Saturday, July 9, 2016

Lew's Logbook: What To Do?

(Lew shares on this rainy Saturday in Southern Maine. Enjoy!  ~ Tracy)

On July 4th my brother-in-law Glen and I were making plans for the following Thursday. He was on vacation and I’m available so we thought we would get together and do something fun.

I knew it was going to be fun because Glen is a fun guy and I’m blessed to have him as my B-I- L.

Our options were to go golfing, go to the range (we both belong to a shooting club), or hop on our motorcycles and ride up to Naples and have nachos at Rick’s Café. I would call this an embarrassment of riches.

We ended up at the range because of the weather and had a great time honing our shooting skills. Then we followed that with a stop for gourmet burgers.

People ask me all the time how I like retirement.... See above.


Unknown said...

What kind of shooting do you do? Ray likes to shoot sporting clays.

Lew said...

I target shoot mostly. I have a pistol and long gun that I use. We belong to a really nice club here in Scarborough that is 10 minutes away from the house. My goal is to become more proficient with the pistol. Takes practice. Glen is a really good shooter.