Thursday, December 31, 2020
Farewell 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Dad 547: Vaccination Soon
Monday, December 28, 2020
Saturday, December 26, 2020
A Fine Holiday Weekend
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Dad 546: Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2020
Christmas Bag Lady
Tonight was the night I had set aside to put as many gifts in bags as possible.... Done!
There are four items left for Lew to wrap. That will be a cakewalk for him. He is an expert wrapper.
Time to sleep now!
Friday, December 18, 2020
A Record Broken: Mail Delivery
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Word of the day: Snow.
Lots of snow.
That's it!
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Dad 545: A Positive Test
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Tomorrow is Pythagorean Theorem Day
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Dusting Doesn't Have To Be A Chore
I've been reading a book of essays about books. One of the essays is about how to care for your books. The suggestion is to not dust books on your bookshelves. Instead carefully dust a single book only when you remove it from the shelf to read or look at.
I have always applied this same suggestion to everything. The dust is just going to come back anyway, so why even bother!
Friday, December 11, 2020
Friday Fun: Finishing Fixes!
I coined the title of this post — "Friday Fun: Finishing Fixes!" — at work today.
I had a few outstanding e-mail requests that needed to be addressed, and the person who needed to do her part finished her piece of the puzzle. This meant I could then complete my part.
It is nice to get problems resolved... especially on a Friday. 😊
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Shopping... Check!
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Dad 544: A Post in Two Parts
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Cyber Week
I didn't feel like doing much shopping while I had my sinus infection, which made me behind on getting my Christmas shopping done.
So starting Sunday (two days ago), I started my Cyber Week. Shopped last night and tonight as well. Made a really good dent! Tomorrow night I will try to fill in the gaps and be done.
Christmas is two weeks from Friday! Can you believe it?!
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Sunday Summary
We didn't get as much snow at our house as other places inland. Our plow guy didn't even have to come plow our driveway.
I did my Christmas decorating this morning before breakfast. There is a red tin on our kitchen counter that is plain red on one side and shows a snowman on the other side. While Lew cooked eggs, I turned the tin so the snowman is facing out. Decorating done! 😏
After missing church four weeks in a row, Lew and I made it back today. It was nice to see everybody.
I've had a quiet afternoon of ordering Christmas gifts online and doing other small projects. I imagine Lew has been watching football. He said he was going to make spaghetti for dinner, so he better follow through on that. Yum!
The rest of my day will be spent reading. I may even watch a movie. Looking forward to it!
Saturday, December 5, 2020
First Winter Storm
Although it's Saturday, I went to the office for a few hours. We were working in the training environment for our new computer system that is going "live" at the end of the year. Got some good practice today and we all learned a lot.
When I left at 3:15ish, I had to clean my vehicle off.... It was snowing!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! I'm not ready for snow yet.
As I type this tonight, I can hear the wind howling outside. Not sure how much accumulation we will get. Hopefully it will be just a dusting. (I wish!)
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Checkbook Fun
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Dad 543: Perseverance
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Greetings to you, December
I got the new month off to a good start: I made it to work today! It is nice to be able to work from home when necessary, but it is much more convenient to be at the office. I spent some time "digging out" after being gone for over a week and a half, and then just plugged away on my workload.
Happy December to all!
Monday, November 30, 2020
Farewell to you, November
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Dad 542: Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Bloggy Break
Praise the Lord.Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;his love endures forever.~ Psalm 106:1 (NIV)
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Dad 541: Temps and Technology
Monday, November 16, 2020
Good Night!
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Saturday Afternoon Conversations
Lew and I have the following conversation almost every Saturday afternoon. Today was no exception.
ME: Do you want to write a blog post today?
Lew pauses to think it over. I try to wait patiently and then I just can't help myself....
ME: It's okay if you don't want to.
LEW: No, I don't think I will today.
ME: That's okay.
LEW: My life is pretty boring lately.
ME: Same here.
LEW: I don't have anything new to share.
ME: Same here.
Lew goes back to watching whatever sports event is on TV. Today it's the Masters Tournament.
I put a load of laundry in the washing machine.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Dad 540: A Tire Problem
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
A Beautiful Day for a Visit
Yesterday Dad got a call from the Center offering an opportunity for an outdoor visit with Mom today.
I left work around 1:50 this afternoon so that I could go to the visit, too.
It was a beautiful day... warm enough that I didn't even wear a jacket! Mom didn't have a jacket on either, although she was getting a little chilly toward the end of the half-hour.
We had a lovely time. I texted niece Kelsey and she sent me some current photos of Bode. Mom loved seeing those. (Thank you for sending them, Kelsey!)
The number of COVID-19 cases has increased in our county, so we are getting close to the point where the Center may not allow these scheduled visits. I'm very grateful Dad and I had the chance to spend some time with Mom today.
Mom, I love you!
Saturday, November 7, 2020
At Least We've Had Some Nice Weather
It has been beautiful outside the past three days!
I walked outside with some co-workers during lunch Thursday and Friday.
Lew and I took a nice walk today. We walked to what has become our favorite walking destination. I took a picture!
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Mills Mask Mandate
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Dad 539: Clean Teeth! Clean Election?
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Sleep Tonight?
I am not watching TV tonight.
But I can't help looking at my phone for updates.
Robert J. O'Neill* just had the best tweet of the night: "It's official: Nobody knows what they are talking about..."
Sounds about right, Rob!
So maybe I will be able to sleep after all, especially since it's looking more and more like things won't be decided tonight.
(*Rob O'Neill is the Navy SEAL credited with shooting Osama Bin Laden.)
Monday, November 2, 2020
Rock Solid Hope
So, is there anything interesting happening tomorrow? Or will it be just another "ho hum" day?
Anyone who has been paying any attention at all knows that tomorrow is election day, of course!
Do I have a preference as to who wins? Sure.
If my guy loses, will I move out of the country? No.
No matter what happens, I know that God was, is, and always will be sovereign!
Blessed. 💗
Saturday, October 31, 2020
So today is Halloween.
My father took care of buying the candy for trick-or-treaters.
Number of trick-or-treaters we are ready for: 50.
Number of trick-or-treaters we actually will get: 0.
Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 30, 2020
Winter Weather Preview
Snow was in the forecast for overnight last night. It wasn't supposed to amount to anything.
I woke up a couple times during the night when nature called, but I forgot to look out the window when I came back in our bedroom.
When I looked outside this morning, there was no evidence of snow. I was not disappointed. A snow bunny, I am not.
But we didn't totally escape, because it was cold today. Mighty cold. I'm not ready for these low temperatures yet.
Still, I am thankful right now for a couple things: 1) No snow yet, and 2) our heated mattress pad!
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Dad 538: Shady Deals
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
Three of Nine
Congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett on being the newest Supreme Court Justice!
This means that President Trump has appointed three of the current Justices.
And I am now older than three of the nine Justices — the same three appointed by Trump.
I am feeling old....
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Where's Marilyn?
Both of our cats like to go "next-door" to my father's side of the house. Jerry especially enjoys breakfast-time visits; he always hopes my father will drop a piece of scrambled egg.
Marilyn blends in with a lot of our household features; she is like a "designer cat." Can you find her in the photo below, which is from one of her "next-door" visits? She is still making it easy for you! And, as you can see from her pose, she is a very trusting kitty. 😻
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Saturday Schedule
This is what my usual Saturday looks like, but maybe not in this exact order (although breakfast is always in the morning 😉 ):
- Elliptical machine... followed by a shower, of course!
- Breakfast out with our breakfast buddies.
- Laundry (both mine and Dad's).
- Go with Dad for his afternoon window visit with Mom; try to get her on the phone in order to hear each other better.
- Get caught up on my checkbook and mail that I didn't get to during the week.
- Collect the upstairs trash.
- Collapse at end of day!
Today was a little different in that I had to fit in a few hours of "work" work, which I did from home.
Time to collapse!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Tonight Lew and I went out to eat with Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam to celebrate a couple upcoming birthdays: Eli's on October 27 and Matt's on November 2.
Eli and Matt selected a restaurant with hibachi tables. Lew and I had never been, but they all had been a couple times before.
It was really fun. Our chef gave quite a culinary show! I'm especially glad he knew how to control the flames. I am sad to report that I didn't catch the piece of zucchini that the chef tossed toward my mouth. (I think Matt and Lew were the only successful catchers.) I splurged and got filet mignon, which was quite delicious. The fried rice was yummy, too.
It was a lovely evening of good food and, more importantly, great company! 💗💗💗💗
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Our Voting Plan Revised
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Dad 537: Visiting and Voting
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Lew told me this is the first year he's seen pigeons hanging around his birdfeeders. The pigeons are too big to get on the feeders themselves, but they partake of the food that falls to the ground.
Below is a photo I took through our kitchen window this morning. There were a dozen pigeons feasting!
Monday, October 19, 2020
"Safe Reunions" Webinar
I left work early this afternoon so I could watch a webinar regarding "updated guidance on visitation for families with loved ones in long-term care facilities." Dad watched it, too. And although the webinar was specific to the State of Maine, Kim watched it out in Illinois.
Limited indoor visitation is going to be allowed as long as the county is in the right designation, which is based on the number of Covid-19 cases per 10,000 people in your county. Even so, the visits will be under the same constraints as the outdoor visits have been (scheduled, supervised, masks, social distance) with the addition of plexiglass between you and your loved one. So basically it's just like being in prison.
One of the presenters was an epidemiologist, and he stated, "Covid's not going away." He indicated there is a greater concern going into the winter, as well as a greater concern regarding the flu.
My takeaway from the webinar: There is no end to this in sight.
Let's pray for a miraculous disappearance of Covid-19. (I've been doing this from the start, but please join me!)
Saturday, October 17, 2020
A Three-Shower Day
1. It rained this morning, although it did clear up by the afternoon. The sun made a nice showing.
2. After using the elliptical machine, "yours truly" always needs a shower!
3. We had a baby shower at church this morning. The baby was born in early September, so she came to the shower with her mama. She got all sorts of cute little girl clothes and lots of diapers!
Friday, October 16, 2020
A New Mail Delivery Record
Today's mail arrived at our house at 8:42 PM.
Maybe our delivery person has already turned her clocks back!
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Dad 536: Senate Hearings
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
7:37 P.M.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: (Choose only one.)
The title of this post — 7:37 P.M. — represents the time for which of the following?
A) Nutritionists announce that chocolate is really a vegetable, so eat as much of it as you want!
B) Scarborough, Maine is named host city for the 2040 Summer Olympics.
C) The sun comes out after a day of constant rain.
D) Our mail is delivered.
A? Sadly, no.
B? Ha, ha!
C? It is almost 8:55 P.M. and it is still pouring out. (Plus it's dark by 7:37 P.M. anyway.)
D! Lew then put his raincoat on and went out in the dark to get our mail. Thank you, Lew!
Monday, October 12, 2020
Our Voting Plan
Election day is three weeks from tomorrow. It can't come a day too soon in my opinion! It will be nice for the political ads to be off the airwaves.
Lew and I discussed our plan for voting: Vote early and vote often! (Ha ha!)
Actually, we will vote in person on November 3rd. We even decided to ride together to the polling place first thing that morning. We'll come home afterward and then I'll head off to work.
Oh, and we'll be voting only once.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Got H2O?
I was all discombobulated Thursday evening and most of yesterday. My schedule got thrown off a bit because a water main broke near my workplace Thursday morning. The water district shut the water off at 2:00pm, so that meant no potty breaks after that! You can guess why I had to leave work a little earlier than normal....
Then early yesterday morning (Friday) I heard my cell phone do a little "ding-a-ling." It was a text message from our H.R. person that we still didn't have water at work, so the office would be closed. That was all well and good except that I wanted to get the check run printed and mailed out. I got the "okay" to go in for a couple hours to get that done. Still, when you know you don't have access to a restroom....
I brought my laptop home with me, so I was able to work a few more hours yesterday knowing a bathroom was nearby.... Home, sweet home!
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Dad 535: Debate Predictions
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
When All Else Fails....
Monday, October 5, 2020
Our Sunday Stroll
Saturday, October 3, 2020
A Slim Chance
A few days ago I ordered a package of 12 Neck Gaiter Face Mask Bandanas on Amazon. I liked the looks of them because they are solid colors. They are probably not the best for the virus protection, but I wanted something different for the winter.
The package arrived today. I grabbed one at random to try. It was bright green. Lew wanted to try one, too, so I handed him the bright neon yellow. (Not my color, ha ha!)
I pulled mine on and thought, "Uh oh." It was okay around my neck, but was really tight when I pulled it up on my face.
Lew said his fit fine. He was right. His mask was over twice as large as the one I had.
So I pulled out the remaining ten, which all happened to be of the larger size. That means I managed to randomly select the only one of the twelve that was of a different size.
There are at least two ways of looking at my feat:
1) Pro: Maybe I could win the lottery if I played, which I'm not about to start doing.
2) Con: I probably would lose at Russian Roulette.
For those of you that are concerned about my not being able to wear the bright green mask, rest assured. The remaining colors are quite nice... except for the bright neon yellow. 😁
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Still Recovering
Stayed up too late Tuesday night to watch the sparring match... er, the debate.
After the debate was over, it took quite a long time for me to go to sleep. Too much excitement, I guess.
When I am having trouble falling asleep, I read on my Kindle until my eyes start to slam shut. It usually works fairly quickly, but it didn't on Tuesday! Again, too much excitement.
Since I rarely remember what I've read right before falling asleep, I need to go back a few pages the next time I return to a book. It's a necessary hazard of my strategy.
Speaking of eyes starting to slam shut....
Good night!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Dad 534: Presidential Debate 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Got Debate?
Lew and I are going to watch the presidential debate tonight. I don't think it will change our minds about which candidate we will vote for, but it should be interesting to watch. Plus, it's probably best to watch for one's self — as opposed to just listening to media personalities and reading Facebook/Twitter comments about it. (See yesterday's blog post for some additional thoughts I have on this! 😆)
I have to go to work in the morning, so I wish the debate started earlier. But perhaps it will put me to sleep early anyway! Ha ha!
Monday, September 28, 2020
I will be so glad when the election is over.
I can barely look at Facebook. I've hidden a lot of people the past few days. It amazes me how so many people are suddenly experts on a variety of issues. And it's obvious they've only read headlines. Ugh!
Is anyone still interested in learning the truth? We would all get along much better, I think.
And that is my rant for today. (Pretty wimpy, though, as far as rants go!)
Sunday, September 27, 2020
An Understatement
Yesterday I cleaned some things off my desk at home. Among the items was the 2020 calendar pictured below.
It went straight to the recycle bin!
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Lew's Logbook: Diner Attendance
(Lew writes today. "Crona" is a la Bob Marley. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
The little diner at the top of our road, Blast From The Past Too, opened up as soon as they could when Crona restrictions were relaxed. We were getting take-out for a while until one night we realized that they were letting customers in, albeit with some funky rules. (Some places have not reopened yet.) Anyway, they serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The food is quite good (it is diner food).
My weekly “old guys breakfast” has resumed and we are going to BFTPT every week. Our breakfast place before Crona probably will not ever be the same. It was a breakfast buffet and I don’t see those coming back.
Tracy and I have also resumed our regular weekly breakfast with another couple and guess where we go.
At least every other week I have breakfast with my brother and, again, it is at BFTPT.
Tracy’s dad (Derf) enjoys going up to the diner once a week for dinner so there I go again.
This week I was hitting on all cylinders. Tuesday with my old guys, Friday morning with my brother, Friday night with Tracy and Derf, and Saturday morning with our friends. Four times to BFTPT this week....
I need to see if they are looking for any investors.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Where's Marilyn?
Back by popular demand (and because I can't think of anything else to write) is another installment of "Where's Marilyn?" Find the kitty in the picture below. She's still making it easy for you! 😸
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Technology Issues
I am having trouble posting tonight.... my computer is probably updating, ugh.... so tune in tomorrow.
Technology is very fickle!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Dad 533: Another Outdoor Visit
Monday, September 21, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
"Motion" Sickness
Saturday, September 19, 2020
A Bad-Eyesight Event
I have terrible vision. You know the big "E" at the eye doctor's office? Without corrective lenses, I can't even see it, let alone tell it's an "E."
While taking a shower today, I was about to wash my hair when I saw a blurry dark spot in the corner of the shower. I figured it was a piece of a washcloth or something like that. But then it moved.... Or at least I thought it did.
So I crouched down to get a closer look and saw it was a giant stink bug.
Instead of following through on my first instinct, which was to scream, I decided to take care of the situation. That stink bug didn't stand a chance against the bottom of my shampoo bottle!
Friday, September 18, 2020
Too Late: The Sequel
Stayed up too late once again. This time it was because of the news that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away. Lew and I watched some of the coverage on Fox News Channel.
The next few weeks could prove to be interesting... well, they already were going to be interesting, but the possibility of a Supreme Court Justice nomination adds to the drama.
But for tonight at least, both sides of the aisle were respectful as they reflected on Justice Ginsburg and her accomplishments.
So, 2020, what are you going to bring us next?
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Too Late
It is not a good idea to play a quick game on your phone when you are trying to get to bed at a decent hour.
The quick game turned out not to be so quick.... The good news is that I set a new record, ha ha!
So glad tomorrow is Friday.
Good night!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Dad 532: Two Updates
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Appointment Tomorrow
I was scheduled to get a haircut in late March, but then the lockdown happened. My hairdresser called to cancel my appointment. She couldn't reschedule it, because nobody knew when things would open back up.
When hair salons were allowed to open again in Maine, my hairdresser texted me that she would be back at work the first week of June.
Not too long after that, she texted that she was going to take the summer off. She also said that any of her co-workers would be happy to cut my hair in the meantime.
I decided to wait.
Last week I sent her a text asking when she was coming back to work. She's taking a few more weeks off and will start working again at the end of October!
I thought I would continue to wait until she got back, but today I realized I absolutely must get a haircut. I haven't had it cut since February, and it is starting to show signs of my neglect. (Actually, it's not "starting" to; it already was looking pretty bad... but I've been in denial, ha ha!)
My appointment is for 11:30am tomorrow. The place is not too far from where I work, so I'll just use my lunch break to get this very necessary task done!
Monday, September 14, 2020
Lew mentioned around 3:15pm today that he was going to the pharmacy to get a shot. I was working from home, so I took a break and tagged along with him.
I got a flu shot, so I am now sporting a red Walgreens band-aid that says "Flu Fighter."
Lew got two shots, flu and tetanus. (I am hoping he will do a blog post about the tetanus shot.) The pharmacist said it was fine to do the shots in the same arm, so that's what happened. Lew now has two red band-aids, one right above the other.
My arm is only slightly sore from the shot, but Lew is commenting quite a bit about how much his arm hurts. I am sympathetic, since he did get two shots in one day. He's a trooper! So brave. 😁
Sunday, September 13, 2020
37 Years
The title of this post represents how many years I have been a Triple A member.
If you belong to this automobile association, then I'm sure you have also gotten their mailings about buying life insurance.
Below is a snip from the mailing I received from them this past week:
Bahahahahahaha! It's not the first time I have been mistaken for a guy based on my first name.
So, YES, my "information differs from above." But I'm not buying the insurance, so I guess it doesn't really matter. 😄
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Pie Night
It was delayed nearly six months due to the pandemic, but Lew and I finally had "Pie Night" with two other couples from our church.
Our hostess had a lovely table set for us. Each couple brought a pie, and the pies were pretty much demolished by the time our evening ended.
We brought a homemade apple pie, which Lew had sub-contracted out to his brother.
Our hostess made a raspberry pie.
The other couple brought a chocolate cream pie; they (i.e. the wife) even made the crust.
All three pies were delicious.
It was unanimous that this event must be repeated!
Friday, September 11, 2020
A Movie Recommendation
Glen and Debbie told us about a movie available on Amazon Prime. Friends of theirs had told them about it. And now I am telling you. 😊
The movie is "The Peanut Butter Falcon." Lew and I watched it tonight.
It is a sweet story about a young man with Down Syndrome who wants to be a wrestler. It is also about another young man who needs redemption.
There is some bad, irreverent language in the movie, so I wouldn't recommend it for children. It's a shame, though, because I think kids would like the story. It has some good life lessons, too.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
The Downside of Long Weekends
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Dad 531: An Outdoor Visit
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
I Hate Wearing a Mask
School started today. On my way to work, I saw children waiting for their bus. The children were all wearing masks, which made me sad for them.
I have been wearing a cloth mask, but I ditched it today. I will keep another cloth mask in my purse (just to be ready if I unexpectedly need one), but otherwise I am going to wear disposable masks. The H.R. gal at work told me there is something psychologically pleasing about throwing the mask in the garbage. I have to agree.
Yes, I am so very tired of the whole mask thing.
Monday, September 7, 2020
A Long Weekend Win
On Friday I posted about my plans for the Labor Day weekend. And how did I do?
Reading. I read Agatha Christie's mystery Death on the Nile in its entirety. Really good.
Writing. I e-mailed the governor and my state senator requesting they open up nursing homes for family visits.
Arithmetic. I got caught up on paying bills and recording items in my checkbook.
And did I get any R&R? Of course!
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Where's Marilyn?
Lew and I have our own version of "Where's Waldo?"
Every night before turning in, we locate both of our cats. We do this is to make sure they aren't locked up in a closet or on my parents' side of the house. (Both of these things have happened before.)
We also make sure we know where the cats are when we leave the house for any length of time.
Cats can find interesting and amazing hiding places, but sometimes they are out in the open.
Earlier today I was looking for Marilyn. Would you like to try finding her? She's starting you off with an easy one! 😸
Saturday, September 5, 2020
We Are the Champions
Lew and I spent some time with friends this evening. Dinner, a game, ice cream sundaes, the Kentucky Derby, some 80s/90s trivia.... We had a fun time.
The game was Codenames. It was the guys vs. the gals: Peter, Paul, and Lew vs. Anne-Marie, Ellen, and me. Lew and I gave the clues to our teammates.
It was the girls' night! I had a really nice clue that cleaned up a lot of the board for us, while Lew learned that Peter and Paul never played marbles when they were children!
I am going to bask in this victory for a while... at least until the next rematch.
We are the champions!
Friday, September 4, 2020
Hooray for Long Weekends
I have a three-day weekend because of the Labor Day holiday on Monday.
I plan to do the three Rs:
- Reading. Hopefully lots of reading. Maybe an Agatha Christie mystery.
- Writing. I'm going to write a letter to send to lawmakers. Time to open the nursing homes back up for family to visit. Enough is enough.
- Arithmetic. Pay a few bills and get my checkbook caught up.
Actually I'm going to do the five Rs... the three above and some much-needed R&R!
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Nickels and Dimes
The Broadcast TV Surcharge is a fee reflecting charges assessed to <cable company> by the owners of local broadcast and local "network-affiliated" TV stations.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Dad 530: Rain, Restrictions, Renewal
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
A Lights-Out Fail
I shouldn't be writing this post because I am breaking my new rule of "lights out" by 9:30 p.m.
I started writing this post at 9:30 p.m.
I started writing so late because I was talking with my sister Kim.
When I told her, "I still need to write my blog post," she said she is a little behind on reading the blog.
I told her I had been posting every day for almost a week and a half, so she has more catching up to do than she thought.
Happy reading, Kim.... And I am blaming you for my "lights out" failure! 😏😁
Monday, August 31, 2020
B is for Bread
Welcome to my second installment of An Alphabet "Soup-er" Idea. I started this quest almost a year ago in attempt to combat "bloggers block" but I haven't done all that well, have I? 😏
B is for Bread
Bread is yummy. (Exception: Rye bread.... Blech!)
I like soft, warm bread with butter melted into it. Too bad I can't really eat a lot of bread on my diet. Something to look forward to, I guess.
Lew is a bread connoisseur. He scours the grocery store to find the best bread.
My sister Debbie and Lew have a special "bread" connection. Debbie usually does quite well making her bread-type items. But the first few times she made it for a dinner Lew would be attending, something always went wrong. (One "something" was burning!) They don't joke about it as much as they used to, but every now and then it comes up in conversation. It is, after all, part of our family history.
Fried dough is bread, right? Oh, I'd love to have some right now with butter, cinnamon, and powdered sugar.... 😋 .... But unfortunately it's time for sleeping instead.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Putt, Putt
Lew enjoys watching golf on television. I will watch with him sometimes, especially when it's the final round of a tournament.
Today we watched the end of the BMW Championship. It was pretty exciting.
Dustin Johnson forced a playoff by sinking a 43-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole. The putt was off to a slow start but picked up speed when it hit a downhill portion on the green. Then it looked like it was going to be right of the hole, but it swerved back to the left and went in.
It was probably the most bizarre, clutch putt I have ever seen....
Until Jon Rahm made a 66-foot birdie putt on the playoff hole to win the tournament. His putt had to be aimed to the left, since he knew the ball would eventually break right. It was a big, curvy route! But that little ball went in the hole. Pretty amazing.
And that's my description of the two putts. I don't think I have a career as a sports writer!
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Two New Household Items
Lew and I recently purchased an iron and a bathroom scale. We ordered both on Amazon.
The old iron was making funny noises after using it. The new iron arrived today, and Lew has already tested it out. He's very happy with it. He also announced, "I never liked that old iron." This was news to me! We had that iron for over 15 years. I asked him why he didn't get a new one earlier, and he said he couldn't justify buying a new one while the old one still worked. I now will point out that Lew is the only one who irons regularly. The wrinkled look is okay by me!
As for the bathroom scale, it lost one of its light-up-bar-thingies in the display (what are those called?) and a new battery didn't fix the problem. When our new digital scale arrived, Lew tested it against the old one. His weight on the old scale was 0.7 pound less than his weight on the new scale. Close enough, although I like the old scale's measure better, ha ha! But the new scale is pretty slick, and it cost us only $16.83.
A good thing about both of these purchases is that we were able to follow the guideline of "one thing in, one thing out" for our belongings. I guess it helped that the "one thing out" didn't work properly!
Friday, August 28, 2020
Two Birthday Wishes
"Happy Birthday" to my sister Kim tomorrow! I won't mention her age, but she is about 16 months younger than I am. So I can't really make fun of her age, can I? 😁
"Happy Birthday plus one week" to my hubby! Lew's birthday was actually last Friday, so at least I have the day of the week right and we are still in the same month. 😁
More about Lew's birthday.... We had dinner at the diner with Dad. (Nice alliteration, huh?) Then the next day (Saturday) Lew had a "boys day out" with Matt, Eli, and Adam, after which they all came back to our house for a visit. I kept Eli and Adam occupied for most of it (see below), giving Lew and his son a chance to chat. It was a fun afternoon!
Lew's attempt at a "boys day out" selfie. |
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Adam (cool glasses!) and Eli . . . LEGO Masters in the making. |
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Late August Weather
It was chilly here today. Had to wear a light coat when I left work tonight. I can't complain, though, especially since parts of our country are experiencing dangerous storms. Praying for some relief for the people living in those areas.
Changing the subject just a bit.... When I took the kitties over to say "Nite-Nite" to my father, he and I talked about how it is getting dark earlier. It wasn't too long ago that it was still light outside during "Nite-Nite" time. It was completely dark tonight!
Lew and Dick played golf today. Lew told me the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, and the sun wasn't beating down on their heads. ("Baby bear" weather.)
Lew also told me that today they played their 2nd-best day of golf ever. Kudos! 😊
It's after 10pm. I need to start writing my posts earlier. Zzzzzzzz....
Good night!
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Dad 529: Virus Woes
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reset, Day 3
This will probably be my last post with "Reset, Day #" as the title. But I did want to do this particular post to list some of the other aspects of my "Reset."
My niece Kaelen and I decided to start learning Greek. We are using Duolingo and a beginner's Greek book, and we both now have a Greek New Testament. Looking forward to when we are able to read portions of it!
Although I have piles of books I want to read (physical piles and virtual piles), I do have a list I started a while back that I am trying to get through. There are currently 21 books on this list. Going to tackle them in earnest.
Trying to stop and wave at Mom through her window on my way home from work every day. We wave and blow kisses at each other, It is a nice few minutes.
I got behind on my devotional books during the pandemic. (Yes, I know the pandemic is still going on, but I'm doing a "Reset" on how I'm coping with it.) I am all caught up now, and I aim to stay caught up. It's good for my soul.
One other thing I need to do is get to sleep earlier. I haven't done so great at that yet, as you can see by the timestamp of this post! So....
Good night!
Monday, August 24, 2020
Reset, Day 2
I received a box last Friday (three days ago):
The box contained items that are already playing a significant role in my "Reset" plan.
Q: What was in the box?
A: Nutrisystem!
I used Nutrisystem a couple years ago and met my weight-loss goal. But I gained some "pandemic weight" recently, and I decided to address it before things got too out of hand.
I probably won't blog much about this part of my "Reset" after today. (Last time I think I mentioned it only once — after I met my goal!)
Here's to good health!
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Today I have designated as my "Reset" day.
I have developed some bad, lazy habits as a result of the pandemic. (Shouldn't totally blame the pandemic, but let's go with that.)
So today I am catching up on a few tasks that I put off for too long. One task was to copy my iPhone photos to my computer. That was fun. 😕
Another "Reset" item is to start blogging more consistently. I know I have threatened to do this several times already, but this time I mean it.... I really do.... I really, really do.
Because this post is rather boring, I will close by posting a couple photos from an outing Lew and I had a week ago yesterday. We went to see Glen and Debbie's new boat. Didn't go for a ride (I have to work up the nerve for that), but we did have a lovely evening visiting with family while sitting at the dock. The first photo is from the ladies' room — funny! The second photo is of some lovely ladies most readers of this blog will recognize.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Dad 528: Josh's Big News
Friday, August 14, 2020
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Dad 527: Winding Down
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Family Night
Last night we had our annual family gathering with the Illinois crowd and all the local gang.
We had pizza, garlic knots, chips & salsa, plus soda and ice cream from "Fred's Fridge."
Except for a broken vehicle side mirror and a head gash requiring staples (two unrelated incidents), the evening was a fun success!
Until next year.... 💗
Due to an unfortunate meeting with the edge of our porch, Adam was the recipient of three staples. |
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Dad 526: A Downer and a Dinner
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Say What?
Saturday, August 1, 2020
It has been hot the last few days. I guess that's what happens in the middle of the summer! 😎
The Illinois family has been busy with visiting, boating, and eating.
Stay cool everybody!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Dad 525: Family!
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Sunday Night
How I spent my vacation, in no particular order:
- 20th wedding anniversary!
- movies on STARZ (via free trial week)
- pie & fry
- beach walk
- Way Way Store
- reading
- sleeping in
- elliptical machine
- breakfast out with our breakfast buddies
- dinner out with Dad
- neighborhood walk
- too much eating
- back to work
- the Illinois Invasion!
- start diet
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Dad 524: The Family Are Coming!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
I selected this week for a vacation because tomorrow is our 20th wedding anniversary! 💕
Tomorrow is also Dad's birthday and Debbie & Glen's anniversary (#24 for them). 🎂
What have Lew and I planned for my week off? It's a staycation, so we will take some walks around the neighborhood, eat some good food out, and watch movies every night in the comfort of our own living room. Sounds delightful!
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Dad 523: Outdoor Visit II
Monday, July 13, 2020
Gift Delivered!
She wasn't in her room — probably wheeling around in the hallways with her friends!
As I was peering into her window, what did I see hanging on her wall?....
The drawing of the cardinal!
So I didn't get to see Mom, but I did confirm that she got her birthday gift from me. And I am pleased that they hung the drawing up for her.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
It's Mom's Birthday!
She told me she got birthday gifts from some of the people at the center. She said she had cake, although I'm not sure if it was birthday cake.
I dropped off a gift for her on Thursday morning, but they haven't given it to her yet. They wait at least 48 hours before bringing new items to a resident. Plus, it's the weekend, so fewer staff are working. Hopefully they'll get the gift to her tomorrow.
The gift? A framed drawing of a cardinal! The drawing was done by my friend Shae. (My contribution is the frame. 😏) I took the picture below before I added the frame. I hope Mom will enjoy it!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
A Sticky Subject
If one of us thinks we should get rid of a household item, then we can put a green sticker on it. If the other wants to keep the item, then a red sticker can be applied to negate the green sticker.
I "red stickered" the sticker idea because I don't want to get things sticky from the stickers.
My counter-suggestion: Let's talk about what we would like to get rid of. I asked Lew to name something. He said he didn't have an idea yet, although he keeps mentioning how many books we have around the house....
Don't touch my books!
Seriously, though, we do have way too much stuff. Past efforts at decluttering, although initially successful, didn't stick (pun intended).
Thursday, July 9, 2020
The Masks We Wear
I personally do not like wearing a mask. I am constantly pulling it away from my face so I can breathe better. My glasses always fog up, too. (And, no, I am NOT putting shaving cream on my glasses, or any other substance that supposedly keeps them from fogging up. My lenses are very expensive and I don't want to compromise the coating on them.)
Despite my dislike of the mask, I wore it while I was in the store because I didn't want to get arrested. There were several children in the store, and all were wearing masks. This sight really bothered me.
I have been praying to God to heal our world of the Coronavirus. I don't want to wear a mask anymore. I want businesses to open back up (although many people have already lost their small businesses). Most of all, I want to be able to visit my mother face-to-face.
But no matter what the future brings, God is sovereign.... Believe it! 💗