Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dad 456: A Tale of Two Kitties

(Cats rule! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here!
Looking outside from inside, one would think Spring is here. It looks great outside. But it is still cold out. Below freezing nightly and just above freezing during the day. It will be changing soon, I hope!
Lew and Tracy are out around town, so I just went and coaxed Jerry to come and visit. He subsequently left his chair and came for a visit. While I write this he is sitting on our heater (monitor). This seems to be a spot that both cats (Jerry and Marilyn) like; they will lie down and sleep for hours. I even turn on the light next to the heater so they will feel warmer. And because the lampshade is broken, I can lift up one end for more warmth. Anything for the two cats that run the household.
Marilyn can open our clothes closet (sliding doors) and will crawl up top and stay for hours hidden in the closet. Today she is upstairs on a bed or in her cubby. They both have their favorite spots. They are in charge, you know!
Enough about Lew and Tracy's kitties. (Jerry just left the heater and is sitting behind me on the couch.)
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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