Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Dad 617: A Fall in Spring

(Dad writes today. The answer to the "more alert" question is "yes." ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! A cloudy, dark day today here in the Northeast. Not the warm sunny day that we wish for. Can't do anything about it. It is the weather, you know.
Lou had another fall yesterday. She has a large bruise on the left side of her face. I understand she went from her activity area to her room by herself, and then was going to transfer herself back to her bed. (This should not happen. She should not be alone roaming about in her chair.)
Tracy and I spent yesterday afternoon with Lou as usual. She was quite sleepy, and I think she had a concussion. We will find out this afternoon if she is more alert.
This is the one thing that scares me. She is strong and doesn't seem to remember not to try things alone. She needs constant watching.
Tune in next week for an update.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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