Sunday, July 12, 2020

It's Mom's Birthday!

Dad, Lew, and I sang "Happy Birthday" to Mom while we stood outside her window this afternoon. We were on the phone with her, so she was able to hear us quite well.

She told me she got birthday gifts from some of the people at the center. She said she had cake, although I'm not sure if it was birthday cake.

I dropped off a gift for her on Thursday morning, but they haven't given it to her yet. They wait at least 48 hours before bringing new items to a resident. Plus, it's the weekend, so fewer staff are working. Hopefully they'll get the gift to her tomorrow.

The gift? A framed drawing of a cardinal! The drawing was done by my friend Shae. (My contribution is the frame. 😏)  I took the picture below before I added the frame. I hope Mom will enjoy it!

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