Monday, September 14, 2020


Lew mentioned around 3:15pm today that he was going to the pharmacy to get a shot. I was working from home, so I took a break and tagged along with him.

I got a flu shot, so I am now sporting a red Walgreens band-aid that says "Flu Fighter."

Lew got two shots, flu and tetanus. (I am hoping he will do a blog post about the tetanus shot.) The pharmacist said it was fine to do the shots in the same arm, so that's what happened. Lew now has two red band-aids, one right above the other.

My arm is only slightly sore from the shot, but Lew is commenting quite a bit about how much his arm hurts. I am sympathetic, since he did get two shots in one day. He's a trooper! So brave. 😁

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