Friday, June 28, 2024

You Saw What You Saw

Kim, Joe, Kaelen, and Cocoa arrived yesterday. They were happy to have the long drive from Illinois completed! Kaelen is staying in our guestroom. Her parents and the dog are staying at Debbie's house until the "little camp" (as the family calls it) is ready next week.

Last night I watched the presidential debate. It was... umm... interesting. Lew and I watched a little bit of the post-debate analysis. After the initial shock, the spin machine kicked in. I encourage everyone to read the short story The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen. Prescient.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dad 720: Coming East

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another beautiful morning in the Northeast. Temps in the low 80s and rising. Summer is here! We'll take it.
This will be a short blog post. The rest of the day will be spent by me thanking the Kents Hill School Class of 1964 for the invitation to their reunion on June 8th. We (my daughter Deb and son-in-law Glen) were welcomed to Kents Hill for a day a remembrance and reacquaintance with long time ago students (only a few years younger than I am). We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and the accomplishments of the school as the campus has expanded to a very large area with several buildings, etc. So I had better get started on my e-mail to Dick and Joanne O'Connor.
That's all for you except...
Kim, Joe, and Kaelen are on the road today from Illinois. They will be here tomorrow. Exciting times for all!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Two Champions

Last night was a busy sports night with the deciding games of the Men's College World Series and the NHL Stanley Cup.

The Tennessee Volunteers won the national title in baseball. The Vols were the number one seed in the tournament, which hasn't always been a good thing. In fact, the last time the top seed won was in 1999. What's even more amazing to me is that 1999 was 25 years ago! How did that happen? 

The Florida Panthers won the hockey game. They won the first three games of the best of seven series. Piece of cake, right? Well, they lost the next three games, and had to win a deciding game seven. Which they did. I didn't listen to any post-game interviews, but I imagine the Panthers players were all thinking, "Phew!"

Congratulations to both teams. I didn't really follow either during the regular season, but I do enjoy a good tournament!


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Another Scorcher

It was the perfect day to stay in the house... in rooms with A/C units.

I went outside to put outgoing mail in the mailbox and went once more to retrieve the delivered mail. It was very, very hot.

I caught up on some paperwork, did some reading, and did some relaxing. 

The outside temp is supposed to be more tolerable tomorrow, so maybe I'll do some laundry.  The good thing about laundry is that it will still be there later... like magic.

Stay cool, everyone!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Dad 719: Hot and Busy

(Dad writes today. We will be running the A/C tonight. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Very warm day in the Northeast. Temp is around high 80s and low 90s. Because it is hot, this will be short!
Well, I've had two weekends in a row that have had busy Saturdays.
On June 8th I spent the day at the Kents Hill School Reunion. Check out my post from last week.
This past Saturday (the 15th) Tracy and I attended a ceremony to dedicate memorial patio bricks at the Hospice House in Scarborough. There were 99 bricks being dedicated in memory of those who recently passed away. The bricks were engraved (Mary Lou's has "1938 - 2023" below her name) and inserted into the patio as part of the Hospice's "Trail of Memories." It was a busy place and we were happy to honor Mary Lou in this way.
I'm done writing for the day!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Mediocre Lunch Break

When I scheduled my next dental cleaning several months ago, I was not working on Mondays.

I am now working on Mondays.

My appointment was today at noon.

I refrained from munching this morning at work so that I wouldn't have to brush my teeth before leaving for the dentist's office.

After getting bitewing x-rays taken, I followed Darlene (my hygienist who is a friend from high school) to her work area to get my teeth cleaned.

I thought I was going to get scolded since I haven't done a great job flossing every night, etc.  But she said everything looked fine.  Phew!

When I got in my vehicle to head back to work, I first opened a lunch bar and took a bite. I was starving!

So my lunch break wasn't great since I had to go to the dentist. But it wasn't terrible either since I didn't get scolded. Still, it was below average as far as lunch breaks go.

My next dental appointment is on a Thursday next March at 10:00am. I don't work on Thursdays!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Dad 718: Reunion on The Hill

(Dad writes about his big day this past Saturday. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Today seems fairly nice. Sun is out in this area but showers are in other parts of the state. We may get some later today. Blog post is a little long today! (Good luck, Tracy!)
Well, Glen and Deb transported me to the 200th Anniversary Reunion at Kents Hill School. I was there in answer to an invitation by the Class of 1964. I decided to go as the weather report went from rain all day to just showers in the afternoon. The weather was good until our ride home. We drove through a shower and got home under the sun.
More about our day at the reunion:
The first surprise was when we went in to register. Glen walked into the hall and saw a friend of his! I registered and got my name tag which identified me as "Former Faculty." Glen then took over and arranged for a golf cart to ride around in for the day. We found out they had a cart for us to use and they gave Glen the key. Spent the morning visiting with the class of 1964 at their 60th reunion. Met with many '64 graduates including Dick and Joanne O'Connor. (Dick invited me to the reunion.) Also met with Ted Alfond and finally met his wife, Barbara.
We all had a luncheon in the Bibby and Harold Alfond Dining Commons. Had lobster rolls. Then we were ready for the afternoon activities.
We didn't attend the former faculty reception, but instead chose to go see portions of the alumni basketball and hockey games in the Harold & Ted Alfond Athletics Center. (Mary Lou and I attended the dedication of the Center in 2001.) We had returned the golf cart, so Glen pushed me around in my transport chair while at the Center. We saw the basketball court and the beautiful hockey rink. Our last stop at the Center was the Joanne & Dick O'Connor Weight Room. The room was beautiful and loaded with devices. I even "worked out" (only for pictures)!
I must say Glen, Deb, and I were welcomed and treated quite well. A great day and so glad I got there!
This coming Saturday we (Lew, Tracy, and I) will go to a dedication of a patio brick in memory of Mary Lou at the Hospice. I'll say more about that next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!


Sunday, June 9, 2024


I just googled the plural of "miscellaneous" so I hope the title of this post is the correct usage.

Lew and I watched the final round of the Women's College World Series last week. Congratulations to Oklahoma on the FOUR-peat! Over the course of four years, the seniors played 250 games together. They lost only 15 of those games, they were never run-ruled, and they were never shut out... not to mention the four national championship titles. What a great softball squad!

I did some much-needed organizing/cleaning on Friday. I still have lots more to do, but I'm tired. Plus it will still be here later, LOL!

Dad will write more about this on Wednesday, but he DID go yesterday. The weather cooperated after all.

The weather today... well... it's raining. It must have rained really hard at some point during our church service; we could hear it pounding on the roof for several minutes.

I've been reading some interesting novels. (What about you?)

We finally went for pie & fry (Bill's Pizza and Pier Fries) with some friends last week. We followed up our fine dining experience with delicious ice cream treats at Fielder's Choice.

Now I'm off to have some lunch!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dad 717: To Go or Not To Go

(Dad writes today. Debbie and Glen are taking him on Saturday. They will watch out for him! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Weather is all right this morning. It will, however, become cloudy and rainy this afternoon. The last couple of weeks have been rainless with some warm temps. Now we start a period of wet weather with rain throughout the next few days.
I'm sitting here trying to decide if I go to a school reunion on Saturday or not. I am leaning toward not traveling throughout the day. I do not wish to put myself in a position to slip and fall. I will be taking a walker, wheelchair, and a portable O2 device. I do not want to be out in wet weather where I will have a sense of bad balance. I do not wish to fall under these circumstances. We will make definite plans come this weekend. Hope to go, but not too steady on my feet! I'll let you know next week what I did. (I'll be wrong either choice!)
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Niece Kaelen gave me a beautiful jigsaw puzzle for Christmas. I finally put it together over the past couple days.

The name of the puzzle is "A Purrfect Place" and it's by Hallmark Artist Jeffrey Nguyen.

It was a fun and relaxing puzzle to work on!

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Although it is has only 30 days, the month of June seems long. It's the last month of our fiscal year at work, so there is more to do than usual. Also, social media will be full of celebrations of... well... I'm going to leave it there.

Some of our Illinois family should be arriving after mid-month. We are looking forward to seeing them! Hoping the good weather we've been having will be the status quo for the entire summer.

Happy June to you all!