Monday, September 30, 2013
We are getting ready to watch a tiebreaker game between the Rays and the Rangers. The winner will be the final team to make the post-season playoffs.
The Red Sox will begin their first round on Friday. So that will be the day when my stomach starts to do crazy things. "Crazy Stomach" will last until the Red Sox are eliminated or until they win it all -- hopefully the latter.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Mums and Baby
Our dinner guests brought a beautiful outdoor fall plant to us last night. I am told they are mums, so let's go with it.
We stopped to see Verlie after church today. Lew's brother, Wayne, was there with his daughter and granddaughter, so that was a nice surprise. I will hold a baby any time I get the chance!
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Rylie will be five weeks old tomorrow. She's beautiful! |
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Bloggy Break Day #"I Lost Track"
Lew and I are having friends for dinner. (I always think that sounds funny, almost like we're going to eat our friends! Rest assured that we are eating with them.)
Have I written yet about my decluttering/organizing project? I probably have mentioned such a task on my blog before. But this time I'm serious. Really, I am. The trick is to take it nice and slow.... I've got the "slow" part down quite well. (LOL!)
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Friday, September 27, 2013
A Cable Company Success Story
On Wednesday I went to the cable company to get Verlie's $90 bill straightened out. I spoke to a lovely woman at the customer service counter. She read all of the notes that prior cable company employees had made on the account(s).
I stood and waited... patiently. (See my post from Tuesday!)
I watched as the woman began typing on her computer keyboard. When she finished, she looked at me and said, "Your bill is $20.70."
Now that is more like it. :)
Success at the cable company.... It's a miracle!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Coincidence!
Pastor David is away for a few days, so we invited Laura and the girls up for dinner. My idea for dinner: pancakes.
Lew sent me a text message while he was at work: "Did you know that today is National Pancake Day?"
No way! Ha ha!
Who'd a thunk it?!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Dad 168: Catching Up
(Apparently Dad has embraced the "Bloggy Break" theme today. Enjoy his brief-for-him post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another glorious day in the Northeast. We are in the middle of a great week of weather. Truly, fall weather at its best! However, a chill is setting in. Brrr!
Will try to get caught up today in a very brief post. This will keep proofreader and editor happy. Will keep the corrections at a minimum.
Last week we reported sister Jean came through her surgery well. We were all pleased. However, last night I learned that cancer is still present. Will keep you up-to-date when I learn more. Please keep the prayers coming.
Zack's football team continues to win. Josh's team lost a close game to the defending state champions and will face a very strong team this week.
Sent sister Deb off to Massachusetts for her 50th college reunion. She'll pass through Indianapolis next week on her way back to her winter home in Florida.
As you see, we had much activity this past week. I'm writing this as I sit in my car waiting for Spouse to get her hair done. Shouldn't have to wait too long. At least, that is my hope.
I'll try to do better next week, but for now, this will have to do. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Aggravation: It's Making Me Patient (?)
Monday, September 23, 2013
From Worst to First
Last year, they finished in last place.
As they say, "What a difference a year makes!"
To that I would add, "... and a new manager." :)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Bloggy Break Day #3
Adam was making eyes at Grampa during church this morning.... A photo op for Grampa!
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Photo courtesy of Grampa (a.k.a. Lew). |
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Batgirls Day Out
Friday, September 20, 2013
Bloggy Break Day #1
Planning on writing brief posts over the next week. (Except for Derf! Ha ha!)
Today's highlight: Watching Josh's varsity football game online! It was streamed live. We connected Lew's laptop to our living room TV, and voila!
(Postscript: Josh's team lost, but it was close.)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
A PJ's Kind of Day
May stay in my PJ's all day.... Is that wrong? :-)His response:
Better than sitting around naked.(I had to agree with him there!)
When Lew got home from work, he found me sitting at my computer. And I was still in my PJ's! I really did it!
He congratulated me on meeting my goal for the day.
It's good to have goals.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Dad 167: Sister's Successful Surgery
(I was out running errands, so I'm just getting around to "Derf" now. I hope the tuna and egg were satisfying! Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another day in the Northeast that is a "10". Oh, to have this weather year round. Don't think it will happen! In fact, know it won't. What a shame!
Please check Tracy's post from yesterday for the final information concerning her close friend Suzy. Suzy has been a family friend since her college days as Tracy's roommate. Her parents were known to us while students at Gordon College. Heaven is a much happier place today! R.I.P.
Saw Zack's 7th-grade team win again. They now have three wins and one tie. Josh has been elevated to the varsity team for the present time and played well last Friday on both offense and defense. Stayed in at game's end to center for second string. Doing well for a sophomore. Their record is now 1-1. They will play the defending state champs this weekend. Last week's game was streamed online, and I hear that this week's game will be also. Haven't yet decided if I will attend or watch on the computer. I'll certainly attend all home games now that he will be playing a significant role on the team.
Sister Jean successfully went through her surgery on Monday and is now in recovery mode. The professionals are attempting to regulate all functions. It still is a struggle and prayers are still requested. The next few days are critical. I should add that the doctor was very pleased with his work. He said he found exactly what he expected. Good words to hear from the surgeon. Now want to hear good words from the recovery experts!
Starting to do my fall projects to get ready for what will be here in a few weeks. Maybe even snow! What? Did I just say "snow"? Better put my plow on and be ready. Fall starts this weekend. Oh Happy Day! I can't wait! Time to service the truck. Will do Friday!
Must close now to have my delicious lunch consisting of tuna and egg. Pepper likes the tuna part. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
My Precious Suzy
July 4, 1963 - September 17, 2013
I thank God every day for bringing Suzy into my life.
I love, love, love her.
Her husband, Barry, writes:
This morning at 8:45 Jesus called to Suzy, "Come home my precious daughter." She took her last breath on earth and flew into the arms of Jesus. It was peaceful and gentle and oh, so holy! Now she is dancing, praising and worshiping the God to whom she has devoted her whole life. Her fight is done, her race is over. Her faith is complete. She is healed. She is whole. She is radiant. She is fully alive!
Monday, September 16, 2013
My Little Helpers
I washed our sheets and bedding today. While I was putting the clean top sheet back on the bed, a couple of unexpected helpers suddenly jumped up to assist me.
They were SO very helpful!
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We got this! |
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Taking a "wrestling break" from all the hard work. |
Sunday, September 15, 2013
New Fantasy Football Rule?
Lew is participating in our church's fantasy football league again this year. No money involved; just bragging rights.
I have been quizzing Lew about his league's rules. "How many points for that type of play?" and the like.
One question he was not expecting: "Do you get any points for having the better-looking quarterback?"
He believes not.
I just don't understand that. (LOL!)
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Happy Anniversary, Kurt!
A year ago today I brought our sweet kitty Kurt home to live with us. (See my blog post "Introducing Kurt.")
Since then we have rearranged just about our entire house to accommodate him and Jerry. We do love our kitties.
Thank you for a wonderfully fun first year, my handsome Kurt!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Italian Sandwiches
So yesterday Emily picked up the sandwiches. Then she, Eli, Adam, and I surprised Grammy at the nursing home.
When we arrived, Grammy had just finished getting a haircut. (She had quite the day!)
We sat at a table in the large dining area and had a scrumptious, leisurely meal.
When Eli finished eating, he played on the large floor area with his toy cars. Grammy smiled as she watched him.
Grammy enjoyed eating an Italian sandwich and part of a whoopie pie. (Yum!)
But her real delight was in seeing her great-grandsons.
It's not always about the food!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Random Thoughts
It does not make sense to air the Geico camel commercial if it's not Wednesday.
Chocolate is really, really good.
Cats like to explore every inch of the house, especially when they know you're trying to keep them away from something.
Lightning followed immediately by a loud thunderclap is really, really unnerving.
It rains the hardest when you have lots to transfer from the car (in the driveway) to the house....
.... And the rain usually stops right after you're done.
Having a leisurely lunch with Grammy, Emily, Eli, and Adam is really, really fun.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Dad 166: A Little Bit of Everything
(I skipped out on the elliptical machine today, too. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Another hot sunny day in the Northeast. Could hit 90° today. Already about 88°. Possible damaging thunderstorms later today. We'll wait and see. Do have our AC on today. Doubt if we use it again this year. Will store for the winter shortly.
I will now take a break while Pepper and I have our tuna lunch. I will return to complete my blog in about 30 minutes.
About 30 minutes have passed and here I am again. We enjoyed our tuna and I also had a boiled egg. I now must complete this blog.
I will not be ellipticalizing today as it is a very hot, humid day. Thank you for the hot, humid day. Promise to get back to the elliptical tomorrow. I really do promise. Must do at least three days each week. Try for five!
Was able to see Josh and Zack play football this past week. Zack's 7th-grade team tied 6 to 6. So now they have two wins and one tie. Josh's JV team started its season by losing 21 to 8. The first quarter was 0 to 14. So the last three quarters was 8 to 7. Not a good start, but a good finish. Tracy and I enjoyed the game along with Josh's grandparents (Bob and Wilma Reed). Enjoyable afternoon was had by all!
I have not connected with sister Jean for about one week. Hope to contact her later today. So I'm not sure what exactly is going on. Still hoping for much needed surgery this coming Monday. Prayers are definitely needed. They are appreciated. Stay tuned!
The Red Sox seem to have things under control. Hope they continue their winning ways. Could have best record in their league. Need this for home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Please don't collapse now! Please!
We are getting immersed in the football season as well. Don't really have a handle on how the Patriots will do. They barely won their first game and will meet the Jets tomorrow night. Will have a better feel for the season after this game. Go Pats! (For our Indiana family: Go Colts!)
Just a brief mention as to how I spent my Saturday. Went to a show featuring model planes and cars. Witnessed a fantastic air show. A couple of talented teenagers stole the show with their flying of planes and helicopters. Very impressive. Also enjoyed the car races. Glen and Josh also were in attendance. Glen raced last year but couldn't fit it into his schedule this year. We all enjoyed the show. Hope to attend next year. I'll be there!
I have written enough. Proofreader and editor won't be happy with so much bloviating. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Prayers for Suzy
Lew and I have been praying for Suzy since she was first diagnosed with a brain tumor. For many, many months we prayed for her complete healing. Over the past few weeks, our prayers have changed....
The complete healing we originally prayed for was for her earthly body. But now we are praying for her ultimate healing, when she will run into the arms of Jesus.
Please keep Suzy, Barry, and their boys in your prayers.
God's love endures forever.
Monday, September 9, 2013
A Football Birthday Bash
According to his mother (my sister Debbie), the "family" birthday parties came to an end with number 14.
But several of us still celebrated by attending his J.V. football game this afternoon.
Alas, Josh's team lost 21-8.
Despite the outcome, the game was fun to watch. I cheered when I could. I'm glad I went.
Happy Birthday, Number 56!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Be Still, My Heart
Unless you've been ignoring current events, you know that NFL Sunday began today. (I know a lot of people that are very, very excited about this.)
Lew and I watched the Patriots play the Bills.
The Patriots got off to a great start, but then suffered some costly turnovers.
They came close to losing the game!
But with a few seconds left, they got a game-winning field goal.
Heavy sigh of relief...
... and my heartbeat returned to normal.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
A Chocolate Wish
Here's something I thought I would never say: I found a chocolate that I don't really like.
Before you pass out, I admit to you that it isn't an edible chocolate.
It's the chocolate that is part of the Candy Crush game.
If you don't zap a piece of chocolate, it begins to multiply.
And if the chocolate gets too plentiful, playing a board becomes much more difficult.
So it's best to get all of the chocolate pieces zapped right away, before any of it has a chance to multiply.
If only real chocolate could multiply like this!!!
Friday, September 6, 2013
A Funny
I still think about Perry Mason and his colleagues. (I do understand that they are fictional characters, by the way!)
Perry's chief nemesis in the courtroom was District Attorney Hamilton Burger.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this, but what if Hamilton went by a shorter version of his name?
He would be Ham Burger!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Sort of Stepped It Up
I worked hard on my "To Do" list today. Some tasks were accomplished easily. Others... not so much.
I still have LOTS to do, so I hope the momentum continues.
But tonight I plan to relax while watching the Red Sox play the Yankees.
"Relax" is probably the wrong word. There is nothing relaxing about watching a Red Sox/Yankees game. Nothing.
So perhaps I will read instead... with the game on in the background, of course!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Dad 165: Sports, School, Sister, Status
(It's now time to plan my errands to avoid getting stuck behind yellow buses. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a fabulous pre-fall day here in the great Northeast. Weather is so good Lew went to work on his motorcycle today. Won't be too many bike riding days left. Another month or so and the cycle will be put in mothballs for the winter. Did I just say winter? Fall isn't even here yet! Not too far away though. Good grief! Ready for spring? I am! Must get back to reality.
Zack has had two 7th grade football games and his team has won both of them. Josh's high school games start this weekend. Hope Josh will play full-time on the JV team and will also get some playing time on the varsity squad. We'll see. One thing is sure: the games will keep me very busy. Sounds like fun.
School is back in session now and all activities seem to be going well for Kaelen and Kelsey at Eureka College. Same goes for Josh and Zack. Hoping for another great school year. Bring it on!
Sister Jean still seeks your prayers as she waits for her September 16th operation. Hope nothing happens in the next week or so that will prevent the doctor from operating. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
As I said last week, I was back on the elliptical machine yesterday and will do my best to faithfully work out on the machine as close to a daily basis as possible. Not too happy about this, but it is necessary. Must work on my "greek god" status. Never will attain this status. I will keep trying! Yes, I will!
Don't have a whole lot to say today. This makes my editor and proofreader very happy. I'll try to have more next time. Soooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A Half-Step Up
Uh.... Not so great.
Although I did do a couple loads of laundry... visited Verlie... used the elliptical machine this morning... paid some bills... got caught up on my e-mail....
Oh.... Not as bad as I thought.
So I told Lew that I did a half-step up today!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor Day Lunch
A friend of ours manages a Five Guys restaurant. Lew and I had never been to one before today. We went with 15 of our closest friends. :)
I ordered a cheeseburger with mayo, lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, and grilled green peppers.
It was a great next-to-last meal of our vacation.
Supper = cereal.
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Perfection. |
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Defining the Seasons
I never learned why the four seasons are dated the way they are. (If I did learn it, well, I don't remember. It's probably something like two weeks after the first day after the fourth night of something or other....)
I think it would be easier, as well as more elegant, to just define the seasons by complete months, like so:
Summer: June, July, August
Fall: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
Spring: March, April, May
Now I just need to convince the "powers that be" (whoever they are) to change centuries-old definitions.... How hard can it be? LOL!