Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dad 513: Kim Makes a Purchase

(So proud of Kim's accomplishment. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another fairly bright spring day, but the temperature is a cool 50°. Please warm up the air! Thanks!
A historic day today. Kim is all excited because she was able to finally buy a thermometer. She has been trying to purchase one since arriving here for a two-week visit. Her visit, however, has lasted from March 6th to her scheduled leaving this Friday (May 8th). It has been a visit with many twists and turns.
When are our "super smart" governors going to allow our workers to get back to work? Soon, I hope!
We still have to go and see Spouse through her window while we stand outside in cool weather. Spouse was quite happy today as they got several residents outside. She has a couple of friends whom she travels about with in their chairs. They also enjoy playing games, using their physical abilities as well as their brains. Sure will be glad to get to hold Spouse's hand again. Maybe soon if our state leaders get back in the real world. We are ready!
Complaining done for today.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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