Friday, February 28, 2014 ~ Check It Out!
I heard of this site a few years ago, but I never really looked at it until this week.
Oh, boy! What a great resource.
I watched all of the tutorial videos and I even have my own "login" now. (It's not necessary to have a "login" to use the site, but I wanted to save some user preferences.)
If you aren't familiar with Blue Letter Bible, I encourage you to check it out. (And be sure to watch the tutorials! Very helpful!)
Thursday, February 27, 2014
# tbt
ThrowBack Thursday. That's what it means.
I will now demonstrate # tbt by including a photo from my freshman year in college. Suzy took this picture of me with a "gift" that she and Jenny brought me. (The caption is by Suzy as well.)
From the poetry book, I know that this was taken during January of 1982. I took a poetry class for my January Plan course that year.... I still don't know what possessed me to do that!
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Tracy and her snowball in our room! |
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Dad 190: Two Baseball Farewells (of Different Sorts)
(I like to give Dad a chance to remember Derf on his own. The mental exercise is good for him. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Greetings from the still frigid Northeast. We are still hoping to get up to freezing by March 1st. Temperatures seem more like the middle of January. There are no "BIG STORMS" in sight. For that, we are very thankful.
I've been waiting for this post since the end of October. You ask me, "Why?" Well, I'll tell you. This is the last post of what I consider winter months. March arrives in three days. Everyone knows (if you live in the Northeast) that March can be a wintry month, but we also know that the precipitation will not last long as the days are longer and the sun is hotter. Hopefully by April all the snow will be gone. It will be close. Thanks for spring being just around the corner. Let us have a spring cheer!
Our World Series champion Boston Red Sox have been training now for a week. I say there are no reasons to think they can't repeat as champions.
We thank Jacoby Ellsbury for his contribution to the Sox as he takes his talents to the hated new York Yankees. I will not be cheering Jacoby as he stands in against his old team. Sorry Els! Hope you do well as you attempt to catch the Sox! But not too well!
Speaking of the hated Yankees, Derek Jeter will be retiring this year (as he has announced). Derek has been a class act throughout his fabulous career. He will be received in all ballparks this year with standing ovations. I will not be in attendance, but will be with the majority of spectators in wishing him well. Thank you, Derek, for your contribution to baseball. No one could have done it better!
Usually by this time in the morning, Tracy has checked on me to see if I realize my post is due. I've seen her, but no mention of Derf's column. I'm way ahead of the game.
Looking forward to a televised Red Sox spring training game Sunday afternoon. I guess there are places in this country that are snow free. Oh, to see the grassy fields and people in shorts once again (even though I wear shorts year-round, honest).
Well, I've written enough for now.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
An Unexpected Fun Afternoon
I thought I had my day planned out, but a morning errand took a little longer than expected and my late afternoon became a "fun with little friends" time.
How I liked the morning errand? It was a success, which is what mattered.
My "fun with little friends" afternoon? Well, it was fun! I love my little friends! We had a snack, played hide-and-seek, played Spot It!, colored, and watched a cartoon.
Lew and I are now off to house church. (Planned, by the way!)
Monday, February 24, 2014
Figure This One Out
I got a call from Emily tonight.
Eli has been asking her about something he saw on TV at Tia's house. (I am Tia!) He wanted his mother to find it for him so he could watch it again.
He told her that it was also in the Bible.
Ummmm.... I have no idea what he is referring to!
As of now, we believe that a cartoon character may have reminded him of a picture in his children's Bible.
Eli is not upset. He's just been asking about it a lot.
It's a mystery that will probably drive both Emily and me crazy!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
I do not play golf. (Mini-golf doesn't count!)
I tried to hit a real golf ball on only one occasion. While Suzy and I were working together at a Kansas college, two of the guys from our office planned the end-of-year office party. For some reason, this party included a golf ball distance contest.
Suzy and I each took several swings at the ball. We either hit the ball only a few inches or we completely missed it. I am not exaggerating. We were terrible! We had a great time laughing, though.
We found out later that we provided great entertainment for the ladies that worked in the business office. Their office window provided the perfect vantage point from which to watch our efforts. Apparently they were laughing as hard as we were!
A golf tournament is being televised as I write this. I think it's some sort of match play, but I'm not sure. We have the golf on because Lew wanted to see it. He is currently watching though the backs of his eyelids.
And that is all I have to say about golf.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
A Grocery Store Story
While I was checking out at the grocery store today, the cashier looked at me and asked, "Where should I get my hair cut?"
Did that mean she liked my hair? Or did I just look like a good source of information?
I don't recall ever seeing this particular cashier before. Perhaps she is new to the area.
Anyway, I told her where I get mine cut. She even asked me how to get there.
This was quite a big deal for me.... I am not usually sought out for hair advice. And by a complete stranger, no less. Maybe the "complete stranger" part explains it: She was unaware of my general lack of fashion sense. LOL!
Friday, February 21, 2014
Change Is (or May Be) Coming
I have been thinking about how I can make my blog more interesting, both for my vast readership and for me!
I'm still in the planning stages, but I have decided to come up with a theme for each day of the week.
Wednesday is already set, as that is Derf's day.
So I just need to define the other six days.
Ideas: Photos. Happenings. Faith. Commentary. Entertainment. (Or maybe none of these.)
Don't get too excited yet, dear readers.... It may be some time before I figure this out!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Words From the Good Book
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
~~ Romans 12:17-21 (NIV)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Dad 189: A Facebook Lesson
(Dad's lesson was learned the hard way! A little messy. I've helped him clean most of it up... and I had more fun than I thought I would. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Coming to you from another day after much snow. Somewhere between 8 and 12 inches. Today started off beautiful and sunny. But it is now clouding up as we get ready for another quick storm this afternoon and evening. Very small amount of snow, if any, but will get some type of precipitation. A little over a week until March arrives. Thank you!
Time to write Derf as I have just come in from plowing and shoveling. Did a little around 7:00 AM and then went out and cleaned up around 9:00 AM. Now done for the day. Probably will use my shoveling and plowing as an excuse to not do my daily ellipticizing. Seems like a good excuse to me. So I'll go with it.
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I destroyed that saying over the past few days. Here's how.
I received a message on Facebook a few days ago and I needed to respond to it. I did not, however, return my statement immediately. I waited a few days and sent my response as a reply to a subsequent message from the original sender.
Here is my problem. I sent my response out to the individual only. Or that is what I thought. I am not a computer person. Well, suffice it to say, my message went to several people. If I only checked with Tracy first, she would've helped me to single out the response to the correct individual. Too late, damage done.
Well, without going into what was in the content of the messages, I now think I know how to send a message to just one person only. So the "old dog" learned a "new trick." (Perhaps a little late!) Hopefully I'll remember how to do this.
As of now I'm not able to send a response to the original sender because I've been blocked from conversing with that person. But I learned a valuable lesson about Facebooking.
So, before you go on Facebook to respond to a message, be sure you understand to whom you are sending it. I will take this advice to heart! Believe me!!
That's it for now!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I Can Do That!
I just saw a brief news piece about clowns. The number of clowns is dwindling!
What will our country do if we don't have enough clowns?
I am sensing a new career opportunity. :)
(Postscript: This is about traditional clowns -- not those of the political sort.)
Monday, February 17, 2014
Our Holiday
Breakfast with our breakfast buddies.
Breaking Bad marathon. (18 episodes down; 44 to go.)
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Our Delightful Visitors
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"No, Tia, I do not want to smile right now." |
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"Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" |
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"What are YOU looking at?" |
Saturday, February 15, 2014
No Words....
This has been quite the day.
Lew and I went to a memorial service this morning for our dear Emily's maternal grandmother. We didn't know "Nannie" very well, but her beautiful legacy lives on in her lovely granddaughter. Rest in Peace, Nannie!
By the time we arrived home, it was snowing in full force. But now (a few hours later) it's coming down in even greater force. It's supposed to snow all night. It's been quite the winter. Too. Much. Snow.
I titled this post "No Words...." because I can't adequately describe an exchange I had with someone late this afternoon. And I am allowed "no words" now anyway, because the person blocked me on Facebook! (That is always a great way to clear up misunderstandings.... NOT!) I am at peace with my own part in this, so I will rest in that. Nothing more I can do.
Lew and I topped off our day with a Tom Selleck movie, and now it's time for some quiet reading.
This really has been quite the day.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Back In the Game
After my cold-like illness, I do believe I am back to my normal self. (And, YES, I did leave the house on Wednesday!)
Yesterday I did my parents' income taxes. I electronically filed them, and the returns have already been accepted by the taxing authorities. Gotta hand it to modern technology -- in this instance anyway.
Below is one of my big accomplishments for today.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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12-by-12 Sudoku puzzle |
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Dad 188: More Snow, No Eating, & TV Oldies
(I added the parenthetical remark after Dad's use of the word "positive" below. It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode when George learns his results are negative. LOL!! Enjoy Dad's post.~ Tracy)
The experts tell us another storm will drop up to another foot of snow over the next couple days. The last storm (a couple days ago) was projected for up to 2 inches, but it was about 6 inches when the storm finally left us. I hope this storm is not going to double or triple the projected snowfall. One thing in our favor: We are halfway through February! Thank goodness!
So much for the weather.
Well, it is that time of year again. Tomorrow I have my yearly doctor's appointment for blood work. There will be no eating after dinner until after the doctor's office draws blood. Then I'll return a couple weeks later to hear the results. Hopefully all will be positive (as in "good"). I'll keep you posted. The older I get has me doing things on a yearly basis over and over and over. You get the idea? I guess it is a necessity of life. It seems to be working so I'll keep doing it. Seems like a good idea!
I think over the past few weeks Spouse and I have watched hundreds of old shows, namely Bonanza and Gunsmoke. I'm sure we had seen most of them when we were much younger. These shows are around 40 years old. It is my opinion that these old shows are a cut above most network shows in today's listings. Think about it!
I think I'm supposed to be brief today. Sooo – I'm done!!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
A Proclamation
I have not left the house in four days.
But I do think that I have done what is necessary to beat whatever this illness is (some sort of cold).
I'm not sure if it works this way, but I am proclaiming tomorrow as "fully healthy" day. And I plan to function as such.
Again, I'm not sure it works this way.... We'll know soon enough.
Prayers are welcome!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Thank You Very Much
Sometimes modern technology is detrimental to society, but not today....
For today our Federal income tax refund was electronically deposited into our checking account.
One week turn-around from filing to receipt of refund. Not bad.
Thank you, U.S. Treasury, for returning to us what is rightfully ours. And you did so in a timely fashion!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
A Screeching Halt
This cold has really zapped my energy. We decided that we wouldn't subject our church family to my germs today.
I slept until 9:00 am then stumbled downstairs to a wonderful breakfast prepared by my husband.
We watched "Turning Point with David Jeremiah" to get a little preachin' on this fine Sunday.
Somehow it is almost 3:00 pm. Lew is about to dish up some spaghetti for me.
I really don't understand how this day could be going so quickly while I myself am dragging.... One of the great mysteries of life, I guess.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
New Olympic Events?
Nose Running. I believe I could take the gold medal! But perhaps a box of tissues should be the first-place prize.
Channel Surfing. While Lew was out for breakfast this morning, I decided to start training for this. (I did not attend breakfast; see above.) I watched the last five minutes of a Hallmark movie, saw some wrestling, learned how my Sleep Number bed was made, and discovered that Saturday morning cartoons just aren't what they used to be. I accomplished all of this in about 15 minutes! Still, I will never be as proficient a surfer as my husband.
Page Flipping. Paper pages? Virtual pages? No matter. I would rule!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Because It's Friday...
Happy Birthday to Emily!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
My Winter Olympics Preview
I used to enjoy the figure skating, but I no longer like the subjective nature of it.
I don't ski at all, and I find watching a person ski down a hill to be somewhat tedious.
And snowboarding? Um, I'm not excited about that one at all. I think I may be too old to appreciate it. Or at least too much of a fuddy-duddy.
The opening ceremony isn't until tomorrow night. Actually, it begins at 11:00 a.m. EST, but won't be aired by NBC until primetime. I dislike the tape-delay aspect of the Olympics. I don't care that much about the opening ceremony, but it's a disappointment for the sporting events. (Perhaps some events will be aired live on the different NBC cable networks, but I don't know. I haven't researched the time difference yet.)
I do hope to watch some of the curling. It looks like a sport that I could maybe even do myself. But I probably won't ever try it. (Fuddy-duddy.)
I greatly prefer the Summer Olympics.
And that is all I have to say about that. For now.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Dad 187: Snow Day Activities
(The snow is really coming down. So thankful to have a warm, cozy home. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Coming to you from the great, snowy Northeast. Another snow day for all area schools. Supposed to snow from around 6:00 AM until sometime tonight. I think I'll go out and plow late this afternoon. Will then clean up the snow areas tomorrow while the sun is out. Then we'll be ready for another storm predicted for Sunday night into Monday. (Good news! One week in February will be over by the weekend. March will be with us very soon! Not soon enough for some of us!)
Well, I must make a brief comment on the not-so-Super Bowl. My comment is simply, "I'm glad it's over." Wanted Denver to win but saw early on this would not happen. Congratulations to Seattle. They have one fine team.
The best Super Bowl comment I heard was on Facebook. Someone was asked what they watched on television after the game was over. Their response is classic: "I watched the second half."
I must admit I don't like all the buildup to the game and I don't watch it. I never watch the halftime show either. In fact, I watched "Hee Haw" on RFD.
Upon hearing the forecast for a storm today, I made out my activity calendar for the day. I'm right on schedule. First, I planned on cleaning out the pooperia (my name for Pepper's litter box). Then I decided I'd vacuum our abode. Third on my list was writing this blog post. Well, now I've almost caught up. So far, so good!
My next order of business will be a tuna fish lunch with Pepper. Shortly after this I'll do my 30 minutes on the evil elliptical machine. After cleaning up from this horrible experience, I'll spend the rest of my day cleaning up the snow areas. Tomorrow will be the real clean up day. Happy Plowing!
My mother always used to say that once February arrived winter was almost over. I guess this made an impression on me because I feel the same way about winter. Short month – spring will be here before you know it. I hope!
Sooo long for now!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Anticipating a Snow Day
Monday, February 3, 2014
My Super Bowl Highlights
Favorite Moment. The National Anthem. A beautiful, respectful performance by Renee Fleming.
Favorite Commercial. Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "A Hero's Welcome"
(Although I still won't be purchasing any beer.)
Favorite Part of the Half-Time Show. The end.
Best Wearing of Fur. Joe Namath. He ticked PETA off.
Funniest Moment. Joe Namath. He was too early with the coin toss. (The referee should have gotten the heads/tails call before handing Joe the coin, but it's still way more fun to blame it on Broadway Joe.)
Best Competition of the Night. My friend's office pool. (She won the fourth quarter!) I was closely following her Facebook comments. Much more interesting than the football game.
Favorite Joke. (Paraphrase of something I saw on Twitter).
When asked, "What did you watch after the Super Bowl was over?"
he replied, "The second half."
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
~ Hans Hoffman