Friday, October 31, 2014
Hand Over Your Sweet Treats!
Living in the same house as one's parents has its conveniences.
For instance, I often "steal" from my folks. I even tell them when I'm doing it.
I frequently steal sweets. My father bought some large bags of candy to hand out for Halloween. (We get zero trick-or-treaters at our house. Zero.) We have been eating this candy for the past couple weeks.
I believe I have written before about stealing York Peppermint Patties. Yum....
Sometimes I am a banana thief. Or a milk thief. Or an egg thief. These thieving events happen when Lew and I have put off going to the grocery store by one day too many.
In the summer we have Fred's Fridge in the garage. Dad stocks it with soda, water, and ice cream treats. (He wants people to help themselves, so is that really stealing?)
And my five minutes are up. I will not "steal" extra time today!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
World Series Past
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Dad 225: Football and Chickens, Of Course!
(Leghorn. Foghorn Leghorn. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! A cloudy, fall day is what we in the Northeast are experiencing. Still waiting for a good frost. Really want the growing season to end. All mowers are put away. The experts tell us we will have a frost the first of next month. Just in time to set the clocks back. (Don't forget!)
Well, Zack's football season is over. They played and lost in the Gold Ball game played in Portland Stadium. Final score: 48 - 30. His eighth grade team lost only two games this year. Both losses were to the champions. A great football year for Zack. Congratulations, Zack!
Josh's high school team lost their first four games. Then a turnaround. They won the next four to qualify for the playoffs. They will play Sanford this weekend in the quarterfinals. They lost to Sanford the first game of the season. Hope for a win and then to the semifinals against the top seed. Stay tuned.
In the last few days we have been visited by chickens. Our neighbors who live two homes away have a flock of chickens. They have been spending the last few days in our yard. (I will admit that we are now on our third bag of cracked corn. Spouse likes to feed "her "chickens.) The flock is really quite spectacular. They are all fine looking birds. There are five white, two brown, and two black. I believe the black are Plymouth Rock and the brown are Rhode Island Red. I don't recall the name of the white, but it rhymes with a cartoon chicken according to Lew. Spouse just entered and said she just fed them. They are eating! It is good that Spouse has some new friends!
Enough information to focus on for today. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Try to Remember
Monday, October 27, 2014
When Underwhelming Content Becomes Overwhelming
There's just way too much!
It's overwhelming me.
I try to follow several things on the Internet.
When keeping up starts to seem like a chore (you may read that as, "I dread it"), then I know it's time to pare back.
I just did a purge this weekend.
I "unsubscribed" from a few blogs.
I "hid" some Facebook pages.
Then I sighed in relief and relaxed.
I'm feeling good about it now.
Really good!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
A Haircut, Baseball, a Blog Post, and a Certain Kitty
Have I mentioned before that Saturday is now laundry day? Well it is indeed laundry day. (More excitement.)
The World Series began Tuesday night. I am rooting for the Royals, but I am not going to be devastated if they lose. They are ahead in the series at this point, 2-1, so they have a good shot at it. (It is nice that my stomach is free from the gymnastics of last year. You may recall that my beloved Red Sox played in -- and won! -- the 2013 World Series. My stomach did somersaults while watching those games.)
On Wednesday I wrote a blog post for my church's women's ministry blog. I shared my goal of memorizing the entire book of Ephesians. You can read the post by clicking *HERE*.
Kurt the cat has resumed peeing on the living room carpet. I'm going to call the vet to make sure he doesn't have an infection. He seems in pretty good spirits, so I'm thinking he's fine. But we are wondering if he's mad that I'm out of the house more than I used to be. Sorry, kitty. Anyway, Kurt is fortunate that we love him and are willing to replace the flooring in our living room if it comes to that. (Lew and I were just talking about how having cats complicates our lives a bit. But it's also a lot more fun with them around.)
Another Summary Saturday post is now in the books. That's a wrap.
Friday, October 24, 2014
A Happy Airline Baggage Story
I know the word "baggage" is often used to refer to emotional issues and the like. I really don't want to write about that kind of baggage. So....
On a trip home to Maine (when I lived in Kansas), I had a connecting flight in Chicago, I think. When I got to the gate, I saw that there was an earlier flight to Portland than the one I was ticketed for. This earlier flight got in around 8:30 p.m., which was a much better time than my midnight ETA.
I asked if there were any available seats on the earlier flight. The attendant wasn't sure yet, but they took my name and told me to be listening for it. If they could get me on the earlier flight, then they would -- but my checked baggage wouldn't arrive until the later flight. That was fine with me! (These were the days when making flight changes were much easier.)
I made a phone call to my parents. "If you don't hear back from me, pick me up at the airport at 8:30 p.m."
I got a seat on the earlier flight at the last minute. When I arrived in Portland, I went to the baggage claim to let the desk know I would be back the next day to pick up my luggage. Before I got to the counter, I glanced at the baggage claim carousel. What do you think I saw?
The first bag out was mine! Somebody was on the ball.
Thus ends my happy airline baggage story. :)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
An Almost-70-Year-Old Photograph
Here is one of my beautiful mother as a child. I've included the note my grandmother wrote on the back.
If I didn't know this was a picture of my mother, I would have thought it was my sister Kim. The resemblance is that strong!
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Port Deposit, Maryland. |
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Dad 224: A Blah Bloggy Day
(I am questioning the sincerity of Dad's "Bring it on!" comment regarding winter, but I do hope you enjoy reading his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The morning is dark, dreary, and rainy! This storm is supposed to last through Friday. Well, I planned on the bad weather and will be housebound for the next few days. (Another example of my superior planning.) Hope the sun shines again on Saturday. Stay tuned for weather report next week.
Well, I had a good week. The Patriots beat the Jets. Indianapolis won. Josh's team won another game and Zack's team won their playoff game. Zack will play for the championship this weekend. They will play the only team that beat them this year. We are hoping for a different result, but quite happy to play in the "Gold Ball" game. Go, Josh and Zack!
All my pre-winter duties are now done. The winter door is now back on. The motorcycles are stored. The car is back in the garage, and the plow has been inspected and is set to go. The change of hydraulic fluid is complete. Winter, we are ready! Bring it on!
I'm not happy about the results of the first World Series game. I have nothing against the San Francisco Giants but would like to see Kansas City win. Doesn't look too promising now. Go, Royals!
The day is "blah" and so is my blog! So I'm done before it gets worse. Soooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
NaNo or Not NaNo?
I signed up to do it last year, but I got quite behind on my word-count (need to total 50,000 words over the month of November). So I ended up abandoning the effort early.
I would like to write a novel.
I really would.
Or perhaps, I would like to have written a novel. (That's closer to the truth!)
This year, if I start NaNoWriMo, I want to finish NaNoWriMo.
To do:
- Determine idea for novel by October 31st.
- If did #1, then sign up for NaNoWriMo.
- If did #2, then write, write,WRITE!!!
Monday, October 20, 2014
I Did Not See That Coming
As in, "We did not see that coming."
I won't write any spoilers here (watch the show!), but it did make me think of other movies that I've seen with interesting twists:
- No Way Out
- The Sixth Sense
- A Beautiful Mind
- The Game
- The Prestige
And, of course, there's the plot twist of all plot twists: Psycho. A real classic, indeed.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Weather, Walks, Work, Wins, World (Series)
It was so warm today that Lew and I were able to take an early-afternoon walk without wearing jackets. (I started out with one, but I had to remove it.) We walked down to the Eastern Trail and looked out over the marsh. It was lovely. Walking back to the house seemed like a chore (tired legs!) but we made it.
I also took a walk Monday morning with my friend Ellen. It was chillier that day (needed hats and gloves) but the sun was still shining bright. Ellen and I hardly walked together all summer, so we laughed about finally getting out in mid-October.
The remainder of the week was spent working at the sandwich shop, meeting friends for a late lunch, and fighting off a headache. I won the headache battle in that it didn't keep me home from anything. But it did wear me out. I wanted to watch baseball and football on Thursday night, but I conked out early. Too tired!
Regarding baseball: I was hoping for the St. Louis/Kansas City match-up, although I will certainly enjoy watching San Francisco/Kansas City. I will be rooting for Kansas City to win the World Series....
Go, Royals!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Once Upon an Amusement Park Ride
In this case, the word "story" could refer to a building level or a tale. I don't really want to write about a building, so I'll tell a tale....
The following is true.
When Suzy and Barry lived in the Midwest, they took their church youth group to an amusement park. I went along as an additional chaperone. (I was either visiting or also living in the area. Some of the details are a bit fuzzy.)
This outing required staying overnight at a motel. (Okay, I know the prompt says "hotel." Humor me.)
All of the guys stayed in one room. There were two rooms for the girls. The original plan was that Suzy and I would split up and each stay with half of the girls.
The girls all wanted to stay in the same room. (I can't remember how many there were, but I remember thinking the idea was insane.) They insisted, however, so they got their way. I think we put them in the middle of the three adjacent rooms.
This means that Suzy and I got to room together. Ahhh... peace and quiet... except for the fact that I was sick from the amusement park rides! So it was probably good that the rooming situation worked out the way it did.
And my five minutes were up a little bit ago, but I had to finish my story. :)
Thursday, October 16, 2014
A Pennsylvania Pic
On this TBT, I am sharing a photo taken on that special day. The front row is made up of four siblings (the fifth, Tommy, was not able to attend the event). The back row is made up of three sisters, who are cousins to the front row.
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Front (l to r): Laura, Harry (the groom!), Gina, Michael. Back (l to r): Debbie, Tracy (me!), Kim |
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Dad 223: Excitement for Pepper
(I had pretty much the same schedule today as yesterday: work, lunch with a friend, and now baseball. One big difference is that it's Derf Wednesday, and Dad remembered to write something! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Sitting here on the couch with Pepper getting ready to enjoy a second day of summer weather in early Fall. We hit 72° yesterday on the coast and we hope to repeat that today. Then rain tomorrow and the temps will fall. Think I'll mow the lawn today for the last time this season. Hope for a hard frost soon to completely stop the growing season. A frost has reached the state with the exception of the coast. Must store mowers in the trailer for the winter. Then we can rearrange the motorcycles and put the 'cah' in the garage.
So far, I've found no mice in the motor compartment of the pickup. I think the mice have the message: Infiltrate and you die!
Good news on the football front. Zack's eighth-grade team won their first playoff game this past weekend. He will play again this weekend with the winner playing in the championship game. Josh's high school team continues to improve and they won again. They could possibly win the next two and make the playoffs. They must win both games. We'll see!
Pepper just left me and is now sitting on the back of the couch looking out the window. Happy viewing! Not too much excitement to see! At 17, Pepper doesn't need much excitement. Same for me also.
I went into a store the other day and they were putting up their Christmas stuff. Seems to be rushing the season as we still have to get through Halloween and Thanksgiving. I guess it is never too early for Christmas.
Pepper just crawled down my chest and is now back with me resting on the arm of the couch.
Seems like a good time to wrap this up and pet my furry friend. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
It Slipped My Mind
I met a friend for a late lunch after I got off work today.
I got home in time to start watching the Cardinals/Giants playoff game, which just ended.
I am now preparing to watch the Orioles/Royals game.
But, wait....
What about my blog?
I forgot all about it until just now!
I'm not feeling particularly creative, so I'll just leave it at that for today.
Thanks for checking in. :)
To-do: Remember to post on blog.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Columbus Day Closing
Although summer has been officially over for several days, there were still some remnants kicking around. Pier Fries, Bill's Pizza, and the Dairy Corner were all open.
And those three places were still open today. (I know this because Lew and I went to all of them.)
But tomorrow? None will be open. Not until Spring 2015.
Winter is on its way.
Excuse me while I go roll up the sidewalks....
Saturday, October 11, 2014
What I did this week:
Church, housechurch, watch football, watch baseball, doctor appointment, work, read, eat, sleep, laundry, other incidentals....
About to add a babysitting gig to the list.
But first, a cup of hot cocoa is in order.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Two Bugs in a Rug...?
I often think of Lew and me as "two peas in a pod."
There are several reasons for this:
- We are married to each other.
- We are both introverts.
- We both prefer home above any other place.
- We like a lot of the same TV shows.
- We both enjoy watching sports.
- We both like to read.
- Our favorite person to hang out with: Each other!
But there is one major reason that I don't usually refer to us as "two peas in a pod":
- Lew hates peas!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Awwww.... Weren't They Cute?
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Debbie cuddling Zack (left) and Josh after a dip in the pool. |
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Dad 222: Of Mice and Man, Part 2
(It's mid-afternoon as I type this, and the sun indeed did win. Beautiful day. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! It seems that the sun is making an attempt to ward off the rainy morning. It sure looks like the sun will win out. We hope! Brighter by the minute.
I have two goals to accomplish each morning. I always check the obituaries on the computer. I've been doing this for many months now. This past week I've added the second goal. I check the engine compartment of my pickup to see if the mice have gone for good. (See last week's post.) I have not found any sign of mice for one week. I guess the capture of the two by trapping last week has won the war. I will continue to check on a daily basis to see that none return. I will kill any family members that dare to move in. You have been warned! Don't come back!
Good news on the football front. Josh's high school team won their game last Friday evening quite handily (34-6). Zack's eighth-grade team completed the season with a win. They start the playoffs this weekend. Hope both can win again this week.
The Patriots finally looked like a football team. Hope it lasts. Go Pats!
Congratulations to Kansas City, Baltimore, St. Louis, and San Francisco as their baseball teams are now playing to make the World Series. I'll be watching but not really cheering for any particular team. Ho-hum.
According to my proofreader and editor, my time is up. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
A Time to Read, A Time to Nap
May I add, "Take a nap" to that list? If so, that is what I want to write about! So I will.
The change of seasons, late nights of baseball playoff games, and my new job routine have all added up to my eyes wanting to slam shut right now. I mean it. I can hardly keep my eyes open.
And as tempting as a nap sounds, I don't really want to take one! What I would like to do is sit with a cup of hot cocoa and finish the novel I'm currently reading. I could effort that, I suppose. But if I find that I need to read the same paragraph four times, then the nap will win.
I do like reading on my Kindle right before bedtime. I use a larger font, so it is easy on my eyes. And when I start to read the same paragraph four times, I know that it's time to shut down. (It's interesting to see how far back I need to start the next time I pick the book up. Sometimes I find that I really didn't comprehend a full ten pages!)
To do: Read. Drink cocoa. Try to stay awake. Take nap if necessary.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Utilizing Our DVR
TV shows that we still watch and enjoy:
- Castle
- Person of Interest
- The Middle
- Last Man Standing
- Elementary (although no new episodes yet)
- Masterpiece Mystery
We are doing what we can to watch a show here and there, but baseball is taking priority. (We are really behind on Masterpiece Mystery; there are several "Miss Marple" episodes waiting for us.) Watching the baseball playoffs is fun this year -- and not nearly as stressful as if the Red Sox were playing!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
October Baseball Musings
It's been a week of work, church events, and baseball.
I wrote about a specific MLB playoff game yesterday. Today I want to share my analysis of the potential World Series match-ups, particularly what would make each one interesting.
I just drew this rough sketch. If you follow baseball, then you will know which teams I am referring to. (If you don't follow baseball, then you may not care about this post anyway!)
Best Records. Best regular-season record in their league.
Wild Cards. I hope this one is self-explanatory.
Geog. Geography. Teams that are close to each other, and may share some of the same fans.
Coast 2 Coast. Teams that are on opposite sides of the continental USA.
2013. Both of these teams were favored to beat the Red Sox in their respective playoff series last year. But as we know, my beloved Red Sox won it all. ("No comment" regarding 2014....)
Yes, I know that I left seven squares empty. (Feel free to offer suggestions on why those match-ups would be interesting!)
And in case you're wondering, I'm not rooting for one match-up over the other. But if I had to pick which one, I'd say Kansas City vs. St. Louis, due to my years spent living in the Midwest (both Kansas and Missouri).
Ahhhh... October baseball. :)
Friday, October 3, 2014
A Questionable Pitching Change
It is post-season baseball time. Each game is important.
I just watched the last few innings of game 2 of the ALDS, Detroit at Baltimore. Detroit was ahead 6-3 going into the bottom of the 8th inning, but ended up losing 7-6.
Detroit's relief pitcher had pitched a couple really clean innings, but the manager took him out of the game after the 7th inning. My question is, "Why not put him back out there for the 8th and wait to take him out when he gives up a hit or a walk?"
I just told my parents that if I had been the Detroit manager for just that one decision, Detroit probably would have won the game!
Neither Detroit nor Baltimore are my team, so it's okay with me whoever wins. I just don't understand the "over-managing" that sometimes takes place in baseball.
And my five minutes are up.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Two Cats in the Window
Regular readers of this blog know that Pepper the cat almost "ceased to be" about a month ago. But due to veterinary science (and some of my parents' cash), she is still with us!
Here is my favorite photo of Pepper and her old friend, Bagheera. (Our current cat Jerry looks a lot like Bagheera, whom we still miss.)
Bagheera and Pepper - two sweet cats. |
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dad 221: Of Mice and Man
(Dad wrote out today's post on three pages of yellow-lined paper. His note to me at the bottom of page #3: "Tracy - Sorry so long, but the story must be told!" Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Not enjoying a cloudy, cool, dismal, drizzly day in the Northeast. We don't have a choice, so we'll live with it. No like, though!
A while back I had a truck that would not start. Found out a relay was bad so it was replaced. (Had no prior trouble like this for years.) Well, about six months later, I had the same problem. Replaced the relay and purchased one to carry with me.
All was well until returning home one day from a dump run. My dash lit up and a message told me to "service my 4-wheel drive". When I turned the key off the truck would not shut off. The problem was that I needed to replace the relay (fuse) panel located under the hood. It seems I had a mouse infestation and the critters totally destroyed the panel. The local Chevrolet dealer had the necessary part on its shelf and said this problem was not unique. The panel was replaced, costing a few hundred dollars.
Just last week, I decided to service the truck so as to mount my plow and have it checked out for free at a local truck center. (They do a pre-check every fall and replace all fluids.) While servicing the truck I decided to check the fuse panel. Guess what we found? A lot of mouse droppings, along with the hole that allows the pesky pests to live with the fuses.
The war is now on. I opened the panel and covered the fuses with a dryer sheet and a box of D-Con. The next morning I found the poison had been disturbed and more mouse droppings. I moved the truck and set the same trap. (I used dryer sheets because the Internet said this sometimes works as a deterrent.) The next morning I found the same results, even though the truck was moved at least 50 feet.
I decided to use stronger methods to control (kill) the beasts. Son-in-law Lew told me to use a mouse trap. So I bought a two-pack mouse trap at Ace Hardware. Yesterday morning I found one mouse dead. I replaced the trap and checked it out early last evening. Found another mouse. Reset the trap and checked this morning. No new customers. Have I got them all? I don't know, but there are two less mice living in the motor compartment of my truck.
I will leave a crumpled-up dryer sheet plugging the hole to the fuse panel and will also keep trap and D-Con available for a couple more days. I do not wish to replace the fuse panel.
Hopefully I will have no more problems!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!