Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Appointment Tomorrow

I was scheduled to get a haircut in late March, but then the lockdown happened. My hairdresser called to cancel my appointment. She couldn't reschedule it, because nobody knew when things would open back up.

When hair salons were allowed to open again in Maine, my hairdresser texted me that she would be back at work the first week of June.

Not too long after that, she texted that she was going to take the summer off. She also said that any of her co-workers would be happy to cut my hair in the meantime. 

I decided to wait.

Last week I sent her a text asking when she was coming back to work. She's taking a few more weeks off and will start working again at the end of October!

I thought I would continue to wait until she got back, but today I realized I absolutely must get a haircut. I haven't had it cut since February, and it is starting to show signs of my neglect. (Actually, it's not "starting" to; it already was looking pretty bad... but I've been in denial, ha ha!)

My appointment is for 11:30am tomorrow. The place is not too far from where I work, so I'll just use my lunch break to get this very necessary task done!

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