Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Slim Chance

 A few days ago I ordered a package of 12 Neck Gaiter Face Mask Bandanas on Amazon. I liked the looks of them because they are solid colors. They are probably not the best for the virus protection, but I wanted something different for the winter.

The package arrived today. I grabbed one at random to try. It was bright green. Lew wanted to try one, too, so I handed him the bright neon yellow. (Not my color, ha ha!)

I pulled mine on and thought, "Uh oh." It was okay around my neck, but was really tight when I pulled it up on my face.

Lew said his fit fine. He was right. His mask was over twice as large as the one I had.

So I pulled out the remaining ten, which all happened to be of the larger size. That means I managed to randomly select the only one of the twelve that was of a different size.

There are at least two ways of looking at my feat:

1) Pro: Maybe I could win the lottery if I played, which I'm not about to start doing. 

2) Con: I probably would lose at Russian Roulette.

For those of you that are concerned about my not being able to wear the bright green mask, rest assured. The remaining colors are quite nice... except for the bright neon yellow. 😁

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