Friday, February 18, 2022

A Business Idea

Dad, Lew, and I ate at the diner last night, and I brought home some left-overs: two dinner rolls and two hard-boiled-egg halves.

I decided to eat my left-overs for breakfast. I heated the rolls up in the microwave, put some butter on them, and heated them a little bit more to melt the butter. I then placed them on a plate with the hard-boiled egg. (Photo below.)

I showed Lew my plate arrangement. He said that I was quite creative and maybe I could go into the restaurant business.  I then came up with a great idea!

My idea:
  1. All food at my restaurant will be left-overs that people bring in themselves.
  2. I heat it up for them in the microwave. (No other type of oven.)
  3. Then for the excitement: I arrange it on a plate!

Pretty good business idea for a domestically-challenged gal, huh?!

This is supposed to be a bow.
It looks like a bow, doesn't it?

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