Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dad 195: April Brings Spring Errands

(I think the loveliest time of the year is the Spring! Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another spring-type day in the Northeast. Two nice days in a row. April one and two. We actually reached 50° yesterday. The week looks like more of the 40s, if we are fortunate. Bring on Spring.

I have been busy today and I'm about to take a break from writing this to do a couple errands. I'll pick it up when I return.

{ Interlude }

I'm back.

Spent most of the morning outdoors. First I tried to clean up a little snow by the plow. Must admit that it was frozen solid and didn't move too well. Then I unwrapped my trailer axles and moved the basketball hoop back to the front of the garage. Continued on to take my plow off for the season. If we get more snow, it will have to leave us by melting in the sun.

After removing plow, I hooked up trailer to truck and proceeded to remove hand mower and go-kart from trailer. They are now in the garage. I was able to secure tractor in the trailer and took it for its annual servicing. Hope to have it back within two weeks.

Prior to my trip to drop off the tractor, I had to register the trailer and truck. The trailer plate was good through February. The truck was due this month. In Maine we can register trailers for two years. So it is good until February 2016. While at our town office I was able to secure, for a mere five dollars, permission to have a yard sale May 24-26 (Memorial Day weekend). Lew and Tracy suggested this event. Hope to get rid of stuff. Hope to have other families involved in the sale. The more the merrier!

I am using all of the above to shy away from my usual 30-minute elliptical ride. Anything I can find for an excuse.

I feel like an afternoon nap to prepare myself for the Celtics and Red Sox games that I will watch tonight. I don't plan on accomplishing anything else today so I might as well wrap this up now. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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