Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Dad 680: Don't Walk This Way

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another nice day with temps around 70 degrees. Don't need A/C today. Open the windows!

Yesterday I saw my foot doctor after a one-week interval. I had not been behaving throughout the week. I did too much walking around on my foot. So I'm paying for it now.  The dressing on my foot needs to be changed daily; Lew is helping with that and changed it today. Also, I have been put on a 10-day antibiotic to get rid of the infection in my red foot. It seemed to be working today; the foot looks better. But if it doesn't work, I might have to go to the E.R. I'm trying to be good and not walking so much. I'll keep you posted.

Zach, Kelsey, Bode, and the new star Boston left for their home in Illinois yesterday. Should be back soon as they made Cleveland yesterday. Joe, Kim, and Kaelen will be hitting the road on Monday. That will also be my sister Deb's birthday. I won't tell her age, but she is younger than I am.

Enough info for today, so I'm done.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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