Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You say Goggle, I say Google

Yesterday Lew and I were talking about something -- I can't remember what -- and he said, "Well, I'll have to Goggle it."


I asked him, "You do know that it's GOO-gle, right?"

L:  "Yes.... It's just more fun to say GOG-gle."

T:  "Even if it irritates your wife?"

L:  "It irritates you?  If it irritates you, then I won't do it anymore!"

T:  "Well, I guess it doesn't irritate me... it just makes you sound ignorant. It's kind of like the 'Boy Who Cried Wolf.'  How am I supposed to know when you are ignorant about something?"

L:  "Ohhhh.... You want to know when I'm really being stupid!"


(Postscript:  LOL!)

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