Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Summery Saturday Summary

It's been a busy, happy week!

As I wrote earlier, Lew and I started out by celebrating Adam's birthday on Monday. Here's a fairly recent photo of the birthday boy:

Adam's arm is all better, by the way!

Adam's big birthday bash was this afternoon. Here's a photo of all the kids playing in the bouncy house/water slide:

Don't see any kids? They're all inside the bouncy house!

This morning I went to the beach with Kim, Debbie, and Bode. I took the obligatory photo of my feet while sitting on the beach:

That's Kim, Debbie, and Bode on the water's edge.

A close-up of one of my beach mates!

"I'm all muscle!"

My cousin Gina and her granddaughter Haley arrived Thursday night, so last night we had a big family gathering at the house. I think there were 20 of us total: Mom, Dad, Gina, Haley, Kim, Joe, Kaelen, Kelsey, Zachariah, Bode, Debbie, Glen, Matt, Emily, Eli, Adam, Wayne, Rylie, Lew, and me. (Josh and Zack, we missed you!) Here's a photo of part of the clan:

Left side: Haley, Gina, and Adam.
Right-side: Lew, Eli, and Rylie. 

I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday.  I'm taking a mini-vacation....

YES! I'm on vacation! 😎

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