Saturday, June 29, 2019

Lew's Logbook: ML&R Closes

(Lew writes today. Many thanks to Debbie & Glen for joining us this morning. ~ Tracy)

The idiom goes back over 800 years, but — like OT Proverbs — remains true today: “All good things must come to an end.”

Tracy and I have been going to the same restaurant for breakfast almost every Saturday for as long as we’ve been married — almost 19 years. (I was going there on a regular basis before we even met.) We meet with our friends Dick and Carole and sometimes some other guests (usually relatives). I have also been meeting there with three other retired guys on Tuesdays for years. The amount of home fries that I have consumed there would fill a dump truck.

The owner has decided she has had enough and is closing the business and selling the building. The owner’s daughter has been our waitress all these years. She does not want to take over.

Today was our last breakfast. Lots of people are very sad to see it close and the place was packed this morning. Sunday (tomorrow) is the last day of operation.

Below is a picture with our server and friend. We will stay in touch. We’re friends on Facebook.  😊

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