Saturday, January 19, 2019

Dad 446: A Survival Story (Part 4)

Derf Here! Still waiting for tonight's storm into tomorrow.

It took one week of IVs pumping antibiotics into my system to clear my blood. Thanks to all those who poked me to get this done!

On Monday, December 31st, the doctor and nurses checked with me to ask if I'd like to go home. Absolutely YES! Well, if I were to go home I still must take antibiotics for about a month through IVs. I finally agreed and they told me I must get a PICC line. I said "alright" and to the PICC line people I went....

The IV PICC-line is currently in my right arm. A line is inserted up my right arm (above the elbow) in a vein and goes across my chest and then down to the heart. This is why I'm wearing a pump 24/7 that pumps antibiotics three time a day every eight hours. I do believe my time with this pump will be up in about a week. Only then will I be able to recover.

Also, I'm a diabetic now!

Several other things happened that I haven't mentioned but I think you get the picture of my illness. This has been a reader's digest account. I may not have followed exactly when all the activities took place, but I did hit the highlights of my hospital stay. Thanks for listening.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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