Each time I use our elliptical machine, I choose which type of workout I want to do and for how long. I also enter my weight and age. Today was my last day to enter my age as 49.
Our cat Kurt snores.
Each time I use our elliptical machine, I choose which type of workout I want to do and for how long. I also enter my weight and age. Today was my last day to enter my age as 49.
Our cat Kurt snores.
A few weeks ago I shared that I'm trying the 5:2 Diet.
Today I share with you that I'm no longer following the 5:2 Diet.
I prefer the 7:0 Diet, thank you very much.
I'll just have to increase my time on the elliptical machine!
Our pastor's younger daughter turned four on Friday. Lew and I were invited for cake and ice cream last night to help continue the celebration.
Another little girl at the party asked me if I wanted to see her do something special. I replied, "Of course," which is the only response you can give to a three and a half year old in this situation.
She told me she could stand on her hands without falling and she proceeded to show me. Twice.
I responded with profuse applause both times.
Below is my replication of her feat, exactly as she performed it.
I love my young friends! :)
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(Photography by Lew.) |
One topic of conversation at breakfast this morning was a "Summer Bucket List." Our friends' young granddaughter, a grade schooler, is the author of said list.
After we chuckled a bit about the title, we learned three of the items on her list:
1. Have a shopping spree day.
2. Go to the Mall of America.
3. Complete an entire coloring book.
The second item will not be happening due to geographic limitations. Thus, the Maine Mall will probably be the place to fulfill the first item.
The third item is my favorite. It will be good for the bad-weather days, of which I hope there are few. But mostly I like it because of the childlike nature it represents.
Life isn't just shopping and "glam." Sometimes all you need is a fun coloring book... and a great box of crayons!
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This guy is my favorite! |
I received a piece of mail yesterday that caused me to scream, "Ack!"
Apparently the sending organization is aware that I turn 50 next week.
But I am sorry, AARP... I will not be signing up for membership.
(Yes, the water is like the old days... but NOT the "good" old days in this case! Much love to my Aunt Jean on her birthday. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a sunny afternoon in the great Northeast. But it is cold! The grass has a green glow to it. In places! Maybe time to mow in about a week. We'll see.
Short post today! Honest!
Today is sister Jean's birthday. Prayers are still requested for her as she is in rehab struggling to get well. Thanks!
I'm skipping my elliptical session today as I have just completed a spring vacuuming session. Hopefully my exercise in cleaning will satisfy my need for calorie burning. Time will tell. (Or should it be "weight" will tell?)
Just one more note for today. We live in an area that has substandard water pressure. About seven years ago we installed a pump that improves the waterflow. Well, the pump broke! That means we are back to low water pressure again. So today I removed the pump from the cellar and will wait until a new one arrives within the next few days. Lew and Tracy ordered the new pump on Amazon.com. (Can you believe the stuff one can buy on the Internet? And at quite a savings over a purchase from a plumber.) Now I hope we get it hooked up properly. Hopefully we'll be able to use the water for two simultaneous functions by next week. A shower and a toilet flush raises havoc with the shower person. To think we lived with low pressure for 30 years. As Tracy said, "It's like the old days."
Enough for now. Still thinking of sister Jean. And praying!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
In case you missed it, "ICYMI" stands for "in case you missed it."
And that's the extent of the information that I will share with you today!
I will now leave you with the latest photo of Eli, posted by his mother today on Facebook....
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Momma, I'm pretty sure that's not where it goes! |
Many years ago I stayed up until after 2:00 a.m. in order to finish reading The Firm, the big-selling novel by John Grisham.
Last night I was about halfway through a book -- Reinventing Rachel by Alison Strobel -- and I really wanted to finish it. So I stayed up until after midnight.
Today I remembered why it had been several years since I had done such a thing....
I've been a step behind all day.
A few weeks ago I found a 30-day, spring-cleaning checklist on the Internet.
I printed the checklist.
I put it in a folder, where it still sits, undisturbed.
Tomorrow I hope to look at the list.
I may even decide to do at least one task from it. It will, of course, be a chore that does not require window-washing fluid nor a vacuum cleaner.
Then I will celebrate by watching an episode of Perry Mason.
I probably will wait a day or so before completing a second task.... I don't want to overdo it!
... I never promised you an herb garden.
About a dozen gals gathered at our church this afternoon to make table top herb gardens. This event was organized by my beautiful bonus daughter-in-law, Emily.
This activity was way out of my normal comfort zone. A green thumb, have I not.
It was fun to make, though, and I even have a small amount of hope that my garden may survive more than a few days.
Plus, it smells really good!
While keeping up with all of the "breaking news" (NOT!) on the Boston manhunt this afternoon, I did some recreational reading about... Medicare.
My husband had tasked me with researching the enrollment timeline. I had already put this project off for several weeks. Today I realized why....
I believe that I know enough now to have a somewhat intelligent conversation with Lew about this.
I can hardly wait.
I have a list of the titles of each Perry Mason episode -- the original TV series, not the later movies.
The show's nine seasons ran from September 1957 to May 1966. There are 271 episodes total.
Memorable Entertainment Television (Me-TV) has been airing the series in its original order.
I've jumped around as I've watched the program -- I currently have over 30 episodes on my DVR -- so I've been checking off each "case" as I watch it.
I need to keep track of what I've watched because my goal is to watch all 271 episodes.
It's good to have goals.
(Dad wrote less than usual today, so that is some improvement at least. Baby steps, baby steps.... LOL! Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Coming to you today from the great Northeast. Must say the weather is also great today. Sunny and temp is supposed to reach the 60s. Today it feels like Spring!
I received and survived some severe criticism this past week from my editor (Tracy) and also from my proofreader (a.k.a. Spouse). It seems that I haven't lived up to my potential in my past postings. I'll try to improve my writings from this day forward.
I disagree with the above criticisms. But who am I to argue or disagree with my superiors. I must do better! Do better! Do better! The blog must go on! Here goes!
There is still some snow around in the parking lots at certain businesses. From my house I can see none. Our lawn is actually showing some green. I hope I get my tractor back in time for mowing the lawn. Must keep up with the yard work. Must get into "Spring mode!"
I want to get outdoors to do some chores today so I'm skipping my elliptical session. I'll use any excuse to not exercise. Actually I never miss more than one day a week. Usually I make all five days. I rest on the weekends. I need more rest!
Here are some quick updates:
1.) Glen, Deb and the boys are in Florida for a few more days. They will travel home Saturday.
2.) Still requesting prayers for sister Jean as her situation is very serious. Thanks for your prayers.
3.) Asking for prayers for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Pray that the coward(s) that did this deed will be brought to justice. The sooner the better!
4.) Just heard that George "Bev" Shea passed away. He celebrated his 104th birthday a couple of months ago. What a legacy he leaves along with his close friends. Those being Cliff Barrows and Billy Graham. What a great threesome! Two of them remain with us.
5.) Looking forward to Joe coming from Illinois to direct the Maine All-State Chorus next month.
Hope to do a better job on the blog next week. But for now I'm done because I must go outside and do some spring chores.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
I had already done my blog post yesterday by the time I learned about what happened at the Boston Marathon.
This tragic event makes my complaint about the winning pitcher seem petty. (Which it is.)
I haven't been following the around-the-clock news coverage. I check in every now and then to see if they've learned anything yet.
I do hope the authorities determine who did this -- and soon.
Keeping the victims, their families, and the workers in my prayers....
Now please don't get me wrong.... I'm very happy that the Red Sox won today. But I do have a problem. (Maybe "issue" would be a better word than "problem.")
The Red Sox starting pitcher, Ryan Dempster, pitched seven solid innings. He gave up only one run (a solo HR) and left the game with a one-run lead.
That one-run lead was intact going into the top of the ninth inning. The Red Sox brought in Andrew Bailey to pitch. He gave up a run.
"Bye, Bye" to the lead. And "Bye, Bye" to the win for Ryan Dempster.
Fortunately, the Red Sox were able to score in the bottom of the ninth and win the game. Hooray!
However, the "pitcher of record" and therefore the recipient of the win? Andrew Bailey. The same pitcher who blew the save situation.
I love the game of baseball, but this particular way of determining the winning pitcher is annoying. Please do something about this injustice, Bud Selig!
Red Sox pitcher Clay Buchholz pitched seven no-hit innings before giving up a hit to the lead-off batter in the 8th inning.
If a no-hitter is "not to be" then I would rather the first hit be given up as early as possible in the game. My stomach would function much more easily.
Great game!
Lew and I met some friends for dinner last night. We arrived at the restaurant before they did. Lew and I requested a table for four and we were seated right away. We sat together on the same side of the booth.
Our waitress knew we were expecting friends. She asked us if we wanted a beverage while we waited. We both decided on glasses of water.
When she came back with the water, well....
What occurred next happened in slow-motion:
Our waitress began to set the first glass down on a little square napkin. I saw her let go of the glass before it was securely on the table. (She claimed that it "slipped" out of her hand.)
The tall -- and very full -- glass of ice water continued on its sideways descent to the table, water spilling out and ice sliding around, with some ending up on the floor.
Fortunately the water was directed away from us, so we didn't get wet. (We were unbelievably lucky.) The bench on the other side of the booth was drenched, however.... And that's why our yet-to-arrive friends were also fortunate!
Neither of our cats has thrown up a hairball yet. (Fun topic, I know.) But it hasn't been for lack of trying, especially on Jerry's part.
I used to be really good about giving both cats Laxatone about three times a week. And they had no hairball issues because of my diligence. But somehow I got out of the habit, so poor little Jerry has been hacking a bit.
This week I started doing better with the Laxatone. I squeeze every last bit of that stuff out of the tube, but today I finally needed to open a new one.
I put a little bit on the edge of my hand. The cat in question then usually licks it off my hand.
Jerry wanted nothing to do with the Laxatone today.
He ran away from me.
I put some on his nose to see if that helped. He did lick his nose off, but he refused to lick it off my hand.
I knelt down like a baseball catcher, trying to get Jerry to come closer. I ended up toppling over into his water dish and splashed water all over the floor.
I decided to use the "green-eyed monster" trick. Jerry followed me when I offered the Laxatone to Kurt. Kurt lapped it right up. See, Jerry?
I put a little more Laxatone on my hand and bribed Jerry with a goodie. He came near me and ate the goodie but not the Laxatone.
Next I learned that if you try to force a cat to lick Laxatone off your hand, the Laxatone will end up on the cat's back.
Realizing that I needed to wipe the gel off of Jerry's back before he rolled around on something (like my pillow), I abandoned my quest.
Maybe we'll try again tomorrow.
The 32-year-old son of some friends died unexpectedly on Saturday.
Our prayers this week have focused on our friends -- a lovely couple. Their loss is devastating.
Lew and I attended the funeral this morning.
What do you say to parents who have lost a child? We offered tearful hugs and the promise of continued prayer.
The mobs of people surrounding them and the busyness of these days will end soon.
Life will continue.
Yet their son will still be gone.
It's important for friends to reach out to them not only now but in those long days ahead.... So we'll be in touch.
Rest in Peace, D.R.S.
(Maybe Dad should have been a sports columnist! Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! From the Northeast on a very soggy day. Very, very damp. The weather experts tell us to expect the same through Friday. And colder too! Hopefully Saturday will be sunny and warm.
I'm ready for some warm spring weather. My spring chores are almost completed. My tractor has been delivered to the dealer for its tuneup. Hope to have it back within a few days. The motor home is now at my mechanic's to get an inspection sticker. It traveled only about 100 miles last year. It was used as a summer residence for Kaelen the last two years as she worked in our area. Since no one is planning on coming from Illinois to work here this summer, I hope to sell the motor home. Our "traveling in the camper days" will come to a close. We made two trips to Illinois in it. However, at 7 to 8 miles to a gallon of gasoline, it is too expensive to travel such distances. Especially when our car gets 30 to 32 miles per gallon. Hope it sells!
I've started to fix up our lawn where I dug it up plowing this winter. It still needs a little more work. It might even be green in a few weeks. Sure do like signs of new life in the Spring. Can't wait to get our garden of tomatoes, cukes and squash planted in our front lawn garden plot. About a month away. I'll be mowing the lawn by then.
Well, the college basketball season is over. Was glad to see the U.Conn. ladies blow away Louisville last night. Happy for Rick Pitino to win another championship with his Louisville men's team. He is the only coach to win national championships at two different schools (Kentucky and Louisville). He also was elected to the basketball Hall of Fame this week. His son recently was named head coach at Minnesota. He co-owns a horse that recently won a derby race and is now a favorite for the Kentucky Derby. Quite a week for Mr. Pitino.
Now I'll concentrate on the Celtics as they made the professional playoffs. They won't last long. Probably out the first round!
But, How About Those Red Sox! Off to a great start. It is going to be an interesting year!
I seem to have covered the sports scene. Enough about that for now.
A quick note about sister Jean. She continues to struggle in an Indianapolis hospital. Her condition is very serious. She continues to be unresponsive. We ask for prayers to continue for her full recovery. A miracle is in order. I'll keep you posted.
Next week is school vacation around here and Glen, Deb and sons will be traveling to Florida to spend some time with my sister Deb in Leesburg. They leave Thursday afternoon and hope to be in Leesburg sometime Friday afternoon. Hope they enjoy their week in the South. Journey mercies!!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Yesterday I wrote about my new eating plan. The day before that I wrote about ice cream.
I want ice cream and I want to be physically healthy. My new eating plan will allow me to have both!
Sure, I would like to buy clothes in smaller sizes, but it is no longer a primary focus. (And to that I say, "Hooray! It's about time....")
I just finished reading a wonderful book by Teasi Cannon that reaffirms the fact that I don't need to be a supermodel (although that was my backup career...LOL!). I love the title of the book:
My Big Bottom Blessing
The subtitle is "How Hating My Body Led to Loving My Life." You can check it out on Teasi's website: http://teasicannon.com/blog/book/
I recommend this book to all women -- even you supermodels!
Lew has been having some success by following the 5:2 diet. The progress is slow, but steady.
I have been reading a book about the 5:2 diet. Apparently weight-control is not the only benefit.
So, I have decided to join Lew. To keep it simple, my "2" days will be the same as Lew's -- typically Mondays and Thursdays.
Today was my first 500-calorie day.
My only comment thus far: I'm really hungry.
We'll see how this goes!
The Dairy Corner opened on Friday. Lew just made his first ice cream run of the season.
I got a medium-sized dish of Extreme Chocolate. Lew got a Banana Fruit with Butter Pecan ice cream.
Here is the "before" picture:
Sorry.... There is no "after" picture!
Lew and I saw some friends today that we hadn't seen for quite some time.
We caught up on all of our most important news, like new grandbabies and grandbabies on-the-way.
After several minutes, we decided to have dinner together this weekend, because the venue we met in today wasn't designed for serious socializing.
Or maybe it was...?
I am, of course, speaking of the grocery store!
I'm a little tired tonight, so the creative juices are flowing more slowly than usual.
Therefore, I will resort to a favorite "trick of the trade" by posting a photo for your viewing pleasure.
Kurt is sitting on his favorite "binkie," which was made for me by my sister Debbie. Look at those eyes!
Love. :)
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Kurt, a handsome cat. |
When Lew and I hosted the Super Bowl party for our church family, we had to move a few things around in the house in order to properly accommodate our guests.
The things we moved -- which included our keyboard and the cats' pooperias -- went into the guest room, and they have remained there since.
I decided it's finally time to rearrange things so that we have a useable guest room again. I spent quite a bit of time today thinking about alternative arrangements.
It was not a very productive day as far as noticeable progress is concerned. But all of my thinking did lead to a decision on where to put things.
Tomorrow I will execute my plan... which is to put everything back where it was before the party!
(Because of all my Kansas friends, I'm rooting for Wichita State in the men's tournament. But "Go, U. Conn. women!" Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a beautiful, sunny April day in the Northeast. Still snow on the ground and temperatures are quite cool. Below freezing each night. The wind doesn't help to warm you up as you venture outside. But the calendar says "Spring." Must be Spring as I saw a few robins in the yard yesterday. Please turn the heat on! Thanks!
Trust that all of you had a joyous, glorious Easter. My church had a beach sunrise service which was attended by over 100 guests. I must admit I was not one of them, however.
A note on sister Jean. She is now in a rehab facility. Hopefully she gains the strength necessary to have any procedure needed in the future to correct her condition and get her back to full recovery. Your thoughts and prayers are still welcome.
Grandson Josh made the high school freshman baseball team. His brother Zack is getting ready for the lacrosse season. He will be on his sixth grade team. Good luck to both. Hope to see as many games as possible! I'll be there!
Our local AA baseball team (Portland Sea Dogs) opens its season tomorrow. Hope the fans still have their winter clothing available. The Sea Dogs' parent team will play their second game of the season tonight. Hopefully they will go to 2-0 for the season by beating the Yankees again. They must if they plan on an undefeated season. I can dream, can't I? Go Red Sox!!
Looking forward to the weekend collegiate basketball games as the Final Four are now in place for both men and women. I've watched most of the games and I'm really thinking the officiating has not been good. One thing that stands out in my mind is the upset of Baylor by Louisville in the women's bracket. I believe there was an all-out "mugging" of Baylor 's 6-foot 8-inch center. It looked like a street brawl. The intimidation worked to perfection. Baylor was beaten despite a remarkable comeback. I now want the winner of the Notre Dame/Connecticut game to win it all. First choice is U. Conn., but will not be too sorry if Notre Dame comes through. Watch out for the street brawlers from Louisville!
Great to see Louisville's Kevin Ware out of the hospital and back to school. Witnessed his broken leg live while watching the game. Caused nausea just seeing the accident. Hopeful that he'll return to 100-percent and will be able to play basketball again. Probably not next year, though!
For excitement, you may want to watch the remainder of the tournament this Saturday through Tuesday. I plan on doing just that. My choices are: Syracuse (men); U. Conn. (women). My betting would be: Louisville (men); Notre Dame (women).
What a great time for sports. Baseball is in season. College basketball is winding down. The Celtics will make the playoffs, if lucky. Won't last long, however.
And to top it all off, the temperature is supposed to continue on a warming trend. Warm up! Please!
Rambled long enough. My editor-in-chief probably agrees! Only she knows for sure!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
I just told Lew that I was going to write tonight's post in only two minutes.
By that I meant it would take me only two minutes to write it from start to finish.
I suppose that someone could have interpreted it to mean that I planned to start writing my post in only two minutes from now.
So even when you say what you mean, sometimes it can be misinterpreted.
And it's been more than two minutes!
An Opening Day win for the Boston Red Sox today!
They beat the New York Yankees, 8-2, at Yankee Stadium.
I got a chance to see the last four innings of the game.
While watching the Red Sox players, I kept asking myself, "Who ARE these people?" So many new guys.
Here's hoping for a great 2013 season....
Go Red Sox!