Sunday, March 6, 2022

Weekend Words

Basketball. Dad and I watched the Maine High School State Championship games on Friday night and all day Saturday.  Five classes for both boys and girls, so that was a lot of basketball!  Fun.

Bowling. The PBA bowling season is in full swing. Lew watches a lot of the preliminary rounds for each tournament on FloBowling. We both watch the televised finals. Today was a doubles' final, and the guys we were rooting for won!

Mom.  Even with all of the sports to watch, Dad and I still made our daily trips to visit Mom at the nursing home.  She loves our visits and so do we.

Cookies.  Dad buys delicious chocolate cookies at the grocery store and I eat my fair share of them. I must stop doing this if I want to continue to fit into my clothes, ha ha!  I say to Dad, "Why did I just eat that cookie?" and then we both agree it is due to the yumminess.

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