Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dad 717: To Go or Not To Go

(Dad writes today. Debbie and Glen are taking him on Saturday. They will watch out for him! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Weather is all right this morning. It will, however, become cloudy and rainy this afternoon. The last couple of weeks have been rainless with some warm temps. Now we start a period of wet weather with rain throughout the next few days.
I'm sitting here trying to decide if I go to a school reunion on Saturday or not. I am leaning toward not traveling throughout the day. I do not wish to put myself in a position to slip and fall. I will be taking a walker, wheelchair, and a portable O2 device. I do not want to be out in wet weather where I will have a sense of bad balance. I do not wish to fall under these circumstances. We will make definite plans come this weekend. Hope to go, but not too steady on my feet! I'll let you know next week what I did. (I'll be wrong either choice!)
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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