Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
Last day of the fiscal month was yesterday, so it was a busy day at work.
A few more busy days at work ahead... four days, to be exact! 🤓
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Another August Birthday
We have more than one August baby in our family. Today's birthday girl is sister Kim. Mom and I recorded a "Happy Birthday" video on my phone. Mom and I agreed that Kim would like the video, and we were right. Happy Birthday, Kim!
The Little League Baseball World Series is in the books. Michigan beat Ohio to win it all. I predicted the outcome of this game correctly, believe it or not.
After the game, Lew switched over to the golf tournament. It ended in a tie so it went into playoff holes. I think it took six holes to decide the winner. Patrick Cantlay finally edged out Bryson DeChambeau. (I had to google that just now since I couldn't remember the winner's name.)
And my countdown resumes.... Five!
Saturday, August 28, 2021
0 For 2
I am glad that I don't bet money on anything. I would have lost big-time if I had bet on the Little League World Series games today!
I thought South Dakota would beat Ohio. And Hawaii was a sure thing against Michigan.
I was wrong and wrong!
Ohio and Michigan will play for the championship tomorrow. Should be fun!
Friday, August 27, 2021
After the weekend I will work my last Monday at my current place of employment.
After that will be my last Tuesday.
And then the last Wednesday.
Let's not forget about the last Thursday and the last Friday.
Not that I'm counting or anything...!
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Waving Good Morning
Tuesday morning Lew got my car out of the garage and kept it running, ready for me to head to work.
As I was opening the car door to get in, a man rode by on a bicycle. The front of his bike had some sort of carrier, in which was seated a very young little girl.
This sweet child saw me and waved.
I waved back.
She made my day!
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Dad 582: This Old World of Crises
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
I am enjoying my countdown. 🤓
I am enjoying the Little League World Series.
I am enjoying doing a jigsaw puzzle.
I am enjoying the book I'm reading.
I am thankful I am able to enjoy simple pleasures!
Monday, August 23, 2021
One Down
Sunday, August 22, 2021
The Countdown Begins
Ten workdays left at my current place of employment! The next couple weeks will be spent writing some procedures, cross-training a co-worker, and helping get through one more month-end.
I told Mom that I would soon be able to spend more time with her, and she is very excited about that.... I am, too! 💗
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Another Celebration
Lew and I went out to dinner tonight with Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam. That's two Saturdays in a row we've met them for dinner!
Last week we celebrated Adam's birthday (several days late).
Today was another family member's birthday....
Happy Birthday to my Sweetie! 💕
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Waiting outside for our table to be ready! Left to right: Matt, Adam, Lew (the birthday boy!), and Eli. (Photo credit: Emily 💟) |
Friday, August 20, 2021
Girl Power
I now have a favorite player in the Little League Baseball World Series!
Ella Bruning plays for the team from Texas. She was the catcher in tonight's game, and she got two base hits. After her first hit, she eventually scored her team's first run. With her second hit, she drove in her team's final run of the game. They beat the team from Washington, 6-0.
In my opinion, Ella was definitely the MVP of the game.
She is the 20th girl to play in the Little League Baseball World Series.
I'm rooting for you, Ella!
Thursday, August 19, 2021
The Old Ball Game
One of the best sporting events began today! The Little League Baseball World Series wasn't held last year due to the pandemic, so it is so wonderful to see it happening this year.
The pandemic is still affecting the Series, though. Usually there is an international bracket (eight international teams) and a United States bracket (the eight regional winners from the U.S.). But this year all 16 teams are from the Unites States (the top two teams from each region).
What a great experience for the kids on these teams. It is a joy to watch their games.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Dad 581: That Day is Coming Closer
(Dad writes today. I think I agree with him! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The summer days are here again with a little more rain in the next couple days. Rain is needed to lower our possibility of a drought. We can use the precipitation.
I don't have an inclination to write a lot today as I'm watching our country take steps to fall into the toilet. I want to see our leaders answer questions as to why the greatest country ever is in such shambles.
If I could have a wish that I know would be answered, I believe I'd call for the Rapture. I don't have the inside line on this, so I'll stop here for the day. Maybe I'll see things in a different light next week. Tune in!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
A Decision
Monday, August 16, 2021
In Case You Were Wondering
A few days ago I wrote that I might go to a ladies' breakfast on Saturday. I didn't go after all, so my recipe search was all for naught... this time. I probably should keep looking for an easy brunch recipe since there will be another breakfast next month!
The leftover macaroni & cheese from our Saturday night out is all gone. I ate some for dinner last night and finished it off tonight. I think the leftovers tasted even better than the portion I ate at the restaurant!
I just realized that both of the above updates concern food. 😁
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Yep, I Googled This
Saturday, August 14, 2021
A Celebration
Tonight Lew and I went out to dinner with Matt, Emily, Eli, Adam, and family friend Jessica. We were celebrating Adam's eighth birthday, even though his birthday was a couple weeks ago. He didn't seem to mind that we were celebrating with him a little late. Maybe the more celebrations, the better? (When you're his age, at least! Ha ha!)
I ordered macaroni and cheese (a three-cheese blend), which was quite delicious. It was the largest serving of macaroni and cheese I've ever had at a restaurant. I think I brought about 75% of it home.
Back to Adam, the man of the hour....
Click HERE to see my post from the day he was born! OH, BABY! 💗
Friday, August 13, 2021
I did it!
Do you see the "100046" between the two + signs at the top of the photo? It is also boldly underlined in red, with a red arrow pointing to it.
Do you see it?
That's my gold!
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
A Night Out
My good friend Carmen came to our house after work this evening. The original plan was to take a walk on the beach followed by dinner at the Clambake and a stop for ice cream.
It was hot outside today and we all were tired, so we nixed the beach walk.
When Carmen, Lew, and I walked into the Clambake we turned right around and headed back to the car. The line inside to order was very, very long. So we ate at our regular diner instead.
The one thing that did go as planned was the stop for ice cream! 🍦🍨
Although the eating was enjoyed by all, the best (and most important) part of our night out was spending time together talking and catching up. It was great to hang out with a good, long-time friend! 😊
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Dad 580: A Charge Change
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
My Muse...?
I asked Lew what I should write about tonight.
He said, "Let me think," and proceeded to rub my shoulders as I sat at my computer.
Then he said, "I've got nothing. I'm not much help."
Nope, Lew wasn't much help with my writer's block. My writing muse, he is not.
But he gives great shoulder rubs, so I think I'll keep him.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Who's the Boss?
Marilyn rules our household.
Everything happens on her terms.
If she won't come to her normal spot to eat, her food is brought to her.
I blame this on Lew.
He spoils our kitties!
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Easy Recipes Online
Saturday, August 7, 2021
A Family Birthday
Friday, August 6, 2021
My Dream Job
I went to a job interview late yesterday.
Lew drove me and we both went inside the building. One of the first people we saw was a guy we apparently knew from church.
Then I went to the first part of my interview. It was on the first floor of the building in a room with a large table in it. Someone showed me what seat I should take, and the next thing I knew every other seat at the table was occupied by current employees. They asked me all sorts of questions, and I was quite humorous in my responses. One of the women asked whether I invested in some company I had never heard of. I told them I took an investment class while getting my MBA, and that it was SO boring... I even slumped in my chair to illustrate the extent of my boredom. They all laughed! I think they liked me.
It was time for the second part of my interview. A woman was leading the way, and she suddenly said "Oh, wait!" as she started running up some stairs. After a few steps she looked back at me and I realized I was supposed to be following her... despite her saying to wait.
The executive offices were upstairs. It was a beautiful space. I sat in a large open area and was again surrounded by a lot of other employees. (I even knew one of them from a prior job!) The CEO got up and welcomed me and said we were going to watch a video.
I didn't understand the video, but I did notice the picture was upside down. Nobody seemed bothered by this, which made me suspicious.... Was this a "test" for me? So I spoke up and said the picture is upside down. I was correct about it being a test! They wanted to see if I had the guts to speak up.
Then we played a game where we introduced each other. When it was my turn to introduce someone else (Melinda) I did a little dance step. They all laughed! I think they liked me.
I don't know whether I got the job or not, because I woke up before they told me.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
A Million Would Take Too Long
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Dad 579: A Nice Summer
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Jerry's New Evening Ritual
I have brushed Jerry several nights in a row.
How much fur can one cat have? I keep brushing and brushing and the fur keeps coming off of him!
Jerry does seem to enjoy getting brushed. He even likes it when Lew vacuums him afterward! 😂
Monday, August 2, 2021
A Day of Good Visits
Dad had a really good visit with Mom this afternoon. I guess they talked for a couple hours! That's a long time for Mom to stay engaged in a conversation. 😊
I stopped in to see Mom on my way home from work. She remembered that Dad had been there and that they had talked about how she needs the care they provide at the nursing home. She also told me that she didn't want to play a part in some show they were going to do, but I think she may have been confusing that with the episode of Andy Griffith we were watching! (Aunt Bee was going to be Miss Mayberry in the pageant.)
As I wrote yesterday, another visit came to an end this morning. Kelsey, Zachariah, and Bode got on the road at 6AM... only an hour later than Kelsey had hoped for. Not bad, I say!
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Wave Three
We said good-bye to Kelsey, Zachariah, and Bode tonight. They will be heading home to Illinois tomorrow morning. (They are planning to leave Debbie & Glen's house around 5AM!)
Glen got up early this morning to start cooking brisket and ribs in his smoker. Delicious! The after-dinner entertainment was playing with a beach ball with Bode.
Debbie and Bode visited Mom at the nursing home this morning. Mom got to see Bode several times over the past week. I heard they played with her puzzles and laughed a lot!
Debbie took a very sweet photo of my mother during this morning's visit. She is holding hands with a precious little boy. 💗💕💗