Monday, February 24, 2020


My income tax preparation tasks are done for another year. I did my parents' on Saturday afternoon, and then I did ours early Saturday evening. I am glad to have those out of the way!

A new gym opened in our town a couple months ago, and Lew is now a member. He's been a few times and really likes it. As for me, I will try to get back into using our elliptical machine more regularly. (I've been really, really bad lately.)

Yesterday was our fiscal month end at work, so a busy week ahead for me. One day at a time....

Mom's homework for today at rehab: 1) sit up for meals and sit up whenever she can, and 2) drink lots of water. I know that she sat up for her dinner because I was there. (I stopped in after work.)

There is a bird feeder right outside Mom's window, so Lew filled it with food on Saturday. The birds have discovered it! When we stopped in to see her after church yesterday, the birds were the first thing she mentioned. She enjoys watching them.

Tweet, tweet!

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