Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lew's Logbook: R.V. Miracle

(Lew writes today. I echo his thanks! ~ Tracy)

Thank You, God.

So we’re going on this trip to Illinois in an R.V. The only vehicle we could find required a 2-hour drive to Massachusetts. That would mean, with all of the paperwork involved, about 10 hours just to pick up and return. We were not thrilled with this arrangement but it was the best we could do.

However, there is a person that both Fred and Glen know who has a nice R.V. that he does not often use. He was asked if he would consider renting it to us for a week but he didn’t seem receptive to the idea.

I was somewhat anxious regarding our trip to Massachusetts, so I started praying about it. God seemed to say that it would be okay and I began to accept the idea of our arrangement.

Thursday night Glen received a call from the gentleman he knows with the nice R.V. He had thought about it and decided that we could take it for the week if we were still interested. YES!! This vehicle is literally a mile away.

Nicer R.V., less $$, and so many obstacles removed.

Again.... Thank You, God.

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