Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Really Fun Day

Lew says that yesterday will be a day that lives in infamy....

I had a colonoscopy.

My first one was just over five years ago. No difficulties with the prep that time, nor with the test itself. My troubles came after the procedure. (You can read about it by clicking HERE.)

I was not as fortunate with the prep this time. The prep used Milk of Magnesia. I was able to get through all of the phases of the prep except for the very last step. Why? Well, let's just say that things started to come out of the wrong end around 8:00PM Sunday evening... so I'm now pretty sure that my body does not tolerate Milk of Magnesia.

I tried to sip some water and/or ginger ale a couple times overnight and early yesterday morning. Nothing would stay down. It was not pretty.

I spoke with the doctor's office around 7:15AM and they said to still come even though I had not completed the prep. So with my head hanging over a green vomiting bag (thank you, Mom!), Lew drove me to the facility. My ability to stay vertical went downhill quickly, but the nurses soon got me onto a stretcher and began pumping fluids into me. One nurse (an angel, I think) put a cold cloth over my forehead and eyes. And by some miracle, the doctor was able to complete the entire colonoscopy. Apparently everything had come out okay, and all was well.

I am still very tired from the ordeal, but I am feeling much, much, much, much, much better today.

Gotta run... it's time for dinner!

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