I have had some sort of meeting every night this week.
And I have a meeting tonight -- a meeting for which I had a lot to prepare.
I'm ready for the meeting, but my schedule is now all wacky. I just finished exercising (it's about 4:15 p.m.), and I need to eat dinner and shower before everyone gets here. (Oh, did I mention tonight's meeting is at my house... Should I do some quick housekeeping... ?)
And now that I think about it, have I forgotten something for the meeting? I'll find out, I guess.
And I hope that no one is allergic to dust.
Oh, my mind is going every which way....
I am discombobulated!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Dad: Unedited XXXVIII
(When my father gave me the following to type, he wondered aloud if I had heard the water story before. I think I have, except the version I heard involved an ice cube. Same event? Separate incident? Hmmm..... Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! From the Northeast with still some snow cover -- especially where the plows have piled it up. Maybe another week or so -- however we're scheduled for a snowy Friday. Welcome to April Fool's Day!!
Josh's team tied (1-1) with one more game left indoors. Kinda a no-hit boring game. I won't mention Josh's at-bats.
During church this past Sunday I had two "jarring events" happen. The minister said things that reminded me of old times when he used certain words.
Somehow he worked in a word that I recall Dad saying. The minister said something about "thunk" in one of his exclamations. This brought back memories for me as Dad used to say, "Who'da thunk it?" This is short for, "Who would have thunk it?" I even mentioned to the pastor on my way out that he'd reminded me of my dad's comments. "Thunk" is a word I had not heard in years.
The pastor also mentioned the following during the children's time as well as the sermon for the day. The children's talk and the sermon dealt with the woman at the well and quenching one's thirst.
The question was about having a thirst. A thirst that will have to be quenched by fluids on a daily basis. However, there is a thirst that is always quenched by the Biblical teachings. No more fluids necessary! That's the kind of water we all should want!
Well, as a kid I used to find myself thirsty during the night. One day I had a brilliant idea. We had a water cooler in our home that had pure, clear, spring water cooled to perfection. Boy, would that be nice to have available at night without getting out of bed and travelling down the stairs for a drink. I felt I could just take some water to bed with me and have it available whenever I felt thirsty. My failure in having a reliable container was visible in an instant. The container that I chose was my pajama-top pocket. It seems that a pajama-top of sweatshirt material was not used to carry water. This maneuver caused me to change pajamas and I, being a fast learner, never attempted to fill my pockets with water again. Lesson learned!!
We moved from the "water pocket" house when I was in the 8th grade, but I believe it was somewhere around the age of 6 - 8 that I tried the "pocket experience." I wanted you to realize I didn't try this as an "almost an adult." Just trying to save face!
Don't be "April Fooled."
I'll contact you next month! Get it?! April!
Until next time;
Toodle Pip!
Derf Here! From the Northeast with still some snow cover -- especially where the plows have piled it up. Maybe another week or so -- however we're scheduled for a snowy Friday. Welcome to April Fool's Day!!
Josh's team tied (1-1) with one more game left indoors. Kinda a no-hit boring game. I won't mention Josh's at-bats.
During church this past Sunday I had two "jarring events" happen. The minister said things that reminded me of old times when he used certain words.
Somehow he worked in a word that I recall Dad saying. The minister said something about "thunk" in one of his exclamations. This brought back memories for me as Dad used to say, "Who'da thunk it?" This is short for, "Who would have thunk it?" I even mentioned to the pastor on my way out that he'd reminded me of my dad's comments. "Thunk" is a word I had not heard in years.
The pastor also mentioned the following during the children's time as well as the sermon for the day. The children's talk and the sermon dealt with the woman at the well and quenching one's thirst.
The question was about having a thirst. A thirst that will have to be quenched by fluids on a daily basis. However, there is a thirst that is always quenched by the Biblical teachings. No more fluids necessary! That's the kind of water we all should want!
Well, as a kid I used to find myself thirsty during the night. One day I had a brilliant idea. We had a water cooler in our home that had pure, clear, spring water cooled to perfection. Boy, would that be nice to have available at night without getting out of bed and travelling down the stairs for a drink. I felt I could just take some water to bed with me and have it available whenever I felt thirsty. My failure in having a reliable container was visible in an instant. The container that I chose was my pajama-top pocket. It seems that a pajama-top of sweatshirt material was not used to carry water. This maneuver caused me to change pajamas and I, being a fast learner, never attempted to fill my pockets with water again. Lesson learned!!
We moved from the "water pocket" house when I was in the 8th grade, but I believe it was somewhere around the age of 6 - 8 that I tried the "pocket experience." I wanted you to realize I didn't try this as an "almost an adult." Just trying to save face!
Don't be "April Fooled."
I'll contact you next month! Get it?! April!
Until next time;
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
New Shoes
Lew and I had an event to attend tonight, and I decided to wear some shoes that I had not worn very much.
On the way, I was wondering if I had made a mistake. The toes of the shoes felt kind of "pinchy."
I had a chance to sit down a bit while we were at the event, but I was on my feet long enough to realize that my shoes actually fit just fine. I'm so used to wearing slippers or sneakers that the change from "comfy" seemed somewhat traumatic at first. But my feet never really hurt at all the entire evening.
I will select these particular shoes more often -- now that I know I will survive in them.
I feel like I have something new in my closet!
On the way, I was wondering if I had made a mistake. The toes of the shoes felt kind of "pinchy."
I had a chance to sit down a bit while we were at the event, but I was on my feet long enough to realize that my shoes actually fit just fine. I'm so used to wearing slippers or sneakers that the change from "comfy" seemed somewhat traumatic at first. But my feet never really hurt at all the entire evening.
I will select these particular shoes more often -- now that I know I will survive in them.
I feel like I have something new in my closet!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Assigned Seating
I didn't get to choose my own desk in school when I was just a wee tyke. The teacher assigned our seating. I believe this was an attempt to separate the more rowdy kids from each other.
I think that I may even have had teacher's who assigned our seats in high school. I can't really remember.
Once I hit college, I usually tried to sit toward the front. I didn't (and still don't) have great eyesight, and I also paid more attention if I was closer to the professor. However, there were a few classes that I tried to sit toward the back, in hopes that the professor would not notice me. Those were my "less confident of the subject matter" courses.
Last week in church, PD told the congregation that at some point during every service he takes a "mental snapshot" of the sanctuary. Because we all tend to sit in the same place Sunday after Sunday, this "snapshot" enables him to later recall who was there and who wasn't.
He mentioned that we should all try to sit in different spots next time and try to mess him up.
So, yesterday we all took him up on that challenge!
Lew and I ended up sitting directly behind a young couple that had a baby. (We usually sit on opposite sides of the sanctuary.) As we were singing the closing song (which was a somewhat lively chorus), I caught the baby's attention. By the end of the song, he was holding my finger, smiling, and looking right at me as I sang to him.
Without PD's challenge, I would have missed out on this wonderful blessing!
I think that I may even have had teacher's who assigned our seats in high school. I can't really remember.
Once I hit college, I usually tried to sit toward the front. I didn't (and still don't) have great eyesight, and I also paid more attention if I was closer to the professor. However, there were a few classes that I tried to sit toward the back, in hopes that the professor would not notice me. Those were my "less confident of the subject matter" courses.
Last week in church, PD told the congregation that at some point during every service he takes a "mental snapshot" of the sanctuary. Because we all tend to sit in the same place Sunday after Sunday, this "snapshot" enables him to later recall who was there and who wasn't.
He mentioned that we should all try to sit in different spots next time and try to mess him up.
So, yesterday we all took him up on that challenge!
Lew and I ended up sitting directly behind a young couple that had a baby. (We usually sit on opposite sides of the sanctuary.) As we were singing the closing song (which was a somewhat lively chorus), I caught the baby's attention. By the end of the song, he was holding my finger, smiling, and looking right at me as I sang to him.
Without PD's challenge, I would have missed out on this wonderful blessing!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Grammy's Chipmunk
When we visited Lew's mother last weekend, she told us about a chipmunk.
The chipmunk was apparently living under her deck. She has a good view of the deck from the living room chair that she usually sits in.
"He's adorable," she told us. "He sits up on the railing of the deck and looks around."
We went to see her today, and I asked her about the chipmunk. She hasn't seen him around for a few days, which we decided was probably due to the disappearing snow. (More places for chipmunks to hang out now....)
She does hope that the chipmunk is OK, because she named him. And isn't that how we get attached to animals? By giving them a name?
If you happen to see Elvis, please tell him to check in with Grammy!
(Postscript: I once had some neighbors who raised poultry to eat. They told me they made a mistake one year by naming one of the birds "Pretty Boy." Well, Pretty Boy did end up in the freezer, but apparently he never made it to the dinner table.)
The chipmunk was apparently living under her deck. She has a good view of the deck from the living room chair that she usually sits in.
"He's adorable," she told us. "He sits up on the railing of the deck and looks around."
We went to see her today, and I asked her about the chipmunk. She hasn't seen him around for a few days, which we decided was probably due to the disappearing snow. (More places for chipmunks to hang out now....)
She does hope that the chipmunk is OK, because she named him. And isn't that how we get attached to animals? By giving them a name?
If you happen to see Elvis, please tell him to check in with Grammy!
(Postscript: I once had some neighbors who raised poultry to eat. They told me they made a mistake one year by naming one of the birds "Pretty Boy." Well, Pretty Boy did end up in the freezer, but apparently he never made it to the dinner table.)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
How I Did on Getting My Flamingo
In a recent post, I wrote about the website 750words.com. Be sure to go back and read that post if you haven't already. Otherwise, this one may not make any sense!
When I started writing on 750words.com, I got "The Egg" badge. After writing for three days in a row, I got "The Turkey" badge. Five days in a row gave me "The Penguin" badge.
I didn't go any further than the Penguin for a while, because I kept missing days here and there.
I finally earned "The Flamingo" badge for writing ten days in a row!
Hooray for me!
I also earned two other badges. I now have "The Cheetah" badge for being a speedy typist (completing 750 words in less than 20 minutes for ten days in a row). I also got "The Hamster" badge because I completed my writing without any distractions (for ten days in a row).
Hooray for me!
Now I need to make this type of progress on my novel.
When I started writing on 750words.com, I got "The Egg" badge. After writing for three days in a row, I got "The Turkey" badge. Five days in a row gave me "The Penguin" badge.
I didn't go any further than the Penguin for a while, because I kept missing days here and there.
I finally earned "The Flamingo" badge for writing ten days in a row!
Hooray for me!
I also earned two other badges. I now have "The Cheetah" badge for being a speedy typist (completing 750 words in less than 20 minutes for ten days in a row). I also got "The Hamster" badge because I completed my writing without any distractions (for ten days in a row).
Hooray for me!
Now I need to make this type of progress on my novel.
Friday, March 25, 2011
How I Did On The "To-Do"
On Sunday I posted a list of ten things that I wanted to accomplish by today. I am happy to report that I have done everything on my list.
Sort of.
A more accurate statement would be that I got started on everything. Here is my detailed report:
Make a daily schedule. Done. I just need to start following it!
Update my resume. Done.
Start looking for a part-time job. I actually looked at some job websites. Nothing of interest yet.
Begin on the outline for my novel. I made a note card with an outline of what I need to outline. (Does that count?)
Shred a pile of paperwork. Done Monday morning and gone with that day's trash pickup.
Do three projects for my church treasurer position. Done.
Read the manual to Lew's home gym. Done.
Start using the home gym. Done. Notice I said "start." I'm still getting used to how the machine works, and I have a few more exercises to learn.
Memorize the choir music for Easter. I have memorized what Melodie has assigned for memorization to-date.
Make a tickler file in Excel of routine tasks/events. I had started this before this week, but I did not work on it at all. Oops! Maybe I don't get credit for this one.
So, maybe I overstated my success just a bit! But all in all, not too shabby.
Sort of.
A more accurate statement would be that I got started on everything. Here is my detailed report:
Make a daily schedule. Done. I just need to start following it!
Update my resume. Done.
Start looking for a part-time job. I actually looked at some job websites. Nothing of interest yet.
Begin on the outline for my novel. I made a note card with an outline of what I need to outline. (Does that count?)
Shred a pile of paperwork. Done Monday morning and gone with that day's trash pickup.
Do three projects for my church treasurer position. Done.
Read the manual to Lew's home gym. Done.
Start using the home gym. Done. Notice I said "start." I'm still getting used to how the machine works, and I have a few more exercises to learn.
Memorize the choir music for Easter. I have memorized what Melodie has assigned for memorization to-date.
Make a tickler file in Excel of routine tasks/events. I had started this before this week, but I did not work on it at all. Oops! Maybe I don't get credit for this one.
So, maybe I overstated my success just a bit! But all in all, not too shabby.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
"Get Organized For Spring"
I just signed up for a 30-day Organize-athon! I like to be organized, and I thought it sounded like fun.
The Organize-athon is for the month of April. There will be a 5-minute organizing task for each of the 30 days.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon the website that is offering this, but I just found it today. It's called Get Organized Wizard.
If you want to go to the specific page for the Organize-athon, then CLICK HERE.
Maybe we can all get organized for spring together!
The Organize-athon is for the month of April. There will be a 5-minute organizing task for each of the 30 days.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon the website that is offering this, but I just found it today. It's called Get Organized Wizard.
If you want to go to the specific page for the Organize-athon, then CLICK HERE.
Maybe we can all get organized for spring together!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dad: Unedited XXXVII
(As you read, please know that I was NOT the lady in the sedan. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! "Spring has Sprung" in the Northeast but the temperature is still in February mode!! The snow is melting but still covers the earth. And the Red Sox open in just nine days. Hooorraay!
Josh's baseball team won again. He had two hits and one K. He pitched an inning without any complications. While catching he threw a runner out at third. It won't be long and outdoor baseball will become a reality. Looking forward to it!!
Lew arrived home from work the other day with an interesting story. It reminded me of a "Dad" story and set up an amusing scenario for me. I'll now explain.
As Lew was at a stop light waiting to enter the turnpike to get home, a wheel (tire and all) came rolling through the intersection. Shortly after, a pickup truck came along and the occupant stopped to place the wheel on the side of the road.
My first thought reminded me of a story (true or false) that Dad related to me. It seems that Dad and a friend (John Stevens) were driving a logging truck (loaded). All of a sudden they noticed a tire (wheel and all) rolling in the road. It was their front wheel. Somehow they managed to stop the truck and the repairs were made. I guess the heavy load kept the front end from dropping to the highway. Just plain lucky!
Back to Lew's story. After seeing the pickup driver putting the wheel on the side of the intersection, he still sat waiting for the light to change. Then it happened. Along came a small sedan around the corner proceeding in the opposite direction. The sedan was rolling along minus a rear wheel. A young lady was driving as if nothing was wrong. Lew watched in his mirror as the sedan went out of sight in the opposite direction. That was his last sighting of the lady and the car.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when the driver got home. I imagine the lady going through her front door telling her husband (or whatever) that the car sounds funny. It has a strange sound while rolling down the road.
It amuses me to think of the comments that may have been made when they discovered she made it home on three tires and an axle. I wonder if her route home was retraced while searching for the missing wheel. I hope so.
I shouldn't, but I chuckle every time I think of the party's recognizing the fact that she seemed oblivious to the loss of a tire. Strange, but funny! Not for them -- but for my warped sense of humor!
The moral of the story:
Beware of strange noises while driving. If the vehicle seems lopsided -- check for missing wheels!!
Until next time;
Toodle Pip!
Derf Here! "Spring has Sprung" in the Northeast but the temperature is still in February mode!! The snow is melting but still covers the earth. And the Red Sox open in just nine days. Hooorraay!
Josh's baseball team won again. He had two hits and one K. He pitched an inning without any complications. While catching he threw a runner out at third. It won't be long and outdoor baseball will become a reality. Looking forward to it!!
Lew arrived home from work the other day with an interesting story. It reminded me of a "Dad" story and set up an amusing scenario for me. I'll now explain.
As Lew was at a stop light waiting to enter the turnpike to get home, a wheel (tire and all) came rolling through the intersection. Shortly after, a pickup truck came along and the occupant stopped to place the wheel on the side of the road.
My first thought reminded me of a story (true or false) that Dad related to me. It seems that Dad and a friend (John Stevens) were driving a logging truck (loaded). All of a sudden they noticed a tire (wheel and all) rolling in the road. It was their front wheel. Somehow they managed to stop the truck and the repairs were made. I guess the heavy load kept the front end from dropping to the highway. Just plain lucky!
Back to Lew's story. After seeing the pickup driver putting the wheel on the side of the intersection, he still sat waiting for the light to change. Then it happened. Along came a small sedan around the corner proceeding in the opposite direction. The sedan was rolling along minus a rear wheel. A young lady was driving as if nothing was wrong. Lew watched in his mirror as the sedan went out of sight in the opposite direction. That was his last sighting of the lady and the car.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when the driver got home. I imagine the lady going through her front door telling her husband (or whatever) that the car sounds funny. It has a strange sound while rolling down the road.
It amuses me to think of the comments that may have been made when they discovered she made it home on three tires and an axle. I wonder if her route home was retraced while searching for the missing wheel. I hope so.
I shouldn't, but I chuckle every time I think of the party's recognizing the fact that she seemed oblivious to the loss of a tire. Strange, but funny! Not for them -- but for my warped sense of humor!
The moral of the story:
Beware of strange noises while driving. If the vehicle seems lopsided -- check for missing wheels!!
Until next time;
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Big Dance
A week ago yesterday our local newspaper printed the bracket for the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. I kept the bracket so that I could fill it in as the games were completed.
I was reviewing my bracket today, and I was just thinking about how many games will be played in the tournament. Well, let's see:
The First Four (new this year, 8 teams) = 4 games
Second Round (64 teams -- 60 + the First Four winners) = 32 games
Third Round = 16 games (Winners are the "Sweet Sixteen")
Fourth Round = 8 games (to get the "Elite Eight")
Fifth Round = 4 games (finally... the "Final Four")
Sixth Round = 2 games
Championship Game = well, just one game (the winner is the Champion)
That's 67 games total.
But... before you compliment me on my calculation... I showed you the "long way around" to answer this question. There is a much more elegant solution.
The tournament started with 68 teams. Every game has a losing team. Because it's a single-elimination tournament, the losing team is therefore out. The only team that doesn't lose is the Championship team. So 67 teams lose a game. Hey, that's 67 games! One less game than the number of teams in the tournament!
So, how many games in a single-elimination tournament if there are:
12 teams? (This is the case in the NFL playoffs.)
64 teams? (The good 'ole days of March Madness.)
47 teams? (Don't know of an example. But see how easy it is?!)
(Postscript: Need help? I'll post the answers as the first comment to this post.)
I was reviewing my bracket today, and I was just thinking about how many games will be played in the tournament. Well, let's see:
The First Four (new this year, 8 teams) = 4 games
Second Round (64 teams -- 60 + the First Four winners) = 32 games
Third Round = 16 games (Winners are the "Sweet Sixteen")
Fourth Round = 8 games (to get the "Elite Eight")
Fifth Round = 4 games (finally... the "Final Four")
Sixth Round = 2 games
Championship Game = well, just one game (the winner is the Champion)
That's 67 games total.
But... before you compliment me on my calculation... I showed you the "long way around" to answer this question. There is a much more elegant solution.
The tournament started with 68 teams. Every game has a losing team. Because it's a single-elimination tournament, the losing team is therefore out. The only team that doesn't lose is the Championship team. So 67 teams lose a game. Hey, that's 67 games! One less game than the number of teams in the tournament!
So, how many games in a single-elimination tournament if there are:
12 teams? (This is the case in the NFL playoffs.)
64 teams? (The good 'ole days of March Madness.)
47 teams? (Don't know of an example. But see how easy it is?!)
(Postscript: Need help? I'll post the answers as the first comment to this post.)
Monday, March 21, 2011
750 Words a Day
A few weeks ago I read about the website 750words.com. It is a very useful site for people that want to write. Unlike my blog, the writing that I do on 750words.com is accessible only by me.
The site counts your words as you type. The goal for each day is at least 750 words, which the site's creator says is about three pages.
There are incentive badges for completing your writing over so many days in a row, for writing without any distractions, for writing in the morning, etc. The badges aren't "real" -- they just show up on your computer screen. But they do make it more fun and keep you going!
I haven't written every day since I've signed up, but I do currently have a six-day streak going. I get my next badge at ten days, and I really want it! I think it's a flamingo.
On the daily statistics page, the site creator added a section about your "mindset" while writing. It's not a scientific analysis -- it's just for fun. I tend to fall within the following parameters:
Thinking (I think this is as opposed to "Feeling")
I actually think this is pretty accurate. (Notice that I didn't say "feel." Ha ha!)
Are you wondering about what I write about on 750words.com?
I have a book called A Writer's Book of Days (by Judy Reeves) that suggests writing prompts for each day. I use those ideas. Sometimes I try to make up a story based on the writing prompt. Sometimes I just write about my own experiences and thoughts. It all depends on the topic.
I don't edit anything that I write on 750words.com. So I haven't used any of those entries for my blog. Not yet anyway. But maybe I will, if I get the courage!
The site counts your words as you type. The goal for each day is at least 750 words, which the site's creator says is about three pages.
There are incentive badges for completing your writing over so many days in a row, for writing without any distractions, for writing in the morning, etc. The badges aren't "real" -- they just show up on your computer screen. But they do make it more fun and keep you going!
I haven't written every day since I've signed up, but I do currently have a six-day streak going. I get my next badge at ten days, and I really want it! I think it's a flamingo.
On the daily statistics page, the site creator added a section about your "mindset" while writing. It's not a scientific analysis -- it's just for fun. I tend to fall within the following parameters:
Thinking (I think this is as opposed to "Feeling")
I actually think this is pretty accurate. (Notice that I didn't say "feel." Ha ha!)
Are you wondering about what I write about on 750words.com?
I have a book called A Writer's Book of Days (by Judy Reeves) that suggests writing prompts for each day. I use those ideas. Sometimes I try to make up a story based on the writing prompt. Sometimes I just write about my own experiences and thoughts. It all depends on the topic.
I don't edit anything that I write on 750words.com. So I haven't used any of those entries for my blog. Not yet anyway. But maybe I will, if I get the courage!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This Week's To-Do List
I was thinking earlier today that I have been "weak" with my blogging lately. I am blaming it on winter, as I feel like I have been experiencing a form of hibernation.
But now I suddenly find myself with no good excuse, other than a "to-do" list that has been suffering from inattention.
I have posted my "to-do" lists on my blog before, and I have been successful in completing the items in a timely fashion. This is probably because I want to be able to give you, my faithful readers, a positive report in a later post.
So...I am going to spell out what I would like to get accomplished by the end of the week (meaning Friday):
Make a daily schedule (I need more structure)
Update my resume
Start looking for a part-time job (this is an iffy!)
Begin on the outline for my novel
Shred a pile of paperwork
Do three projects for my church treasurer position
Read the manual to Lew's home gym
Start using the home gym
Memorize the choir music for Easter
Make a tickler file in Excel of routine tasks/events
I could probably list more, but I'll stop there. Ten items is enough for now!
Thanks for taking time out of March Madness to check in with "Mainely Tracy."
But now I suddenly find myself with no good excuse, other than a "to-do" list that has been suffering from inattention.
I have posted my "to-do" lists on my blog before, and I have been successful in completing the items in a timely fashion. This is probably because I want to be able to give you, my faithful readers, a positive report in a later post.
So...I am going to spell out what I would like to get accomplished by the end of the week (meaning Friday):
Make a daily schedule (I need more structure)
Update my resume
Start looking for a part-time job (this is an iffy!)
Begin on the outline for my novel
Shred a pile of paperwork
Do three projects for my church treasurer position
Read the manual to Lew's home gym
Start using the home gym
Memorize the choir music for Easter
Make a tickler file in Excel of routine tasks/events
I could probably list more, but I'll stop there. Ten items is enough for now!
Thanks for taking time out of March Madness to check in with "Mainely Tracy."
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Winter Morning, Spring Afternoon
When the clock radio came on this morning, we heard a weather report of "sunny and in the 40's."
Lew looked out the window and it was SNOWING. Hmmmm......
It snowed most of the morning. The big, fluffy flakes. The kind that doesn't really accumulate.
Mr. Sun did decide to make an appearance this afternoon. I think that maybe the "40's" piece occurred as well.
It was a very bizarre weather day.
(Postscript: I found the Strawberry Shortcake gum at the grocery store!)
Lew looked out the window and it was SNOWING. Hmmmm......
It snowed most of the morning. The big, fluffy flakes. The kind that doesn't really accumulate.
Mr. Sun did decide to make an appearance this afternoon. I think that maybe the "40's" piece occurred as well.
It was a very bizarre weather day.
(Postscript: I found the Strawberry Shortcake gum at the grocery store!)
Friday, March 18, 2011
EXTRA Dessert Delight!
Earlier today, my father gave me a couple new kinds of chewing gum to try. He didn't give me the outside packaging -- just the pieces in their individual silver wrappers. So he had to inform me that one was "Mint Chocolate Chip" and the other was "Key Lime Pie."
And, oh my goodness, the pop of flavor from each one!
Both kinds are from Wrigley's "EXTRA Dessert Delight" sugarfree brand. (Q: How do I know this? A: Google.)
And I discovered that there is one more flavor in this particular brand.
So, Dad, when will I get to try the Strawberry Shortcake???
And, oh my goodness, the pop of flavor from each one!
Both kinds are from Wrigley's "EXTRA Dessert Delight" sugarfree brand. (Q: How do I know this? A: Google.)
And I discovered that there is one more flavor in this particular brand.
So, Dad, when will I get to try the Strawberry Shortcake???
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Another New Blogger
Carole, my breakfast buddy, came over today so that we could set up her new blog! We got the blog off to a great start, and we had fun while we were at it. (And we even went out for lunch.)
Carole will be blogging about "the dreams and designs" that go into her jewelry.
You may recall that Carole made the jewelry that I wore to Matt and Emily's wedding last September. I sent her a picture of my dress (with me in it) ahead of time, and voila! I had gorgeous jewelry to wear on the big day.
Carole's jewelry line is "C J Collection." If you look to the right of my page, you will see that I have added a link to her blog for you. So please check out her blog...as well as the beautiful jewelry in her online shop!
I end today's post with a message for Carole:
Blog away, girl!
(Postscript: Carole recently held a contest on Facebook, and I won! The prize was a pair of beautiful earrings, pictured below. I'm wearing them right now!)
(Post-postscript: And, no, the contest was NOT rigged!!)
Carole will be blogging about "the dreams and designs" that go into her jewelry.
You may recall that Carole made the jewelry that I wore to Matt and Emily's wedding last September. I sent her a picture of my dress (with me in it) ahead of time, and voila! I had gorgeous jewelry to wear on the big day.
Carole's jewelry line is "C J Collection." If you look to the right of my page, you will see that I have added a link to her blog for you. So please check out her blog...as well as the beautiful jewelry in her online shop!
I end today's post with a message for Carole:
Blog away, girl!
(Postscript: Carole recently held a contest on Facebook, and I won! The prize was a pair of beautiful earrings, pictured below. I'm wearing them right now!)
(Post-postscript: And, no, the contest was NOT rigged!!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dad: Unedited XXXVI
(Yes! Another monkey story! Enjoy Dad's post. -- Tracy)
Derf Here! From the snow-covered Northeast. The snow, however, is swiftly melting as Spring will arrive before my next post.
The world is in chaos as I write this, as there are military battles all over North Africa. The Japan earthquake(s) and the tsunami(s) are a testament to the power of 'Ole Mother Nature.'
After seeing all the world problems, it seems trivial for me to complain about a little snow and rain and cold days. So I'll resist complaining about the weather until a much later date. Please, let Spring begin!! Thank you!!
My feeding the squirrel is resulting in seagulls and crows visiting Lew's deck. I just looked out the window and saw a crow eating the walnuts. The crow was the size of a small turkey. I think I'm going to buy a fake owl and put it on Lew's deck to keep the birds away. Maybe the fake owl will also eliminate the squirrel. I hope not! Pepper will miss the squirrel. However, she looked like an 'attack cat' with ears lowered as she watched the seagull. C'est la vie!
Time for another 'monkey Chee-Chee' story. I believe it was a Saturday when a store customer paid his weekly (monthly) grocery bill. Yes, Dad used to keep running tabs for several customers. I remember one customer that paid once a year. He would receive a bonus every year and that's when Dad got his money. Times were different back then!
Why Dad decided to go visit Chee-Chee is something I don't know. Chee-Chee had a fairly large home upstairs in the back of the store. He had a window to view the outside world. There was also a tree that went from the floor to the roof (about 10-12 feet). There were several branches on the tree but no leaves, etc.
Shortly after Dad went into the home (we called it a cage) of Chee-Chee, I heard the commotion taking place upstairs. "Chee-Chee, come down here and give me that back." Those were my dad's words. He repeated this over and over while raising the volume of the request each time.
About this time I ran upstairs to find out what was going on. It seems that "Chee-Chee the Beast" had been sitting on Dad's shoulder and found what was in his shirt pocket extremely interesting. Within a flash 'the Beast' snatched the money and was in the tree at its top. Why Dad had put the money in his pocket was never asked. I don't recall Dad ever putting money in his pocket before visiting his friend subsequent to this event. Lesson learned!
The solution to the problem was quickly found. Just like the rest of Chee-Chee's family, the beast liked ice cream. A quick trip to the ice cream cooler solved the problem. A "Hood's Dixie Cup" was seen by the beast as more important to him than the $50 bill in his hand. A jump to the shoulder, a drop of the bill, a grasp of the ice cream and the tragedy was averted.
I'll tell you another monkey (ice cream) story another time. Not in the cage!!
Talk to you in the Spring!
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf!
Derf Here! From the snow-covered Northeast. The snow, however, is swiftly melting as Spring will arrive before my next post.
The world is in chaos as I write this, as there are military battles all over North Africa. The Japan earthquake(s) and the tsunami(s) are a testament to the power of 'Ole Mother Nature.'
After seeing all the world problems, it seems trivial for me to complain about a little snow and rain and cold days. So I'll resist complaining about the weather until a much later date. Please, let Spring begin!! Thank you!!
My feeding the squirrel is resulting in seagulls and crows visiting Lew's deck. I just looked out the window and saw a crow eating the walnuts. The crow was the size of a small turkey. I think I'm going to buy a fake owl and put it on Lew's deck to keep the birds away. Maybe the fake owl will also eliminate the squirrel. I hope not! Pepper will miss the squirrel. However, she looked like an 'attack cat' with ears lowered as she watched the seagull. C'est la vie!
Time for another 'monkey Chee-Chee' story. I believe it was a Saturday when a store customer paid his weekly (monthly) grocery bill. Yes, Dad used to keep running tabs for several customers. I remember one customer that paid once a year. He would receive a bonus every year and that's when Dad got his money. Times were different back then!
Why Dad decided to go visit Chee-Chee is something I don't know. Chee-Chee had a fairly large home upstairs in the back of the store. He had a window to view the outside world. There was also a tree that went from the floor to the roof (about 10-12 feet). There were several branches on the tree but no leaves, etc.
Shortly after Dad went into the home (we called it a cage) of Chee-Chee, I heard the commotion taking place upstairs. "Chee-Chee, come down here and give me that back." Those were my dad's words. He repeated this over and over while raising the volume of the request each time.
About this time I ran upstairs to find out what was going on. It seems that "Chee-Chee the Beast" had been sitting on Dad's shoulder and found what was in his shirt pocket extremely interesting. Within a flash 'the Beast' snatched the money and was in the tree at its top. Why Dad had put the money in his pocket was never asked. I don't recall Dad ever putting money in his pocket before visiting his friend subsequent to this event. Lesson learned!
The solution to the problem was quickly found. Just like the rest of Chee-Chee's family, the beast liked ice cream. A quick trip to the ice cream cooler solved the problem. A "Hood's Dixie Cup" was seen by the beast as more important to him than the $50 bill in his hand. A jump to the shoulder, a drop of the bill, a grasp of the ice cream and the tragedy was averted.
I'll tell you another monkey (ice cream) story another time. Not in the cage!!
Talk to you in the Spring!
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Spring Ahead
I have slept in pretty late the past couple days, and I am wide awake at bedtime.
Apparently I am not adjusting to the time change very well!
But I do like the fact that it is lighter out later. It is a sign of Spring. :)
More signs that Spring is right around the corner:
-- Lew put a couple pairs of his boots upstairs for storage.
-- I haven't been wearing my heavy winter coat.
-- The snow is melting.
Bring it on!
Apparently I am not adjusting to the time change very well!
But I do like the fact that it is lighter out later. It is a sign of Spring. :)
More signs that Spring is right around the corner:
-- Lew put a couple pairs of his boots upstairs for storage.
-- I haven't been wearing my heavy winter coat.
-- The snow is melting.
Bring it on!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Retreat Recap
Our church ladies had a wonderful time at our retreat this past weekend. We had a few inconveniences regarding our accommodations, but we decided to "flop with the mop" as we like to say. :)
The curriculum for our retreat was a DVD series titled "Faithful, Abundant, True" featuring three wonderful speakers: Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore.
I'll only pick one thing to share from the series (although it is hard to pick just one).
Priscilla's segment was the "Abundant" piece and she concentrated on the following Scripture:
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be Glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)
God can do more than we can comprehend. Whatever we might think would be "way past" our wildest imaginations -- well, God can do even more than that.
We serve a God who does "way past" our "way past"!
The curriculum for our retreat was a DVD series titled "Faithful, Abundant, True" featuring three wonderful speakers: Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore.
I'll only pick one thing to share from the series (although it is hard to pick just one).
Priscilla's segment was the "Abundant" piece and she concentrated on the following Scripture:
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be Glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)
God can do more than we can comprehend. Whatever we might think would be "way past" our wildest imaginations -- well, God can do even more than that.
We serve a God who does "way past" our "way past"!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Blogging Slump
I'm back from the ladies' retreat.
It was a great time!
But I'm really tired, so I'll write more about the retreat tomorrow.
Sorry that "Mainely Tracy" is experiencing a little bit of a slump! I DO thank you for checking in.
It was a great time!
But I'm really tired, so I'll write more about the retreat tomorrow.
Sorry that "Mainely Tracy" is experiencing a little bit of a slump! I DO thank you for checking in.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Retreating; The Earthquake
I'm posting earlier than normal today for two reasons:
1) I am leaving this afternoon for our church ladies' annual retreat. I will be getting back home on Sunday, and I will do my next blog post then. Yes...I am taking tomorrow off from blogging! So, a one day hiatus for "Mainely Tracy."
2) I also wanted to get my post done early in case the Internet traffic gets even heavier than it is right now. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has created a lot of the online use, I'm sure.
Be sure to read my friend Kim's blog, City on the River. I have a link to it on the right of this page. Kim has family and friends in Japan.
Please pray.
1) I am leaving this afternoon for our church ladies' annual retreat. I will be getting back home on Sunday, and I will do my next blog post then. Yes...I am taking tomorrow off from blogging! So, a one day hiatus for "Mainely Tracy."
2) I also wanted to get my post done early in case the Internet traffic gets even heavier than it is right now. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has created a lot of the online use, I'm sure.
Be sure to read my friend Kim's blog, City on the River. I have a link to it on the right of this page. Kim has family and friends in Japan.
Please pray.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Text Message Monster
I had a headache this morning, so I slept in a bit later than normal.
When I felt better, I went over to my parents' side of the house to let them know that I was finally up. And then I continued my nice leisurely morning...which turned into a nice leisurely afternoon.
Around 3:00, I decided I had better hop in the shower real quick. I also needed to do a couple loads of laundry, and the day was wasting away.
After the washing machine was going, I finished watching a movie that I had started earlier. Then I checked out Facebook.
Around 4:30, I heard my cell phone go "ding ding." This sound alerts me that I have a text message.
And who was the message from??
My mother!
My mother, who lives in THE SAME HOUSE that I do!
Her message: "Are you ok???"
When I went over to tell her I was fine, she explained that my side of the house seemed really quiet. And she knew about my earlier headache. But she didn't think I would want her coming over to see if I was OK.
I didn't ask her what she was going to do if I didn't respond to her text message. I do hope that she would have come over to check.
But I think that the bottom line is that she just likes to text.
My mother is the Text Message Monster!
When I felt better, I went over to my parents' side of the house to let them know that I was finally up. And then I continued my nice leisurely morning...which turned into a nice leisurely afternoon.
Around 3:00, I decided I had better hop in the shower real quick. I also needed to do a couple loads of laundry, and the day was wasting away.
After the washing machine was going, I finished watching a movie that I had started earlier. Then I checked out Facebook.
Around 4:30, I heard my cell phone go "ding ding." This sound alerts me that I have a text message.
And who was the message from??
My mother!
My mother, who lives in THE SAME HOUSE that I do!
Her message: "Are you ok???"
When I went over to tell her I was fine, she explained that my side of the house seemed really quiet. And she knew about my earlier headache. But she didn't think I would want her coming over to see if I was OK.
I didn't ask her what she was going to do if I didn't respond to her text message. I do hope that she would have come over to check.
But I think that the bottom line is that she just likes to text.
My mother is the Text Message Monster!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Dad: Unedited XXXV
(If my parents don't take your phone calls, at least now you'll know why! Ha ha! Enjoy Dad's post. -- Tracy)
Derf Here! From the snow-covered but snow-melting Northeast! The snow is lowering to the point that I am no longer worried about my trailer roof collapsing. What a relief!! Thank you, Sun!!
Mainely Tracy recently mentioned a phone call for a survey about flu shots or something related to it. This made me start thinking about a great, great, great invention making my life much better. The invention: Caller ID!
I believe that caller ID is one of the great inventions/discoveries aiding mankind to surely enjoy life at a higher level.
Since we have had caller ID, it has helped us to eliminate unwanted talks with intrusions on our privacy. Our 'info globe' and 'ID' phones let us know immediately whom is calling. We never answer the phone unless we know the person calling. I might also add that sometimes we know who is on the line and also choose not to speak with them. Just kidding!
As soon as the ringing stops we will check and see if a message has been left on our phone. Most of the time there is no message. The next step in our checking on callers is me taking a trip to the computer to look up information on the calling number. I then look for comments from others who receive the same calls. More often than not there are reports that the callers should be on the 'no call list.' The comments also say "watch out" for these people as they are unscrupulous people worth watching with both eyes open.
We are at the point in phone answering that we even get verification of doctors' appointments via messages as some doctors' names do not appear, only their number.
After seeing a number over and over with no message we will pick up the phone after one ring and replace it without answering. Perhaps they will get the message. Remove our number from your files, please.
So, it boils down to this: If you call our number, we answer only to calls that state name and number. Then we say "Hello" only if we recognize names. After receiving messages deemed to harm the caller, I will return a call to make the caller aware of their mistake.
Case in point! We received a message about a business deal that had no connection to us. Obviously a wrong number. The return call allowed the person to recall the business at the correct number.
So, if you call us with no answer, understand that we may not want to talk to you or we do not know who is calling. We'll check your number and if necessary we'll get back to you. No donations over the phone, however. Absolutely NONE!!
There, I feel a relief after venting about people calling 'our' phone. The phone is ours for our use -- not yours!!
I hope this doesn't stop anyone from calling us. Keep calling -- we'll make the decision!!
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf.
Derf Here! From the snow-covered but snow-melting Northeast! The snow is lowering to the point that I am no longer worried about my trailer roof collapsing. What a relief!! Thank you, Sun!!
Mainely Tracy recently mentioned a phone call for a survey about flu shots or something related to it. This made me start thinking about a great, great, great invention making my life much better. The invention: Caller ID!
I believe that caller ID is one of the great inventions/discoveries aiding mankind to surely enjoy life at a higher level.
Since we have had caller ID, it has helped us to eliminate unwanted talks with intrusions on our privacy. Our 'info globe' and 'ID' phones let us know immediately whom is calling. We never answer the phone unless we know the person calling. I might also add that sometimes we know who is on the line and also choose not to speak with them. Just kidding!
As soon as the ringing stops we will check and see if a message has been left on our phone. Most of the time there is no message. The next step in our checking on callers is me taking a trip to the computer to look up information on the calling number. I then look for comments from others who receive the same calls. More often than not there are reports that the callers should be on the 'no call list.' The comments also say "watch out" for these people as they are unscrupulous people worth watching with both eyes open.
We are at the point in phone answering that we even get verification of doctors' appointments via messages as some doctors' names do not appear, only their number.
After seeing a number over and over with no message we will pick up the phone after one ring and replace it without answering. Perhaps they will get the message. Remove our number from your files, please.
So, it boils down to this: If you call our number, we answer only to calls that state name and number. Then we say "Hello" only if we recognize names. After receiving messages deemed to harm the caller, I will return a call to make the caller aware of their mistake.
Case in point! We received a message about a business deal that had no connection to us. Obviously a wrong number. The return call allowed the person to recall the business at the correct number.
So, if you call us with no answer, understand that we may not want to talk to you or we do not know who is calling. We'll check your number and if necessary we'll get back to you. No donations over the phone, however. Absolutely NONE!!
There, I feel a relief after venting about people calling 'our' phone. The phone is ours for our use -- not yours!!
I hope this doesn't stop anyone from calling us. Keep calling -- we'll make the decision!!
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Telephone Survey
In early December, I wrote about a survey for which I had been randomly selected.
Lightning has struck again.
I received a phone call late last week regarding the National Flu Survey that is being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Our telephone number was picked by a computer to participate in this survey. The woman who called asked if we had received a letter in the mail informing us of this. We had not.
She asked if I would still be willing to answer some questions. She was very pleasant, so I said "Sure."
The questions were mostly about the flu shot and my perceptions of its effectiveness, etcetera.
At the end of the survey, she asked some questions that would help them put me in the right demographic. My favorite question was about my current employment. Two of the (several) choices were: 1) Out of work for less than a year, and 2) Homemaker. I explained to her that I'm currently not working by choice, but that my husband would pass out if I answered "Homemaker." So, I went with the first option. (And, yes, I had her laughing at this point!)
The letter she referred to came in the mail yesterday. Great timing.
According to the letter, my survey answers "will help improve the nation's health now and in the years ahead."
You are welcome.
Lightning has struck again.
I received a phone call late last week regarding the National Flu Survey that is being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Our telephone number was picked by a computer to participate in this survey. The woman who called asked if we had received a letter in the mail informing us of this. We had not.
She asked if I would still be willing to answer some questions. She was very pleasant, so I said "Sure."
The questions were mostly about the flu shot and my perceptions of its effectiveness, etcetera.
At the end of the survey, she asked some questions that would help them put me in the right demographic. My favorite question was about my current employment. Two of the (several) choices were: 1) Out of work for less than a year, and 2) Homemaker. I explained to her that I'm currently not working by choice, but that my husband would pass out if I answered "Homemaker." So, I went with the first option. (And, yes, I had her laughing at this point!)
The letter she referred to came in the mail yesterday. Great timing.
According to the letter, my survey answers "will help improve the nation's health now and in the years ahead."
You are welcome.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Another Laid Back Monday
After yesterday's running around, I was pretty pooped today. In fact, the day started off almost exactly the same way last Monday did.
But I was determined to not just be a bum this Monday, so I actually got myself moving. I did some paperwork (but left the bulk of it for tomorrow), exercised, caught up on some reading, and I called my sister Kim.
I hadn't talked to Kim for several weeks, so we ended up being on the phone for over an hour! It seemed like only seconds, however. That's the way it is with sisters. (Smile....)
I think I will call her more often.
But I was determined to not just be a bum this Monday, so I actually got myself moving. I did some paperwork (but left the bulk of it for tomorrow), exercised, caught up on some reading, and I called my sister Kim.
I hadn't talked to Kim for several weeks, so we ended up being on the phone for over an hour! It seemed like only seconds, however. That's the way it is with sisters. (Smile....)
I think I will call her more often.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Today's Itinerary
Went to church this morning for Sunday morning worship service.
Came home for a little bit.
Went back to church for a planning meeting.
Came home for a little bit.
Went back to church for a choir workshop to work on the Easter music.
Came home...
And stayed!
(Postscript: I can hear the rain as I type this. I'm glad that it's not snow.)
Came home for a little bit.
Went back to church for a planning meeting.
Came home for a little bit.
Went back to church for a choir workshop to work on the Easter music.
Came home...
And stayed!
(Postscript: I can hear the rain as I type this. I'm glad that it's not snow.)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Toast Tongs, For Real
I wrote in an earlier post about the tongs that I had purchased for Lew. My hope was that they would serve the purpose of "toast" tongs, which was the product that he really wanted.
I ask my readers to imagine hearing a heavy "sigh" here.....because my attempt failed.
So, today we went in search of real toast tongs. And we found them. That's "we" as in Lew, although I was in the same store at the same time. Different aisle.
Here is a comparison of my earlier purchase and today's find:
Mine: $2.97
Lew's: $1.99
Mine: "Tongs"
Lew's: "Toast Tongs"
Mine: "Made from durable beechwood."
Lew's: "Bamboo"
Mine: "Hand wash."
Lew's: Hand wash in warm soapy water."
Mine: "Made in China."
Lew's: "Made in Taiwan."
And Lew's Toast Tongs tag also says "Safely removes toast and bagels from the toaster. Will not absorb moisture. Durable and long lasting."
(Postscript: I may have struck out with the tongs, but I did find two new great bath mats today. And they met with Lew's approval. Hooray!)
I ask my readers to imagine hearing a heavy "sigh" here.....because my attempt failed.
So, today we went in search of real toast tongs. And we found them. That's "we" as in Lew, although I was in the same store at the same time. Different aisle.
Here is a comparison of my earlier purchase and today's find:
Mine: $2.97
Lew's: $1.99
Mine: "Tongs"
Lew's: "Toast Tongs"
Mine: "Made from durable beechwood."
Lew's: "Bamboo"
Mine: "Hand wash."
Lew's: Hand wash in warm soapy water."
Mine: "Made in China."
Lew's: "Made in Taiwan."
And Lew's Toast Tongs tag also says "Safely removes toast and bagels from the toaster. Will not absorb moisture. Durable and long lasting."
(Postscript: I may have struck out with the tongs, but I did find two new great bath mats today. And they met with Lew's approval. Hooray!)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Spring Organizing
I followed through on what I said yesterday. I started my spring cleaning today! Although, I think spring organizing might be a better term for it.
I worked in the upstairs bathroom a bit.
I even did a project in the kitchen.....When we moved into this house, I put all of my cookbooks in a corner of the counter top when I unpacked them. I was happy with this arrangement for quite a while -- over three years, in fact!
But if you are a regular reader of my blog, then you aware that I don't cook.
I finally figured out today that I was wasting counter space by storing my cookbooks on it. So, I moved them. They are still accessible, but they are hidden away.
And if for some reason I decide to start using my cookbooks more...well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing....
Or would it?
I worked in the upstairs bathroom a bit.
I even did a project in the kitchen.....When we moved into this house, I put all of my cookbooks in a corner of the counter top when I unpacked them. I was happy with this arrangement for quite a while -- over three years, in fact!
But if you are a regular reader of my blog, then you aware that I don't cook.
I finally figured out today that I was wasting counter space by storing my cookbooks on it. So, I moved them. They are still accessible, but they are hidden away.
And if for some reason I decide to start using my cookbooks more...well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing....
Or would it?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Spring: Not Quite In the Air
I'm tired of blogging about the cold weather.
But I'm more tired of the cold weather.
So, to get psyched up for Spring, I started my Spring cleaning today.
I didn't really accomplish any physical aspect of the cleaning, but I did wander around the house trying to decide what room to begin in.
That room will be the upstairs bathroom. I will begin tomorrow!
And I will not try to get it all done in one day.
(Postscript: I will be repeating that last sentence to myself often.)
But I'm more tired of the cold weather.
So, to get psyched up for Spring, I started my Spring cleaning today.
I didn't really accomplish any physical aspect of the cleaning, but I did wander around the house trying to decide what room to begin in.
That room will be the upstairs bathroom. I will begin tomorrow!
And I will not try to get it all done in one day.
(Postscript: I will be repeating that last sentence to myself often.)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dad: Unedited XXXIV
(I use TurboTax, and I input the data from the original source paperwork. Thus, the several years of success. Also, I don't believe this is the first time that Glen has won such a contest. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Still in the midst of a typical Maine winter. After viewing weather in other parts of the country (storms and floods), we aren't too bad off, considering...!
Lew and I were able to pick up the 'Seven Roaming Reeds.' They were a day late as they could not dock due to the fog. All home and safe now!! A great trip was highlighted by Glen winning an 'International Belly Flop Contest' on the cruise ship. A celebrity was born! Coming as no surprise to family members!
Today is an important day for spouse and I as our accountant just informed us that our 2010 taxes have been filed. Oops! Our accountant just dropped in to give us everything for our tax returns. Did I tell you that Tracy files our taxes for us on the wonderful electronic device called the "computer." I have no idea what she does or how she does it. It has worked for several years with no jail time. It seems like the way to go. I can't wait to receive our state refund so we can pay the federal government its well-deserved payment! Ugh!
Back to the 'Reed Trip!' It seems as though the Reeds had a 'first class suite' on board the cruise ship. All people involved in these arrangements receive a 'Gold Card,' which is used to get preferential seating at events. Probably also good for buffets, etc.
Well, young Zachary was quite proud to have a 'Gold Card' in his possession. From what I hear he flashed the card about in an attempt to bolster his importance. It seemed to have worked as he and brother Josh met the skipper (Captain) of the ship. Zachary and Josh had their picture taken with the Captain. I heard that the Captain told Zack that he (the Captain) had a much superior 'Gold Card' that had many more perks assigned to it. This in no way diminished Zack's importance as a 'Gold Card' traveller.
From what I hear the 'Roaming Reeds' had a great trip. The only glitch was being unable to make their flight from Texas to Atlanta because of the fog. The last flight from Atlanta to Portland was "bumpy" as there were severe storms over the middle states. They were glad to land in Portland (a smooth landing).
We're all happy the trip went well and all are safely back home.
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf!
Derf Here! Still in the midst of a typical Maine winter. After viewing weather in other parts of the country (storms and floods), we aren't too bad off, considering...!
Lew and I were able to pick up the 'Seven Roaming Reeds.' They were a day late as they could not dock due to the fog. All home and safe now!! A great trip was highlighted by Glen winning an 'International Belly Flop Contest' on the cruise ship. A celebrity was born! Coming as no surprise to family members!
Today is an important day for spouse and I as our accountant just informed us that our 2010 taxes have been filed. Oops! Our accountant just dropped in to give us everything for our tax returns. Did I tell you that Tracy files our taxes for us on the wonderful electronic device called the "computer." I have no idea what she does or how she does it. It has worked for several years with no jail time. It seems like the way to go. I can't wait to receive our state refund so we can pay the federal government its well-deserved payment! Ugh!
Back to the 'Reed Trip!' It seems as though the Reeds had a 'first class suite' on board the cruise ship. All people involved in these arrangements receive a 'Gold Card,' which is used to get preferential seating at events. Probably also good for buffets, etc.
Well, young Zachary was quite proud to have a 'Gold Card' in his possession. From what I hear he flashed the card about in an attempt to bolster his importance. It seemed to have worked as he and brother Josh met the skipper (Captain) of the ship. Zachary and Josh had their picture taken with the Captain. I heard that the Captain told Zack that he (the Captain) had a much superior 'Gold Card' that had many more perks assigned to it. This in no way diminished Zack's importance as a 'Gold Card' traveller.
From what I hear the 'Roaming Reeds' had a great trip. The only glitch was being unable to make their flight from Texas to Atlanta because of the fog. The last flight from Atlanta to Portland was "bumpy" as there were severe storms over the middle states. They were glad to land in Portland (a smooth landing).
We're all happy the trip went well and all are safely back home.
Until next time,
Toodle Pip! Derf!
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Zack and Josh with the Captain |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Productivity High, Creativity Low
If you read yesterday's post, then you know that I had big plans for today. I hoped to hit my to-do list hard and furious.
And I really did! I still have a few things left to do, but I made wonderful progress.
But, unfortunately, I now have no mental energy nor creative inspiration for tonight's blog post. (I guess one really can NOT have it all!)
I toyed with the idea of typing this entry in invisible ink, but I don't think that font feature exists.
And it is pretty sad to think my post would have been more exciting if it were invisible.
Thanks for checking in. Derf is on schedule for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have something entertaining to say on Thursday.
Spring, please come quickly!
And I really did! I still have a few things left to do, but I made wonderful progress.
But, unfortunately, I now have no mental energy nor creative inspiration for tonight's blog post. (I guess one really can NOT have it all!)
I toyed with the idea of typing this entry in invisible ink, but I don't think that font feature exists.
And it is pretty sad to think my post would have been more exciting if it were invisible.
Thanks for checking in. Derf is on schedule for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have something entertaining to say on Thursday.
Spring, please come quickly!
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