Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dad 494: A Trip to Sanford

(Dad writes today. Brief? Hmmmm.... ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The snow has stopped and the driveway is melting. Supposed to be cold now for a while. December is flying by.
My writing today will be brief.
Things are moving along on the homefront. Everything seems fairly normal.
I had Lew drive me to Sanford on Monday so I could go to the visiting hours for Rod Shain, a long-time friend. I was his assistant coach when we went to the state basketball championship in 1967. (Lost by two points.) Rod also was an original member of the Revelaires Quartet. He was a tenor but had too much going on to remain singing with us.
While in Sanford, we picked up some sandwiches to bring home and eat for two days. The best "super beef" sandwiches in the world. Also saw our old friend Foto, the sandwich guy. Lew and I had a good trip, resulting in good food!
Well, have a Merry Christmas and I'll catch you next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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