Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dad 267: It's Hot!

(War and Peace update: 81%. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another hot summer day. My hometown of Sanford is in the middle of a heat wave. (Heat wave is three days in a row of at least 90°.) We've been almost there. It is hot.
Busy day today. Spouse had an occupational therapist appointment at 9:45 this a.m. Then got home and cooled off apartment, had lunch, and then replaced the light on sister Deb's cottage at Old Orchard. Sister Deb and Tracy sat on the couch while I was gone.
Will use sister Deb again tomorrow morning to sit with Spouse as I have a haircut and Tracy has an appointment. Spouse has a physical therapist date tomorrow afternoon. Then no more outpatient therapy until next Tuesday. We have enough to work on at home if we follow through.
Closing out the week Friday by servicing our car and trying to see why engine light is now on. Can't wait for the weekend.
It's hot and I've written enough! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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