Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dad 584: Gowning Up

(It's Wednesday, so you know what that means! Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! I believe today and yesterday may be the best two days we've had in a row for many months. Beautiful temps (70+) with very low humidity. However, we have rain coming in tonight.
I am, once again, listening to the news while writing this. It seems that we are at a pivotal point in our country. Gavin Newsom may be recalled. I hope he is, but I don't believe he has any worries. The president is being asked to stay away from ceremonies for the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. I'm sure that he will try for a victory lap over the Afghanistan foul-up. He should go to Afghanistan and celebrate with his "friends." They should accept him, along with his gift of an army awarded to them in the form of our war assets. A great donation to the terrorists.
Mary Lou continues to receive us as daily visitors. We had to miss one day (Saturday), but have been allowed in after that day. We now visit her dressed like people ready for a Moon landing. We wear gowns, masks, and shields. It makes no sense to me as we are with no other people, but we remain quiet so as not to upset the wonderful people in power.
Done for today!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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