Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dad 506: ZOOM-ing Along

(Since Dad wrote today's post, there were two additional video chats with Mom! The app we are using is ZOOM Cloud Meetings. Thank you for praying for Mom. Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Kind of lousy weather, but no storms to shovel and our grass is not covered with snow. Ten minutes of spring tomorrow and then spring full-time on Friday. Not very warm at 46°.
Spouse (Mary Lou) is still in rehab at Pine Point Center. Probably the best place for her on a health basis with the coronavirus.
Still can't visit Spouse as they are in lockdown. My technicians (Lew, Tracy, Kim, and Kaelen) have got us hooked up so we can talk and see her daily. I think there is a name for this but I know nothing about modern technology! I'm like Sergeant Schultz!
We spoke to Spouse twice today, and Lew went to fill the bird feeder outside her window. She has several birds that visit her daily to partake of her feeder goodies.
Miss sitting with Spouse daily, but we'll get through this with the help of God! Keep your prayers coming! Thanks.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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