Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Dad 671: Growing-Older Pains

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The weather has been fairly good over the last few weeks. A little wet and rainy, but one does get a chance to mow the lawn. Also the temperature is climbing (although slowly). Summer, please hurry.
It is not fun growing old. We all are doing it....
Somehow around four to five weeks ago my left leg had serious pain problems and it was very bruised and swollen. (I remember nothing I did to cause damage to the leg.) I went to emergency care to check it out. I found out that I had no structural damage to the leg, so I decided to let it go and heal by itself.
Although my leg is feeling much better, it's still been swollen. I also have had an oxygen shortage. I went to my primary care doctor on Monday for help. I do have a weak heart (known about), but I am now trying to get rid of the swollen leg in order for my heart to work better. Hopefully the medication my doctor prescribed takes care of this. If the O2 doesn't improve, I may have to take O2. But I think I have started on the path of correction. My leg seems to be smaller.
It is not fun growing old.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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