Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Another Day, Another Dollar

I really enjoy my two-days-a-week work schedule, but I have agreed to add a third day for the time being. There are some big changes ahead in software and work volume, so I need to help get everything situated. Maybe once things are going smoothly I'll be able to go back to only two days.

I hope I am not being too optimistic about things ever going smoothly, ha ha!

My officemate will still be two days, and I will miss her on the day she's not there. We work well together and we think a lot alike. In fact, we had to take a brief quiz on "phishing" and we both missed only one question — and it happened to be the same one, for the same reason!

On a completely different subject, I think I am rooting for the Buffalo Bills to win this post-season. I hope that I didn't just jinx them!

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