Sunday, March 29, 2020

The March Madness of 2020: III

Madness. Madness as in angry. Madness as in crazy. We're all feeling it.

My workplace is still functioning as normal, so I am still going to work during the week. But the social distancing recommendation has been extended until the end of April, so I don't know how much longer I'll be heading into the office. I'm bringing my work laptop home every night, just in case.

Mom is still at Pine Point Center. They had a case of COVID-19 there, and that person is now in the hospital. Mom had been able to leave her room in her wheelchair, but now they won't allow her to. Please pray for Mom. Thanks.

Kim and Kaelen are still here. It has been nice to have them around during this unprecedented time.

The next blog post will probably be Dad's on April 1st.

With April, my "March Madness" title will change to "April Angst".... Seems appropriate.

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