Thursday, February 13, 2020

A is for Alphabet

I just remembered a post I wrote back in September called An Alphabet "Soup-er" Idea. This was supposed to inspire me to write blog posts more consistently. As the recent saying goes, "Epic fail." But now I have remembered this idea, so let's get started....

A is for Alphabet

When I was in the third grade, our class was assigned a writing exercise: If you could be anything, what would you be? (I'm not sure if this was the exact assignment, but I'm close.)

I chose the alphabet. As the alphabet, I could form all of the words necessary to write about anything in the world! Just think of the books I could make and all of the things I could help people learn.

Sometimes I wish I still had this assignment, but maybe it's for the best. My memory of it might be better than it actually was. But the concept was pretty good for a third-grader, if I do say so myself!

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