Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dad 198: How to Make a Door Close

(I think I understand what Dad did. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today from a fogged in Northeast. Sun should be shining through shortly. Then the clouds will come back and we will have rain later in the day. Still very cool here. Supposed to reach 50° by Friday, so our visit to the baseball field shouldn't be too bad. Ah – Baseball season has arrived.

Well, if you checked out this blog for the past two days, you know that we purchased a new refrigerator. It seems that it was slightly larger than the one we removed. As you now know -- if you checked out the previous days posts -- the bathroom door wouldn't close. I'm about to let you know of all the help and suggestions I received from family members as to the 'FIX'.

One of the first suggestions I received from Tracy and Lew was to hang a series of beads in the doorway. This was a suggestion from each, separately and at different times. Great minds! Then a more logical suggestion was a sliding accordion-type door. I recall using these about 50 years ago. Then to the suggestion of a folding door. I believe this is the only sane suggestion I received. But I still wanted to use our existing hollow door.

I thought and contemplated throughout the remainder of the day and evening for a sensible solution. In early evening, I had the problem solved. Would it work? I'd find out in the morning.

Well, the next day arrived and I put my plan into action. I removed the door by knocking the pins out of the hinges. Then, before removing the hinges on the door, I drilled holes where all the screws were in the hinges. This would serve as a guide to replace the hinge and also show me the depth of the side of the door. I decided I could rip three quarters of an inch off the door. Marking as accurately as I could, I then used my 40-year-old skill saw (all metal and a Sears product) to rip off the section. I then replaced the hinges without even cutting them into the door. Luckily they lined up fairly close and I put the hinge pins back and the door now just missed the refrigerator. I used the strip I cut off as a strip to fill in the opening on the refrigerator side. Then I repositioned the striker plate and success was achieved.

Only one more strip of wood is needed. This will complete the construction. Then a little painting and staining along with a new striker plate and I'll be happy and relieved.

I must let everyone know that we are thrilled and excited to have Kim with us at this time for about a dozen days. She will be taking over as a parent to Josh and Zack as their parents (Deb and Glen) will be going to the Cayman Islands for a few days. A trip earned from Glen's work as service manager at Patriot Subaru. Glad to have Kim visiting!

Enough for now.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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