Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dad 522: Fill Tooth, Fill Birdfeeder

(Squirrels need to eat, too!!! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another beautiful day in a row. Just a nice summer day. We'll take more!
Chipped a tooth last week and had to get an appointment for a filling. Only by appointment as my dentist is not taking regular patients due to the COVID-19. Well I went in at noon today and waited outside for the previous patient to leave. They then cleaned up the room and called me in. Was able to get a filling without a needle. I always try not to take the needle. Only felt a small pain a couple times. Must now not chew for the rest of today. Trying not to.
Stopped to see Mary Lou today and saw three squirrels on her birdfeeder. The squirrel cap had slid down again. I filled the feeder for the third day in a row. I will try to fix it to be squirrel-proof this evening. Probably won't work!
Two of Spouse's friends were outside and if Spouse had gone when she should have, she would have been outside with them. It started to sprinkle. They went in and I went home!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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