Saturday, December 10, 2022


Today I learned more about soccer, courtesy of my father. We were watching the last part of the England/France game while visiting Mom, and I asked him what an "offside" is. (I knew it had something to do with a player being in a certain position on the field, but that was the extent of my knowledge.)

My still-somewhat-limited understanding of "offside" is as follows: While on offense at your opponent's end of the field, make sure there is a defensive player (in addition to the goalie) between the goal and you before your teammate kicks the ball to you. Otherwise you are offside. The purpose of the offside rule is to keep a player from hanging around the goal waiting for a long pass from a teammate, which probably would result in an easy goal. (But after watching some of the World Cup, I think more goals would be a good thing. LOL!)

Please do not quote me on the offside rule. Ask my dad instead.

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