Friday, January 31, 2014
Things Are Looking Up
I didn't use the elliptical machine because I didn't want to expend the energy on that just yet.
I did expend energy on taking a shower and microwaving a sweet potato. (Those two things commonly go together, huh? Ha ha!)
I am currently involved in a Facebook exchange that has redeemed my week of ill health. I told Lew last night that I was feeling like I "lost a week" until I considered the said exchange. God has revealed more of Himself to me through this. And that, blog readers, is a very good thing.
Super Bowl weekend is upon us!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Read All About It
The creator of the blog Mainely Tracy has been experiencing some weird cold/sinus thing for the past few days. This has since progressed to a headache, but it has been relieved somewhat by the wonderful treatment known as the afternoon nap!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Dad 186: Game Time
(As I enter this, Dad is doing the elliptical item on his schedule. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! From the sunny, cold Northeast. Just think, the temperature is supposed to hit a high of 22° today. The experts, however, tell us we are to reach freezing temps this weekend. Sounds good to me. Also, February starts this weekend. Short month, winter will be winding down. I'm ready!!
Well, I'm getting ready for the Super Bowl. I do wish the game was just the game. I will not watch all the hoopla that leads up to the kickoff. I will not watch whatever the halftime show is. I don't understand why the game itself isn't enough. (It sure is for me.) I wish the game was at 1:00 PM West Coast time. Start the game at 4:00 PM EST. A "game only" broadcast would be done by 8:00 PM. Seems too logical for me. My parting shot: GO BRONCOS! I always root for the AFC team.
I don't feel like writing anything more this month. So I'll try to do a little bit more next month. Next week even. I still have a little more to accomplish today. My day continues with my tuna lunch with Pepper. Then my 30 minutes on the elliptical. I'll end my out-of-house daily activities calling in an order at KFC. Grilled chicken at its best. At least that's what I'm told. I only do the chicken pot pies. Sounds good for the next couple days.
Tune in next week for much more fascinating stuff!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
"Breaking Bad" Habit
Lew and I were Netflix subscribers a few years ago, but we canceled when the pricing model changed. Since then, Netflix has sent me an e-mail every so often to tell me they want me back.
Recently they offered me a free month, so we decided to take advantage of it. I signed up to have the streaming service. After doing that, I learned that the one movie we had hoped to watch is available only via DVD. So I succumbed to pay for the DVD service, which we will cancel prior to the next billing cycle. (I will get in a few more DVD's by then.)
But we are enjoying the streaming service, too. We had heard good things about the TV series "Breaking Bad" and watched the first two episodes on Saturday.
Then we watched four more episodes last night.
Netflix will stream one episode after another. I now understand how binge-viewing is an easy thing to fall into. Oh, dear!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Yet Another Bad Day for Jan
My husband decided to watch "The Brady Bunch" while using his home gym this afternoon.
He made spaghetti for dinner. During the meal preparation, he watched another episode of "The Brady Bunch".
We watched an additional episode while we ate the above-mentioned spaghetti.
Lew's comment about the show: "Jan was a bad role model." (Jan had made poor decisions in each of the episodes he'd watched.)
Poor Jan Brady... still getting ridiculed after all these years! Syndication has not been kind to her.
Friday, January 24, 2014
My Weekend Plans
I hope to read all of the books on this shelf. Even though you can't tell from the picture, the books are stacked two deep all the way down.
Reading them all this weekend is probably a bit too ambitious. (Ya think?) But at least they are now all in one place.
Let's do this!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Taking Charge
On the final day of 2013 I received yet another call. The gentleman (I use the term loosely) that I spoke with had all of my personal identifying information. And he said that I was indeed responsible for some debt that I knew nothing about.
This was all a bit unnerving.
He offered to "take care of it" on my credit report for a fee of $100. Bahahahahahaha!
What I did instead that very day: 1) Put a 90-day fraud alert on my credit report. 2) Ordered copies of my credit report from all three agencies. (I have since received the three reports and they all look fine.)
There is a third thing that I have now done: Yesterday I became a LifeLock member.... Protected! :)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Dad 185: No Snow; Go, Broncos!
(Dad uses "LOL!" in today's entry. LOL! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! From the snowless Northeast. It seems that the East Coast storm decided to take an eastern track and avoid our area. (Thank you, storm!) Feel sorry for the people south of us. Boston, New York City and Philly will be digging out while the Silverado plow will remain parked by the garage. Fine by me!
Well, I have to comment on the Patriots game with Denver. Sorry Brady did not have a good game. Sorry Wes Welker decided not to be a receiver and took out Talib. Sorry Pats lost. They lost to a better team that day. Something can be said for home-field advantage. Congrats to Peyton and his Broncos. We still have the World Series champions in the area. GO, SOX!
Now to the upcoming Super Bowl. Hope Peyton continues his fine play. Want the Broncos to hand the Seahawks a defeat. Also hope Peyton continues to use "Omaha" to receive many more thousands of dollars for his charity. Want Peyton to throw at least three touchdown passes over Richard Sherman. (More, if needed!) GO, BRONCOS!
I just looked at my outdoor thermometer. It is still cold. Nine degrees is not a heatwave. The experts tell us we are in for another week of cold, cold temps. Zero degrees will be warm compared to some of the cold we can expect. I'm ready for spring. Please get here soon!
While writing this I have been watching my "high wheel" weathervane. It has completed a full 360° turn. It seems that the wind is blowing from every direction. Over the last three summers I have climbed on the garage roof to free up the weathervane. By the way it is spinning around, I think I have it unstuck. Perhaps I'll not have to risk life and limb this summer to once again free it up. I believe I've solved the problem. This may make some family members happy. A summer with no roof climbing at my "advanced" age. LOL!
Almost time for my tuna lunch with Pepper. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The Attempted Demise of a Lampshade
Lew and I have a wall lamp that we switch on as we enter our house. It has a beautiful lampshade that goes perfectly with our decor... we like it anyway! The lamp is located right above our buffet. (To see a photo, click HERE.)
Jerry has always had an interest in the lampshade. That interest increased drastically this past weekend. When we arrived home on Saturday (after our babysitting gig), I saw the lampshade on the floor! How did it get there? Jerry was looking very innocent. But I knew....
The lampshade ended up on the floor again that night. And then again on Sunday.
Lew and I discussed several options for salvaging our beautiful lampshade. (Getting rid of Jerry was not one of the options!)
I finally decided on a simple solution. Jerry accessed the top of the buffet (and thus the lampshade) via a couple stools that were at the end of the buffet. I merely relocated these stools.
It seems to be working so far. Let's hope it continues to do the trick!
Monday, January 20, 2014
The Demise of Fifi Mouse
Fifi Mouse is... was... sniff... one of Jerry's earliest toys. We had Fifi Mouse before we had Kurt. Fifi Mouse was even featured in a prior blog post, The Search for Fifi Mouse.
A few days ago Lew was vacuuming in the bedroom and accidentally (?) vacuumed up Fifi Mouse. At least we think that's what happened....
Lew knows that he ran over Fifi. He turned off the vacuum cleaner the moment it happened. But Fifi Mouse was nowhere to be found.
When Lew emptied the vacuum's canister, he looked for Fifi. She was not in the debris. He looked in the vacuum hose and in any other place that Fifi might be. Nope. (He later repeated all of these steps with me helping him.)
We came to the conclusion that the vacuum cleaner totally destroyed Fifi Mouse, leaving no recognizable trace of her.
Fortunately, neither cat really paid too much attention to Fifi. Her loss is more sentimental than anything.
Farewell, Fifi Mouse. Meow!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
And Just Like That
Being a sports fan is interesting.....
As a rule, I am a New England Patriots fan when it comes to the NFL.
So I was a little disappointed that the Pats just lost the AFC Championship game to the Denver Broncos.
So who will I be rooting for in the Super Bowl?
The very team that I was just rooting against: the Broncos.
Go figure.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
A Day With Eli and Adam
Lew and I spent the morning and most of the afternoon babysitting Eli and Adam. We got to their house around 9:00 this morning.
We had a great time playing with Eli and cuddling with Adam. (We actually had some cuddle time with Eli, too.) All diaper changes were performed by Lew, which suited me just fine.
I was reminded of something today: Playing can be hard work! I'm exhausted!!
Friday, January 17, 2014
And Here We Go Again
Lew and I didn't watch American Idol last year for a couple reasons. I was disappointed with the winner two seasons ago, so I wanted to take a year off. Plus we weren't "taken" with a couple of the judges that were on last year.
But this year we like all three of the judges, so we decided to give it a go.
Tonight marks our return. Yes, I know the show started on Wednesday, but Lew and I have our own view on How to Watch American Idol. (Click on the link to learn our method.)
Let's do this.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
"Meow"-zings by Kurt
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Dad 184: NFL Playoffs and a Clock
(Kim deserved all the razzing she received! Just my opinion. She knows that I love her. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! If I didn't know it was still January, I'd be saying "Hello" to Spring today. After a month of temperatures usually below freezing, we have had a real "January thaw." Temperatures running close to the 50s. Supposed to go back to winter temps shortly. Too soon for me!
We now await the next NFL playoff games this weekend. My choices are San Francisco over Seattle and, of course, the Patriots over the Broncos. Down deep, I don't believe that San Francisco can beat Seattle. But, I hope! As for the Patriots over the Broncos: Possible if the Pats play as well as they did against the Colts this past Sunday. GO PATS!
The Pats-Colts game caused some slight problems in our Illinois family. It seems daughter Kim rooted for the Colts. A family friend plays for the Colts. In fact, our Illinois family watched the game at the family friend's parents' home. The friend is number 58, Andy Studebaker. He plays on the Colts special teams. Kim was relegated to the backseat for the drive to the Studebakers. Seems kind of harsh!
I told Kim, if I lived out in Illinois for 20 years and watched Andy grow up in my church, I'd be a fan of any team he played for. Even when he was in Kansas City playing for the Chiefs. All in good fun.
I am having a war with my atomic clock. I needed to replace the batteries in both the clock and the outdoor temperature sensor as this function suddenly stopped working. Well, I got everything working. However, every morning finds the day has jumped two days and the time is reset incorrectly. Well, I found my book on the clock and I have just redone the batteries and will let the clock set itself. At least that is what the directions say. I am now using directions. Not often do I do this. I'll let you know how this works out next week.
Pepper just looked at the clock and has started over to the kitchen area. She's getting ready for our delightful tuna lunch. I'm on my way, Pepper. Must keep the cat happy! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014
My instrument list (see yesterday's post) is complete. Many thanks to Aunt Debbie for her help!
In addition to being ERM (Economic Recovery Month), January is also my ARM. ARM stands for "Abdomen Recovery Month." LOL!
I really want to declutter. For me, this usually means rearranging furniture as well. But this time the only room I will rearrange is the back room upstairs. And even then, it will just be a couple bookshelves and the pooperia. Lew is relieved!
I am enjoying the warmer weather we are having. You must understand that "warmer" really is a relative term. I hope that we have no more polar vortexes.
Will the Patriots be able to beat Peyton and the Broncos on Sunday? I hope so! Either way, I will be rooting for the AFC champion in the Super Bowl.
Lew and I have decided to tune into American Idol this season after our one year hiatus. It starts this Wednesday. Duck Dynasty starts that same night, too!
We love our kitties!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
A to Z in Musical Instruments
While watching football just now, I gave myself the following challenge:
Kazoo (no? how about Keyboard?)
Nose flute (I have one!)
Whistle (acceptable answer?)
I came up with all of the above without going to Google (and while distracted by football). Please help me complete the list!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
A Driving Lesson
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. ~ Psalm 139:5 (NIV)
The above verse came to mind as I was driving Lew's car to Glen's shop this past Tuesday. My father was following me in his own car so that he could give me a ride home.
At first I was thinking, "I wish Dad were ahead of me so that I wouldn't be nervous about whether I am going too slow for him." Yes, I am 50 years old and still anxious about what my father thinks of my driving!
But then I heard the problematic noise that the car was making, and I was suddenly relieved that Dad was behind me. If the car broke down, he would be right there.
That's when the above verse popped into my head. Even when I'm driving without Dad following me, my Heavenly Father is there... behind and before me. And that is good news.
I guess I shouldn't worry about Dad's opinion of my driving, although on the way home he did point out all the slippery spots I need to watch out for! But that's because he cares. (Thanks, Dad!)
Friday, January 10, 2014
My Quest for the Perfect Water Bottle
For about five years I have been looking for the perfect water bottle. A quick survey of my kitchen cabinets revealed that I have made around eight attempts.
They all had good points and bad points. The shortcomings: too small, bulky, opaque, poor seal, ugly, too much condensation.... Yes, I am hard to please.
Imagine my delight this past Christmas when my husband presented me with the perfect water bottle! It has none of the above shortcomings.
I am happy. :)
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My 20-ounce insulated water bottle by Tervis. |
Thursday, January 9, 2014
ERM and a Prayer
After the excess of the Christmas season, I have proclaimed January to be "ERM" : Economic Recovery Month. We are spending money only on the basics.
When Lew got home from work on Monday night, he informed me of a troublesome noise that his car was making. (I could even hear the noise myself while inside the house.) Uh-oh. What would this mean for ERM?
When we had our prayer time that night, I added a little plea for our car. Please, let it not be a major expense.
I took the car to brother-in-law Glen's shop on Tuesday. His service department found and fixed the problem. They even solved another long-term issue with the car. Both fixes were minor. And that meant minor dollars, too! No expensive parts. (Phew.)
When Lew and I talked about our good fortune, we both remembered our prayer from the night before. And we offered our thanks.
ERM remains intact!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Dad 183: Thoughts on Two Predictions
(The sunny part of today is over as I enter this; it is now dark outside. And yes... "Go Patriots!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! And so is winter! Today is sunny and up in the 20s. Two days ago we reached 50°. The day before was minus 20. A swing of about 70 degrees. Oh, how I'd like a few more of those warm days. The experts tell us we'll perhaps reach freezing over the next few days. Maybe even get some more rain as we did a couple days ago. The snow will go down a lot as it did then.
Well, it has been cold all over the country. The highlight for me: a vessel out checking for global warming was stuck in the ice. I believe two more vessels went to help and were also iced in. I heard today they were now free to travel. There was supposed to be no ice in that area as Al Gore said five years ago that the ice would be gone in five years. Me thinks he was wrong! Can you believe it?
The big news for the upcoming weekend is the game at Foxboro. The Colts (who won a thriller) will be in town to take on the Pats. I have nothing against the Colts except when they play the Patriots. My hope for this weekend is a Patriots win and that San Diego upsets Denver. This would allow the Pats to play at home the following weekend. However, these wins could easily go the other way. Hope not! Time will tell. GO PATS!
Just read an interesting article. Tim Tebow, doing some work for ESPN, predicted that Florida State would beat Auburn for the national championship. They did, by a 34-31 score. Tebow's prediction was 35-31. Pretty close, I'd say.
I'm back on the elliptical machine daily. I now do 30 minutes per day. Enough, I think, for me at my age. I hope it is enough as I continue to seek "Greek god" status. I know it is not possible, but I can dream, can't I?
Now I must end my writing and hope for a Patriots win. Sooo.....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Recommended Novelist: Randy Singer
I enjoy this author's story-telling, and I like the spiritual component he brings into his work. If I had to compare his novels to a better-known author, I would say he is similar to John Grisham.
I do have one warning for any future reader of Randy Singer.... Once you start a book, then clear your schedule! I am unable to put one of his books aside for very long. I MUST know how the story ends!
Monday, January 6, 2014
The Argument for Hermitation
Although warmer than the past few days, today was still dreary. Rain, fog, gray, blah....
And now the lower temperatures are returning.
I am cold.
That is all.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Something the NFL Gets Right
I prefer watching baseball to football, but the NFL does at least one thing better than the MLB.
After a baseball game, the winning team celebrates on the field. The losing team goes directly to the locker room.
After a football game, the winning team does celebrate on the field, but the losing team gathers on the field, too. The coaches and players share handshakes, hugs, and well wishes with each other -- and not just with the guys from their own team. (Sometimes there is some ill will, but mostly it's all good!)
Every time we see these exchanges, we are reminded that football is a game. And that keeps it fun. Thanks, NFL.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Lew Goes Grocery Shopping
Lew took a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up bananas and eggs.
He came back with nacho chips, the fixings for steak and cheese sandwiches, and chocolate cake. His reason for these impulse items: It is the first weekend of the NFL playoffs.
I had to "borrow" five eggs from my parents.... But Lew did remember the bananas!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Still Cold in 2013... er, make that 2014
Today was the second snow day in a row for area schools. I know that school kids are excited at the moment, but I hope they don't end up having to go to school in July!
It finally stopped snowing mid-morning.
Although the snow is no longer coming down, it is still cold. Very cold. Very, very cold. Very, very, very... well, you get the idea.
Due to the snow and the cold, I am off to a slow start in 2014. (Hermitation, anyone?) But one thing I did rather quickly was write the wrong year:
I will eventually get it right... just in time for the start of 2015.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
It has been snowing all day. Area schools were supposed to be back in session after the holidays, but the students (and teachers!) got a reprieve.
I just saw one of the neighbors across the street outside with his dog. Canines have outdoor needs, snow or not....
I'm glad we have cats!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Dad 182: Happy 2014
(Written at the bottom of the yellow-lined page containing Dad's post: "Is this short enough?" Why, yes it is! Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! From a very cold, sunny morning in the great state of Maine. Snow tomorrow. Now I wish you a:
Waiting for the Rose Parade and football.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!